diff --git a/arkindex/client.py b/arkindex/client.py
index 31567a2e1b55f89a77f8aeb7ac653f2682b027f7..4f4657966e2161dba725917e55f213db5ca71619 100644
--- a/arkindex/client.py
+++ b/arkindex/client.py
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Arkindex API Client
 import os
 import apistar
 import logging
+import warnings
 import yaml
 from arkindex.auth import TokenSessionAuthentication
 from arkindex.pagination import ResponsePaginator
@@ -33,6 +34,14 @@ def options_from_env():
     return options
+def _find_operation(schema, operation_id):
+    for path_object in schema['paths'].values():
+        for operation in path_object.values():
+            if operation['operationId'] == operation_id:
+                return operation
+    raise KeyError("Operation '{}' not found".format(operation_id))
 class ArkindexClient(apistar.Client):
     An Arkindex API client.
@@ -52,8 +61,16 @@ class ArkindexClient(apistar.Client):
             schema = yaml.safe_load(f.read())
         super().__init__(schema, **kwargs)
-        # Remove domains from each endpoint; allows APIStar to properly handle our base URL
+        # Post-processing of the parsed schema
         for link_info in self.document.walk_links():
+            # Look for deprecated links
+            # https://github.com/encode/apistar/issues/664
+            operation = _find_operation(schema, link_info.link.name)
+            link_info.link.deprecated = operation.get('deprecated', False)
+            # Remove domains from each endpoint; allows APIStar to properly handle our base URL
+            # https://github.com/encode/apistar/issues/657
             original_url = urlsplit(link_info.link.url)
             # Removes the scheme and netloc
             new_url = ('', '', *original_url[2:])
@@ -110,16 +127,19 @@ class ArkindexClient(apistar.Client):
             self.transport.session.auth.token = resp['auth_token']
         return resp
-    def request(self, *args, **kwargs):
+    def request(self, operation_id, *args, **kwargs):
         Perform an API request.
         :param args: Arguments passed to the APIStar client.
         :param kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the APIStar client.
+        link = self.lookup_operation(operation_id)
+        if link.deprecated:
+            warnings.warn("Endpoint '{}' is deprecated.".format(operation_id), DeprecationWarning)
         if self.sleep_duration:
             logger.debug('Delaying request by {:f} seconds...'.format(self.sleep_duration))
-        return super().request(*args, **kwargs)
+        return super().request(operation_id, *args, **kwargs)
     def custom_request(self, operation_id, content=None, encoding='text/plain', **params):
@@ -136,6 +156,8 @@ class ArkindexClient(apistar.Client):
         url = self.get_url(link, params)
         query_params = self.get_query_params(link, params)
+        if link.deprecated:
+            warnings.warn("Endpoint '{}' is deprecated.".format(operation_id), DeprecationWarning)
         if self.sleep_duration:
             logger.debug('Delaying request by {:f} seconds...'.format(self.sleep_duration))