diff --git a/arkindex/documents/admin.py b/arkindex/documents/admin.py
index 08c25f69157993ba341f3d822f53f8b64e0cb2fd..1375921632ed67df5c8e8e20cb7dcbc3d79557f4 100644
--- a/arkindex/documents/admin.py
+++ b/arkindex/documents/admin.py
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ from arkindex.documents.models import (
-    EntityLink,
-    EntityRole,
@@ -135,29 +133,15 @@ class EntityMetaForm(forms.ModelForm):
     metas = HStoreFormField()
-class EntityLinkInLine(admin.TabularInline):
-    model = EntityLink
-    fk_name = "parent"
-    raw_id_fields = ("child", )
 class EntityAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
     list_display = ("id", "name", "type")
     list_filter = ["corpus", "type"]
     readonly_fields = ("id", )
     raw_id_fields = ("worker_version", "worker_run", )
     search_fields = ("name", )
-    inlines = (EntityLinkInLine, )
     form = EntityMetaForm
-class EntityRoleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
-    list_display = ("id", "corpus", "parent_name", "child_name")
-    list_filter = ("corpus", )
-    readonly_fields = ("id", )
-    ordering = ("corpus", "parent_name", "child_name")
 class EntityTypeAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
     list_display = ("id", "corpus", "name", "color")
     list_filter = ("corpus", )
@@ -180,7 +164,6 @@ admin.site.register(Transcription, TranscriptionAdmin)
 admin.site.register(MLClass, MLClassAdmin)
 admin.site.register(MetaData, MetaDataAdmin)
 admin.site.register(Entity, EntityAdmin)
-admin.site.register(EntityRole, EntityRoleAdmin)
 admin.site.register(EntityType, EntityTypeAdmin)
 admin.site.register(AllowedMetaData, AllowedMetaDataAdmin)
 admin.site.register(CorpusExport, CorpusExportAdmin)
diff --git a/arkindex/documents/api/entities.py b/arkindex/documents/api/entities.py
index c69829072476e8ab0ecde0cc193aef4c39b958b5..3ccb5c87990d5321f9d293ced2a8f6b750348c59 100644
--- a/arkindex/documents/api/entities.py
+++ b/arkindex/documents/api/entities.py
@@ -3,32 +3,18 @@ from textwrap import dedent
 from uuid import UUID
 from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError as DjangoValidationError
-from django.db.models import Q
 from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
-from drf_spectacular.utils import OpenApiExample, OpenApiParameter, OpenApiResponse, extend_schema, extend_schema_view
+from drf_spectacular.utils import OpenApiParameter, OpenApiResponse, extend_schema, extend_schema_view
 from rest_framework import permissions, serializers, status
 from rest_framework.exceptions import NotFound, PermissionDenied, ValidationError
-from rest_framework.generics import CreateAPIView, ListAPIView, ListCreateAPIView, RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView
+from rest_framework.generics import CreateAPIView, ListAPIView, RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView
 from rest_framework.response import Response
-from arkindex.documents.models import (
-    Corpus,
-    Element,
-    Entity,
-    EntityLink,
-    EntityRole,
-    EntityType,
-    Transcription,
-    TranscriptionEntity,
+from arkindex.documents.models import Corpus, Element, Entity, EntityType, Transcription, TranscriptionEntity
 from arkindex.documents.serializers.elements import ElementTinySerializer
 from arkindex.documents.serializers.entities import (
-    CreateEntityRoleErrorResponseSerializer,
-    EntityLinkCreateSerializer,
-    EntityLinkSerializer,
-    EntityRoleSerializer,
@@ -44,53 +30,6 @@ from arkindex.project.permissions import IsVerified, IsVerifiedOrReadOnly
 from arkindex.users.models import Role
-    get=extend_schema(operation_id="ListCorpusRoles", description="List all roles of a corpus"),
-    post=extend_schema(
-        description="Create a new entity role",
-        responses={
-            200: EntityRoleSerializer,
-            400: CreateEntityRoleErrorResponseSerializer
-        },
-        examples=[OpenApiExample(
-            status_codes=["400"],
-            response_only=True,
-            name="role-exists",
-            value={"id": "55cd009d-cd4b-4ec2-a475-b060f98f9138", "corpus": ["Role already exists in this corpus"]},
-            description="Role already exists."
-        )]
-    )
-class CorpusRoles(CorpusACLMixin, ListCreateAPIView):
-    """
-    List all roles in a corpus
-    """
-    permission_classes = (IsVerifiedOrReadOnly, )
-    serializer_class = EntityRoleSerializer
-    queryset = EntityRole.objects.none()
-    def get_queryset(self):
-        return EntityRole.objects \
-            .filter(corpus=self.get_corpus(self.kwargs["pk"])) \
-            .order_by("parent_name", "child_name")
-    def perform_create(self, serializer):
-        data = self.request.data
-        if EntityRole.objects.filter(
-            parent_name=data["parent_name"],
-            child_name=data["child_name"],
-            parent_type=data["parent_type_id"],
-            child_type=data["child_type_id"],
-            corpus_id=self.request.parser_context["kwargs"]["pk"]
-        ).exists():
-            raise serializers.ValidationError({
-                "corpus": ["Role already exists in this corpus"],
-                "id": self.request.parser_context["kwargs"]["pk"]
-            })
-        super().perform_create(serializer)
     get=extend_schema(operation_id="ListCorpusEntityTypes", description="List all entity types in a corpus"),
@@ -173,8 +112,6 @@ class EntityTypeUpdate(ACLMixin, RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView):
     def perform_destroy(self, instance):
         if instance.entities.exists():
             raise ValidationError({"detail": ["Some entities are using this entity type."]})
-        if EntityRole.objects.filter(Q(parent_type_id=instance.id) | Q(child_type_id=instance.id)).exists():
-            raise ValidationError({"detail": ["Some entity roles are using this entity type."]})
@@ -196,14 +133,6 @@ class EntityDetails(ACLMixin, RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView):
             .select_related("corpus", "type") \
             .filter(corpus__in=Corpus.objects.readable(self.request.user)) \
-                "parents__role__parent_type",
-                "parents__role__child_type",
-                "children__role__parent_type",
-                "children__role__child_type",
-                "parents__child__type",
-                "parents__parent__type",
-                "children__parent__type",
-                "children__child__type",
@@ -307,15 +236,6 @@ class EntityCreate(CreateAPIView):
         return Response(entity.data, status=status_code, headers=headers)
-@extend_schema_view(post=extend_schema(operation_id="CreateEntityLink", tags=["entities"]))
-class EntityLinkCreate(CreateAPIView):
-    """
-    Create a new link between two entities with a role
-    """
-    permission_classes = (IsVerified, )
-    serializer_class = EntityLinkCreateSerializer
@@ -519,41 +439,6 @@ class CorpusEntities(CorpusACLMixin, ListAPIView):
         return queryset
-@extend_schema_view(get=extend_schema(operation_id="ListElementLinks", tags=["entities"]))
-class ElementLinks(CorpusACLMixin, ListAPIView):
-    """
-    List all links where parent and child are linked to the element.\n\n
-    Requires a **guest** access to the element corpus
-    """
-    serializer_class = EntityLinkSerializer
-    def get_queryset(self):
-        try:
-            element = Element.objects.select_related("corpus").only("id", "corpus").get(id=self.kwargs["pk"])
-        except Element.DoesNotExist:
-            raise NotFound
-        if not self.has_read_access(element.corpus):
-            raise PermissionDenied(detail="You do not have access to this element.")
-        # Load entities linked by transcriptions
-        entities_tr = Entity.objects.filter(transcriptions__element_id=element.id).prefetch_related("transcriptions")
-        # Load entities linked by metadatas
-        entities_meta = Entity.objects.filter(metadatas__element_id=element.id).prefetch_related("metadatas")
-        # Now load all links belonging to those entities
-        # It's several times faster to combine the queries in the final one
-        # than combining them at the lower level (entities is slower than entities_tr + entities_meta)
-        # We need to support cross references between transcriptions & metadata entities
-        return EntityLink.objects.filter(
-            Q(parent__in=entities_tr, child__in=entities_tr)
-            | Q(parent__in=entities_tr, child__in=entities_meta)
-            | Q(parent__in=entities_meta, child__in=entities_tr)
-            | Q(parent__in=entities_meta, child__in=entities_meta)
-        ).select_related("role", "child__type", "parent__type").order_by("parent__name")
diff --git a/arkindex/documents/export/__init__.py b/arkindex/documents/export/__init__.py
index df872fcbc30b74146e275906a9ef44d90987db46..7e760e08562c5d84a7fbb2748e5ebd58c6eacfc2 100644
--- a/arkindex/documents/export/__init__.py
+++ b/arkindex/documents/export/__init__.py
@@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ EXPORT_QUERIES = [
-    "entity_role",
-    "entity_link",
diff --git a/arkindex/documents/export/entity_link.sql b/arkindex/documents/export/entity_link.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index 443f12374d48c43a0ff29ac9982e2dc315549988..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/arkindex/documents/export/entity_link.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-SELECT link.id, link.parent_id, link.child_id, link.role_id
-FROM documents_entitylink link
-INNER JOIN documents_entityrole role ON (link.role_id = role.id)
-WHERE role.corpus_id = '{corpus_id}'::uuid
diff --git a/arkindex/documents/export/entity_role.sql b/arkindex/documents/export/entity_role.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index c589f15dde662122503401777f4d6924aafbf9df..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/arkindex/documents/export/entity_role.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-SELECT id, parent_name, child_name, parent_type_id, child_type_id
-FROM documents_entityrole
-WHERE corpus_id = '{corpus_id}'::uuid
diff --git a/arkindex/documents/export/indexes.sql b/arkindex/documents/export/indexes.sql
index 67691d9078634dba18c5f53102e3da242ff9a910..dc75e7cfc1244555d274b6d1c7b16268d65a231d 100644
--- a/arkindex/documents/export/indexes.sql
+++ b/arkindex/documents/export/indexes.sql
@@ -26,13 +26,6 @@ CREATE INDEX transcription_entity_entity_id ON transcription_entity (entity_id);
 CREATE INDEX transcription_entity_worker_version_id ON transcription_entity (worker_version_id);
 CREATE INDEX transcription_entity_worker_run_id ON transcription_entity (worker_run_id);
-CREATE INDEX entity_link_parent_id ON entity_link (parent_id);
-CREATE INDEX entity_link_child_id ON entity_link (child_id);
-CREATE INDEX entity_link_role_id ON entity_link (role_id);
-CREATE INDEX entity_role_parent_type_id ON entity_role (parent_type_id);
-CREATE INDEX entity_role_child_type_id ON entity_role (child_type_id);
 CREATE INDEX metadata_element_id ON metadata (element_id);
 CREATE INDEX metadata_entity_id ON metadata (entity_id);
 CREATE INDEX metadata_worker_version_id ON metadata (worker_version_id);
diff --git a/arkindex/documents/export/structure.sql b/arkindex/documents/export/structure.sql
index 17cb8cf97e504bee7c25c9693059d98fe174afde..3676a26f39fec4dc0c3bc49d1450821f2fb84e5a 100644
--- a/arkindex/documents/export/structure.sql
+++ b/arkindex/documents/export/structure.sql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;
-CREATE TABLE export_version AS SELECT 8 AS version;
+CREATE TABLE export_version AS SELECT 9 AS version;
 CREATE TABLE image_server (
@@ -168,29 +168,6 @@ CREATE TABLE transcription_entity (
     CHECK (worker_run_id IS NULL OR worker_version_id IS NOT NULL)
-CREATE TABLE entity_role (
-    id VARCHAR(37) NOT NULL,
-    parent_name VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL,
-    child_name VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL,
-    parent_type_id VARCHAR(37) NOT NULL,
-    child_type_id VARCHAR(37) NOT NULL,
-    PRIMARY KEY (id),
-    FOREIGN KEY (parent_type_id) REFERENCES entity_type (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
-    FOREIGN KEY (child_type_id) REFERENCES entity_type (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
-    UNIQUE (parent_name, child_name, parent_type_id, child_type_id)
-CREATE TABLE entity_link (
-    id VARCHAR(37) NOT NULL,
-    parent_id VARCHAR(37) NOT NULL,
-    child_id VARCHAR(37) NOT NULL,
-    role_id VARCHAR(37) NOT NULL,
-    PRIMARY KEY (id),
-    FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES entity (id),
-    FOREIGN KEY (child_id) REFERENCES entity (id),
-    FOREIGN KEY (role_id) REFERENCES entity_role (id)
 CREATE TABLE metadata (
     id VARCHAR(37) NOT NULL,
     element_id VARCHAR(37) NOT NULL,
diff --git a/arkindex/documents/fixtures/data.json b/arkindex/documents/fixtures/data.json
index 4702afccc3d4485403b3cfff8be3e4152ff07a74..409f2ef8dbf82d5b5f3d1cbe5ff7c3cdc698299f 100644
--- a/arkindex/documents/fixtures/data.json
+++ b/arkindex/documents/fixtures/data.json
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
     "model": "process.process",
-    "pk": "9f2362e7-9e74-431a-8c5f-7a54a43fd5a8",
+    "pk": "3b0e2619-b37b-4b50-be6b-09139ba1b623",
     "fields": {
         "created": "2020-02-02T01:23:45.678Z",
         "updated": "2020-02-02T01:23:45.678Z",
-        "name": "Process fixture",
-        "creator": 2,
-        "corpus": "206d6f86-a96c-4fd7-a097-0e5fa82de5d3",
-        "mode": "workers",
+        "name": null,
+        "creator": 1,
+        "corpus": null,
+        "mode": "local",
         "activity_state": "disabled",
         "started": null,
         "finished": null,
-        "farm": "dd6f9265-24cf-4773-9e61-a42853278337",
+        "farm": null,
         "element": null,
         "folder_type": null,
         "element_type": null,
@@ -30,12 +30,12 @@
     "model": "process.process",
-    "pk": "ca34111d-1329-4b71-b322-688239e27b33",
+    "pk": "bc123d15-5ee7-4c81-9d36-5488101dff32",
     "fields": {
         "created": "2020-02-02T01:23:45.678Z",
         "updated": "2020-02-02T01:23:45.678Z",
         "name": null,
-        "creator": 1,
+        "creator": 2,
         "corpus": null,
         "mode": "local",
         "activity_state": "disabled",
@@ -59,18 +59,18 @@
     "model": "process.process",
-    "pk": "de1be14d-6a0c-4229-8d45-886c03cd8781",
+    "pk": "dac9a8c6-f2a0-4cc6-8c57-f9c792fc9ee4",
     "fields": {
         "created": "2020-02-02T01:23:45.678Z",
         "updated": "2020-02-02T01:23:45.678Z",
-        "name": null,
+        "name": "Process fixture",
         "creator": 2,
-        "corpus": null,
-        "mode": "local",
+        "corpus": "16490023-f435-4357-89dd-ee718950e3e2",
+        "mode": "workers",
         "activity_state": "disabled",
         "started": null,
         "finished": null,
-        "farm": null,
+        "farm": "fc06b115-5d20-4cdf-950a-94932e668d8f",
         "element": null,
         "folder_type": null,
         "element_type": null,
@@ -88,25 +88,25 @@
     "model": "process.repository",
-    "pk": "14f8f60b-d8ae-44a1-a45e-91ce272f4879",
+    "pk": "3d56bef6-3935-47c4-a355-aa187a245c71",
     "fields": {
         "url": "http://my_repo.fake/workers/worker"
     "model": "process.repository",
-    "pk": "570e432a-870a-491a-b877-6acf8f864e19",
+    "pk": "f57ce63e-3355-427a-a09c-6c0ab65e3777",
     "fields": {
         "url": "http://gitlab/repo"
     "model": "process.revision",
-    "pk": "11f73350-e6c8-452b-ac17-1dd07940f6b0",
+    "pk": "38c3c11f-f24b-4ce3-a450-ec2c848ac089",
     "fields": {
         "created": "2020-02-02T01:23:45.678Z",
         "updated": "2020-02-02T01:23:45.678Z",
-        "repo": "570e432a-870a-491a-b877-6acf8f864e19",
+        "repo": "f57ce63e-3355-427a-a09c-6c0ab65e3777",
         "hash": "42",
         "message": "Salve",
         "author": "Some user"
@@ -114,11 +114,11 @@
     "model": "process.revision",
-    "pk": "76215c8a-9b35-4e69-97cd-2a363c471139",
+    "pk": "585d8da9-75ef-4772-a397-1234423861bc",
     "fields": {
         "created": "2020-02-02T01:23:45.678Z",
         "updated": "2020-02-02T01:23:45.678Z",
-        "repo": "14f8f60b-d8ae-44a1-a45e-91ce272f4879",
+        "repo": "3d56bef6-3935-47c4-a355-aa187a245c71",
         "hash": "1337",
         "message": "My w0rk3r",
         "author": "Test user"
@@ -126,180 +126,180 @@
     "model": "process.worker",
-    "pk": "3d08cae6-8246-43a8-995c-46b12d319cca",
+    "pk": "36cb7853-c8e4-4907-982a-4417f784de01",
     "fields": {
-        "name": "Custom worker",
-        "slug": "custom",
-        "type": "96d9c3ce-557e-4156-8a34-02e2dd500f2e",
+        "name": "Worker requiring a GPU",
+        "slug": "worker-gpu",
+        "type": "42800df6-f589-4211-8eca-160492de7335",
         "description": "",
-        "repository": null,
+        "repository": "3d56bef6-3935-47c4-a355-aa187a245c71",
         "public": false,
         "archived": null
     "model": "process.worker",
-    "pk": "487638f7-b88d-43a7-87c5-5523ec27374a",
+    "pk": "4000a3c6-f0dc-44dd-ad59-18c27c8fc5c4",
     "fields": {
-        "name": "Generic worker with a Model",
-        "slug": "generic",
-        "type": "e9e38b3b-ca1a-439f-9e4f-30b14bc3ce75",
+        "name": "Recognizer",
+        "slug": "reco",
+        "type": "6ab037d7-a2c7-4cb0-bb2e-f57ba02c7950",
         "description": "",
-        "repository": "14f8f60b-d8ae-44a1-a45e-91ce272f4879",
+        "repository": "3d56bef6-3935-47c4-a355-aa187a245c71",
         "public": false,
         "archived": null
     "model": "process.worker",
-    "pk": "551f23ce-09d1-40f4-aec1-b8ed5fbc234f",
+    "pk": "5bee1c73-32e3-432b-a953-56f8859a9c77",
     "fields": {
-        "name": "File import",
-        "slug": "file_import",
-        "type": "7c005c72-ea87-4226-b299-f42cb217550e",
+        "name": "Generic worker with a Model",
+        "slug": "generic",
+        "type": "6ab037d7-a2c7-4cb0-bb2e-f57ba02c7950",
         "description": "",
-        "repository": "14f8f60b-d8ae-44a1-a45e-91ce272f4879",
+        "repository": "3d56bef6-3935-47c4-a355-aa187a245c71",
         "public": false,
         "archived": null
     "model": "process.worker",
-    "pk": "958117cd-f5b7-49e7-80dd-872d26af6367",
+    "pk": "80aec27d-c6ee-43ef-9094-e49e8523d921",
     "fields": {
-        "name": "Worker requiring a GPU",
-        "slug": "worker-gpu",
-        "type": "8f637bcd-038f-46ac-b727-1235a7d59134",
+        "name": "File import",
+        "slug": "file_import",
+        "type": "80ccac23-9a82-4d34-b068-f5232163c8da",
         "description": "",
-        "repository": "14f8f60b-d8ae-44a1-a45e-91ce272f4879",
+        "repository": "3d56bef6-3935-47c4-a355-aa187a245c71",
         "public": false,
         "archived": null
     "model": "process.worker",
-    "pk": "a2b24ca6-c4b0-4867-bae2-fcf9e7135032",
+    "pk": "b39c54b7-fefa-406d-acf8-db667ba41b97",
     "fields": {
         "name": "Document layout analyser",
         "slug": "dla",
-        "type": "76f9adf0-2fb7-4ebe-9ae8-ed7535407bdd",
+        "type": "996b72f8-ff36-4837-8a98-b4f2fbf5fef1",
         "description": "",
-        "repository": "14f8f60b-d8ae-44a1-a45e-91ce272f4879",
+        "repository": "3d56bef6-3935-47c4-a355-aa187a245c71",
         "public": false,
         "archived": null
     "model": "process.worker",
-    "pk": "b7b4f769-4ccb-4b1e-a701-280ba8013e0b",
+    "pk": "da144682-c6e2-420b-8eb2-f0318994a401",
     "fields": {
-        "name": "Recognizer",
-        "slug": "reco",
-        "type": "e9e38b3b-ca1a-439f-9e4f-30b14bc3ce75",
+        "name": "Custom worker",
+        "slug": "custom",
+        "type": "eadd1903-dd57-43cd-aca7-c1c47d33bb05",
         "description": "",
-        "repository": "14f8f60b-d8ae-44a1-a45e-91ce272f4879",
+        "repository": null,
         "public": false,
         "archived": null
     "model": "process.workertype",
-    "pk": "76f9adf0-2fb7-4ebe-9ae8-ed7535407bdd",
+    "pk": "42800df6-f589-4211-8eca-160492de7335",
     "fields": {
         "created": "2020-02-02T01:23:45.678Z",
         "updated": "2020-02-02T01:23:45.678Z",
-        "slug": "dla",
-        "display_name": "Document Layout Analysis"
+        "slug": "worker",
+        "display_name": "Worker requiring a GPU"
     "model": "process.workertype",
-    "pk": "7c005c72-ea87-4226-b299-f42cb217550e",
+    "pk": "6ab037d7-a2c7-4cb0-bb2e-f57ba02c7950",
     "fields": {
         "created": "2020-02-02T01:23:45.678Z",
         "updated": "2020-02-02T01:23:45.678Z",
-        "slug": "import",
-        "display_name": "Import"
+        "slug": "recognizer",
+        "display_name": "Recognizer"
     "model": "process.workertype",
-    "pk": "8f637bcd-038f-46ac-b727-1235a7d59134",
+    "pk": "80ccac23-9a82-4d34-b068-f5232163c8da",
     "fields": {
         "created": "2020-02-02T01:23:45.678Z",
         "updated": "2020-02-02T01:23:45.678Z",
-        "slug": "worker",
-        "display_name": "Worker requiring a GPU"
+        "slug": "import",
+        "display_name": "Import"
     "model": "process.workertype",
-    "pk": "96d9c3ce-557e-4156-8a34-02e2dd500f2e",
+    "pk": "996b72f8-ff36-4837-8a98-b4f2fbf5fef1",
     "fields": {
         "created": "2020-02-02T01:23:45.678Z",
         "updated": "2020-02-02T01:23:45.678Z",
-        "slug": "custom",
-        "display_name": "Custom"
+        "slug": "dla",
+        "display_name": "Document Layout Analysis"
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@@ -396,14 +396,14 @@
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+    "pk": "52bcb794-1160-4bb4-b8b9-cf37490eb94c",
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-        "summary": "Worker Document layout analyser @ 89cdf4",
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         "created": "2020-02-02T01:23:45.678Z",
         "updated": "2020-02-02T01:23:45.678Z",
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@@ -411,14 +411,14 @@
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+    "pk": "58808d2d-23a0-45b5-bc21-2df37067069d",
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+        "parents": "[\"3b33b369-c75e-4e20-bce1-af98f5f2431c\"]",
         "configuration": null,
-        "summary": "Worker Recognizer @ e14c27",
+        "summary": "Worker Recognizer @ f1369e",
         "created": "2020-02-02T01:23:45.678Z",
         "updated": "2020-02-02T01:23:45.678Z",
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@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@
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diff --git a/arkindex/documents/management/commands/load_export.py b/arkindex/documents/management/commands/load_export.py
index b7ac5a68994f8b603855fa8262467b3b07210317..bc86530c4cec56e8b2d6a45329bb7009ed5e5933 100644
--- a/arkindex/documents/management/commands/load_export.py
+++ b/arkindex/documents/management/commands/load_export.py
@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ from arkindex.documents.models import (
-    EntityLink,
-    EntityRole,
@@ -40,7 +38,7 @@ from arkindex.process.models import (
 from arkindex.training.models import Dataset, DatasetElement, DatasetSet, Model
 from arkindex.users.models import Role, User
@@ -52,8 +50,6 @@ TABLE_NAMES = {
-    "entity_role",
-    "entity_link",
@@ -132,8 +128,6 @@ SQL_TOP_LEVEL_PATH_QUERY = """
@@ -249,24 +243,6 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
-    def convert_entity_roles(self, row):
-        return [EntityRole(
-            id=row["id"],
-            parent_name=row["parent_name"],
-            child_name=row["child_name"],
-            parent_type_id=row["parent_type_id"],
-            child_type_id=row["child_type_id"],
-            corpus=self.corpus
-        )]
-    def convert_entity_links(self, row):
-        return [EntityLink(
-            id=row["id"],
-            parent_id=row["parent_id"],
-            child_id=row["child_id"],
-            role_id=row["role_id"],
-        )]
     def convert_transcriptions(self, row):
         return [Transcription(
@@ -597,11 +573,9 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
             self.bulk_create_objects(ElementPath, self.convert_element_paths, SQL_ELEMENT_PATH_QUERY, ignore_conflicts=False)
             self.bulk_create_objects(ElementPath, self.convert_top_level_paths, SQL_TOP_LEVEL_PATH_QUERY, ignore_conflicts=False)
-            # Create entities, entity types, roles and links
+            # Create entities and entity types
             self.bulk_create_objects(EntityType, self.convert_entity_types, SQL_ENTITY_TYPE_QUERY)
             self.bulk_create_objects(Entity, self.convert_entities, SQL_ENTITY_QUERY)
-            self.bulk_create_objects(EntityRole, self.convert_entity_roles, SQL_ENTITY_ROLE_QUERY)
-            self.bulk_create_objects(EntityLink, self.convert_entity_links, SQL_ENTITY_LINK_QUERY)
             # Create transcriptions and transcription entities
             self.bulk_create_objects(Transcription, self.convert_transcriptions, SQL_TRANSCRIPTION_QUERY)
diff --git a/arkindex/documents/management/commands/merge_entities.py b/arkindex/documents/management/commands/merge_entities.py
index 0c5c914ec278f999580bdc9d106afd74a44db084..a7e3ab60164a0463e31a4678c1a76c30139e6847 100644
--- a/arkindex/documents/management/commands/merge_entities.py
+++ b/arkindex/documents/management/commands/merge_entities.py
@@ -135,24 +135,6 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
             self.stdout.write(f"Updated {cursor.rowcount} TranscriptionEntities.")
-            self.stdout.write("Updating child entity IDs on entity links…")
-            cursor.execute("""
-            UPDATE documents_entitylink
-            SET child_id = keep_id
-            FROM duplicated_entities
-            WHERE child_id = remove_id;
-            """)
-            self.stdout.write(f"Updated {cursor.rowcount} entity links.")
-            self.stdout.write("Updating parent entity IDs on entity links…")
-            cursor.execute("""
-            UPDATE documents_entitylink
-            SET parent_id = keep_id
-            FROM duplicated_entities
-            WHERE parent_id = remove_id;
-            """)
-            self.stdout.write(f"Updated {cursor.rowcount} entity links.")
             self.stdout.write("Removing duplicate entities…")
             DELETE FROM documents_entity
diff --git a/arkindex/documents/migrations/0010_delete_entityrole_entitylink.py b/arkindex/documents/migrations/0010_delete_entityrole_entitylink.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..95ec3787855ce5df7ae23e23a3406cc22e3f8c06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arkindex/documents/migrations/0010_delete_entityrole_entitylink.py
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Generated by Django 4.1.7 on 2024-04-15 12:36
+from django.db import migrations
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+    dependencies = [
+        ("documents", "0009_corpusexport_source"),
+    ]
+    operations = [
+        migrations.AlterUniqueTogether(
+            name="entityrole",
+            unique_together=None,
+        ),
+        migrations.RemoveField(
+            model_name="entityrole",
+            name="child_type",
+        ),
+        migrations.RemoveField(
+            model_name="entityrole",
+            name="corpus",
+        ),
+        migrations.RemoveField(
+            model_name="entityrole",
+            name="parent_type",
+        ),
+        migrations.DeleteModel(
+            name="EntityLink",
+        ),
+        migrations.DeleteModel(
+            name="EntityRole",
+        ),
+    ]
diff --git a/arkindex/documents/models.py b/arkindex/documents/models.py
index e100e2b25e974602c3522ac1ac5c85c9892d9bc3..046b66237cdce8f70938c3b9fac2968ff4a57651 100644
--- a/arkindex/documents/models.py
+++ b/arkindex/documents/models.py
@@ -769,63 +769,6 @@ class Entity(models.Model):
         return self.name
-class EntityRole(models.Model):
-    """
-    Role's type between a parent and a child
-    """
-    parent_name = models.CharField(max_length=250)
-    child_name = models.CharField(max_length=250)
-    parent_type = models.ForeignKey(EntityType, related_name="parent_role", on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING)
-    child_type = models.ForeignKey(EntityType, related_name="child_role", on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING)
-    corpus = models.ForeignKey(Corpus, related_name="roles", on_delete=models.CASCADE)
-    class Meta:
-        unique_together = (
-            ("parent_name", "child_name", "parent_type", "child_type", "corpus"),
-        )
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "{} -> {}".format(self.parent_name, self.child_name)
-class EntityLink(models.Model):
-    """
-    Link between two entities with a role
-    """
-    id = models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, primary_key=True, editable=False)
-    parent = models.ForeignKey(Entity, related_name="parents", on_delete=models.CASCADE)
-    child = models.ForeignKey(Entity, related_name="children", on_delete=models.CASCADE)
-    role = models.ForeignKey(EntityRole, related_name="links", on_delete=models.CASCADE)
-    def clean(self):
-        if self.role is None:
-            return
-        if self.parent is None:
-            return
-        if self.parent.type_id != self.role.parent_type_id:
-            raise ValidationError("Parent's type {} is different from the expected type {}".format(
-                self.parent.type_id,
-                self.role.parent_type_id))
-        if self.parent.corpus_id != self.role.corpus_id:
-            raise ValidationError("Parent's corpus {} is different from the expected corpus {}".format(
-                self.parent.corpus_id,
-                self.role.corpus_id))
-        if self.child is None:
-            return
-        if self.child.type_id != self.role.child_type_id:
-            raise ValidationError("Child's type {} is different from the expected type {}".format(
-                self.child.type_id,
-                self.role.child_type_id))
-        if self.child.corpus_id != self.role.corpus_id:
-            raise ValidationError("Child's corpus {} is different from the expected corpus {}".format(
-                self.child.corpus_id,
-                self.role.corpus_id))
-    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        self.full_clean()
-        super().save(*args, **kwargs)
 class TextOrientation(Enum):
     HorizontalLeftToRight = "horizontal-lr"
     HorizontalRightToLeft = "horizontal-rl"
diff --git a/arkindex/documents/serializers/entities.py b/arkindex/documents/serializers/entities.py
index 6c98f9115b8d9526c951942b9a981ae779ad00c3..a288ad89e05e27aff2803da99e67f0e012b6af5c 100644
--- a/arkindex/documents/serializers/entities.py
+++ b/arkindex/documents/serializers/entities.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from drf_spectacular.utils import extend_schema_serializer
 from rest_framework import serializers
 from rest_framework.exceptions import ValidationError
-from arkindex.documents.models import Corpus, Entity, EntityLink, EntityRole, EntityType, TranscriptionEntity
+from arkindex.documents.models import Corpus, Entity, EntityType, TranscriptionEntity
 from arkindex.documents.serializers.light import CorpusLightSerializer, EntityTypeLightSerializer
 from arkindex.documents.serializers.ml import WorkerRunSummarySerializer
 from arkindex.project.serializer_fields import ForbiddenField, WorkerRunIDField
@@ -86,79 +86,6 @@ class BaseEntitySerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
-class EntityRoleSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
-    """
-    Serialize a role between two types of entity
-    """
-    parent_type_id = serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField(
-        queryset=EntityType.objects.all(),
-        style={"base_template": "input.html"},
-        source="parent_type",
-    )
-    child_type_id = serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField(
-        queryset=EntityType.objects.all(),
-        style={"base_template": "input.html"},
-        source="child_type",
-    )
-    class Meta:
-        model = EntityRole
-        fields = (
-            "id",
-            "parent_name",
-            "child_name",
-            "parent_type_id",
-            "child_type_id"
-        )
-    def validate(self, data):
-        errors = defaultdict(list)
-        assert "corpus" not in data
-        assert self.context.get("request") is not None
-        corpus_id = self.context["request"].parser_context["kwargs"]["pk"]
-        corpus = Corpus.objects.writable(self.context["request"].user).filter(id=corpus_id).first()
-        if corpus is None:
-            raise serializers.ValidationError({
-                "corpus": ["You do not have write access to this corpus"],
-                "id": corpus_id,
-            })
-        parent_type = data.get("parent_type")
-        child_type = data.get("child_type")
-        if parent_type.corpus_id != corpus.id:
-            errors["parent_type_id"].append(f"Type {parent_type.id} does not exist in corpus {corpus}.")
-        if child_type.corpus_id != corpus.id:
-            errors["child_type_id"].append(f"Type {child_type.id} does not exist in corpus {corpus}.")
-        if errors:
-            raise ValidationError(errors)
-        data["corpus"] = corpus
-        return data
-class CreateEntityRoleErrorResponseSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
-    id = serializers.UUIDField(required=False, help_text="The corpus ID.")
-    corpus = serializers.ListField(child=serializers.CharField(), required=False, help_text="Errors that occurred during corpus ID field validation.")
-class EntityLinkSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
-    """
-    Serialize an entity link with its child, parent and role
-    """
-    parent = BaseEntitySerializer()
-    child = BaseEntitySerializer()
-    role = EntityRoleSerializer()
-    class Meta:
-        model = EntityLink
-        fields = (
-            "id",
-            "parent",
-            "child",
-            "role"
-        )
@@ -167,8 +94,6 @@ class EntitySerializer(BaseEntitySerializer):
     Serialize an entity with its metadata
     corpus = CorpusLightSerializer(read_only=True)
-    children = EntityLinkSerializer(many=True, read_only=True)
-    parents = EntityLinkSerializer(many=True, read_only=True)
     # When updating an entity, the type can be set either by using its EntityType UUID, or its name
     # (in which case the serializer checks that an EntityType with this name exists in the corpus)
     type_id = serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField(
@@ -183,14 +108,10 @@ class EntitySerializer(BaseEntitySerializer):
         model = Entity
         fields = BaseEntitySerializer.Meta.fields + (
-            "children",
-            "parents",
         read_only_fields = BaseEntitySerializer.Meta.read_only_fields = (
-            "children",
-            "parents",
     def validate(self, data):
@@ -221,8 +142,6 @@ class EntityCreateSerializer(BaseEntitySerializer):
         style={"base_template": "input.html"},
     metas = serializers.HStoreField(child=serializers.CharField(), required=False)
-    children = EntityLinkSerializer(many=True, read_only=True)
-    parents = EntityLinkSerializer(many=True, read_only=True)
     worker_version = serializers.UUIDField(
@@ -262,15 +181,11 @@ class EntityCreateSerializer(BaseEntitySerializer):
-            "parents",
-            "children",
         read_only_fields = (
-            "children",
-            "parents",
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -300,46 +215,6 @@ class EntityCreateSerializer(BaseEntitySerializer):
         return data
-class EntityLinkCreateSerializer(EntityLinkSerializer):
-    """
-    Serialize an entity with a possible parents and children
-    """
-    parent = serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField(
-        queryset=Entity.objects.none(),
-        style={"base_template": "input.html"},
-    )
-    child = serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField(
-        queryset=Entity.objects.none(),
-        style={"base_template": "input.html"},
-    )
-    role = serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField(
-        queryset=EntityRole.objects.none(),
-        style={"base_template": "input.html"},
-    )
-    class Meta:
-        model = EntityLink
-        fields = EntityLinkSerializer.Meta.fields
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        if not self.context.get("request"):
-            # Do not raise Error in order to create OpenAPI schema
-            return
-        corpora = Corpus.objects.writable(self.context["request"].user)
-        entities = Entity.objects.all().filter(corpus__in=corpora)
-        roles = EntityRole.objects.all().filter(corpus__in=corpora)
-        self.fields["parent"].queryset = entities
-        self.fields["child"].queryset = entities
-        self.fields["role"].queryset = roles
-    def validate(self, data):
-        data = super().validate(data)
-        link = EntityLink(**data)
-        link.full_clean()
-        return data
 class TranscriptionEntityCreateSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
     Serialise the link between an entity and a transcription
diff --git a/arkindex/documents/tasks.py b/arkindex/documents/tasks.py
index 16719f502a1e5d342f84b6cf24c55fa7b65206cc..2dd9855b9ba7fb4d9400db8973c18d6046354de1 100644
--- a/arkindex/documents/tasks.py
+++ b/arkindex/documents/tasks.py
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ from arkindex.documents.models import (
-    EntityLink,
@@ -58,8 +57,6 @@ def corpus_delete(corpus_id: str) -> None:
-        EntityLink.objects.filter(role__corpus_id=corpus_id),
-        corpus.roles.all(),
diff --git a/arkindex/documents/tests/commands/test_load_export.py b/arkindex/documents/tests/commands/test_load_export.py
index 121f27855b7db86bad1d191ffd6bab84f8e60c1a..fe7176f77bab295f9c39744540f9f7e892ad90b8 100644
--- a/arkindex/documents/tests/commands/test_load_export.py
+++ b/arkindex/documents/tests/commands/test_load_export.py
@@ -48,8 +48,6 @@ class TestLoadExport(FixtureTestCase):
             "documents.elementpath": [],
             "documents.entity": [],
             "documents.entitytype": [],
-            "documents.entityrole": [],
-            "documents.entitylink": [],
             "documents.transcription": [],
             "documents.transcriptionentity": [],
             "documents.metadata": ["index"],
@@ -162,13 +160,6 @@ class TestLoadExport(FixtureTestCase):
-        role = self.corpus.roles.create(
-            parent_name="parent",
-            child_name="child",
-            parent_type=location_type,
-            child_type=person_type,
-        )
-        role.links.create(parent=entity1, child=entity2)
@@ -251,7 +242,6 @@ class TestLoadExport(FixtureTestCase):
         self.assertEqual(corpus.ml_classes.all().count(), 0)
         self.assertEqual(corpus.elements.all().count(), 0)
         self.assertEqual(corpus.entities.all().count(), 0)
-        self.assertEqual(corpus.roles.all().count(), 0)
@@ -273,10 +263,6 @@ class TestLoadExport(FixtureTestCase):
         dataset_set = Dataset.objects.first().sets.first()
         DatasetElement.objects.create(set=dataset_set, element=element)
-        person_type = EntityType.objects.get(
-            name="person",
-            corpus=self.corpus
-        )
         location_type = EntityType.objects.get(
@@ -286,19 +272,6 @@ class TestLoadExport(FixtureTestCase):
-        entity2 = self.corpus.entities.create(
-            name="Stonjourner",
-            type=person_type,
-            validated=True,
-            moderator=self.superuser,
-        )
-        role = self.corpus.roles.create(
-            parent_name="parent",
-            child_name="child",
-            parent_type=location_type,
-            child_type=person_type,
-        )
-        role.links.create(parent=entity1, child=entity2)
@@ -329,7 +302,6 @@ class TestLoadExport(FixtureTestCase):
         self.assertEqual(corpus.ml_classes.all().count(), 1)
         self.assertEqual(corpus.elements.all().count(), 0)
         self.assertEqual(corpus.entities.all().count(), 0)
-        self.assertEqual(corpus.roles.all().count(), 0)
     def test_create_worker(self):
         repo_uuid = Repository.objects.get(url="http://my_repo.fake/workers/worker").id
diff --git a/arkindex/documents/tests/commands/test_merge_entities.py b/arkindex/documents/tests/commands/test_merge_entities.py
index eb828fdaf2a7774c9fe8a29c656a6974f36ed579..f34a838223cfad22e56a647c394573ef8570d1e1 100644
--- a/arkindex/documents/tests/commands/test_merge_entities.py
+++ b/arkindex/documents/tests/commands/test_merge_entities.py
@@ -72,20 +72,6 @@ class TestMergeEntities(FixtureTestCase):
         element.metadatas.create(type=MetaType.Text, name="something", value="dupe", entity=entity1)
         element.metadatas.create(type=MetaType.Text, name="something", value="dupe", entity=entity2)
-        role = self.corpus.roles.create(
-            parent_type=self.person_type,
-            child_type=self.person_type,
-            parent_name="parent",
-            child_name="child",
-        )
-        # entity1 and entity2 are duplicates, so the deduplication would cause those links to be duplicates,
-        # but there are no constraints at all on EntityLinks, so there will not be any deletions.
-        role.links.create(parent=entity1, child=unique_entity)
-        role.links.create(parent=entity2, child=unique_entity)
-        # Nothing will stop an entity from being linked to itself either.
-        role.links.create(parent=entity1, child=entity2)
         transcription = element.transcriptions.get()
         worker_version = WorkerVersion.objects.first()
         worker_run = WorkerRun.objects.first()
@@ -158,10 +144,6 @@ class TestMergeEntities(FixtureTestCase):
             Deleted 1 TranscriptionEntities.
             Updating entity IDs on TranscriptionEntities…
             Updated 1 TranscriptionEntities.
-            Updating child entity IDs on entity links…
-            Updated 1 entity links.
-            Updating parent entity IDs on entity links…
-            Updated 1 entity links.
             Removing duplicate entities…
             Removed 1 duplicate entities from corpus Unit Tests.
@@ -195,24 +177,6 @@ class TestMergeEntities(FixtureTestCase):
-        self.assertListEqual(
-            list(role.links.order_by("parent_id", "child_id").values("parent_id", "child_id")),
-            [
-                {
-                    "parent_id": entity1.id,
-                    "child_id": entity1.id,
-                },
-                {
-                    "parent_id": entity1.id,
-                    "child_id": unique_entity.id,
-                },
-                {
-                    "parent_id": entity1.id,
-                    "child_id": unique_entity.id,
-                },
-            ]
-        )
             list(transcription.transcription_entities.order_by("id").values("entity_id", "offset", "length", "worker_version_id", "worker_run_id")),
diff --git a/arkindex/documents/tests/tasks/test_corpus_delete.py b/arkindex/documents/tests/tasks/test_corpus_delete.py
index 83567cafec34adda395f063680d3941ccf0ca454..527431b3f523f696968bd77d25299c811241fa04 100644
--- a/arkindex/documents/tests/tasks/test_corpus_delete.py
+++ b/arkindex/documents/tests/tasks/test_corpus_delete.py
@@ -89,22 +89,6 @@ class TestDeleteCorpus(FixtureTestCase):
         person_type = EntityType.objects.get(name="person", corpus=cls.corpus)
         entity1 = cls.corpus.entities.create(name="Magnemite", type=person_type)
-        entity2 = cls.corpus.entities.create(
-            name="Magneton",
-            type=person_type,
-            worker_version=cls.worker_version,
-            worker_run=worker_run,
-        )
-        role = cls.corpus.roles.create(
-            parent_name="origin",
-            child_name="evolution",
-            parent_type=person_type,
-            child_type=person_type,
-        )
-        # Note: .parents means the EntityLinks where this entity is the parent,
-        # so they actually are the entity's children, and .children maps to the links to the entity's parents!
-        entity1.parents.create(child=entity2, role=role)
diff --git a/arkindex/documents/tests/tasks/test_export.py b/arkindex/documents/tests/tasks/test_export.py
index 4aae19ae02ea055861ac6831f41451d8b246f584..8ae2431956f74ebf82f63443125ab70aa16ff00c 100644
--- a/arkindex/documents/tests/tasks/test_export.py
+++ b/arkindex/documents/tests/tasks/test_export.py
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ from arkindex.documents.models import (
-    EntityLink,
@@ -32,8 +31,6 @@ TABLE_NAMES = {
-    "entity_link",
-    "entity_role",
@@ -108,13 +105,6 @@ class TestExport(FixtureTestCase):
-        role = self.corpus.roles.create(
-            parent_name="parent",
-            child_name="child",
-            parent_type=location_type,
-            child_type=person_type,
-        )
-        role.links.create(parent=entity1, child=entity2)
@@ -169,7 +159,7 @@ class TestExport(FixtureTestCase):
-            db.execute("SELECT version FROM export_version").fetchall(), [(8, )]
+            db.execute("SELECT version FROM export_version").fetchall(), [(9, )]
@@ -423,33 +413,6 @@ class TestExport(FixtureTestCase):
-        self.assertCountEqual(
-            db.execute("SELECT id, parent_name, child_name, parent_type_id, child_type_id FROM entity_role").fetchall(),
-            [
-                (
-                    str(role.id),
-                    role.parent_name,
-                    role.child_name,
-                    str(role.parent_type.id),
-                    str(role.child_type.id),
-                )
-                for role in self.corpus.roles.all()
-            ]
-        )
-        self.assertCountEqual(
-            db.execute("SELECT id, parent_id, child_id, role_id FROM entity_link").fetchall(),
-            [
-                (
-                    str(link.id),
-                    str(link.parent_id),
-                    str(link.child_id),
-                    str(link.role_id)
-                )
-                for link in EntityLink.objects.filter(role__corpus=self.corpus)
-            ]
-        )
diff --git a/arkindex/documents/tests/test_entities.py b/arkindex/documents/tests/test_entities.py
index 2de678f05b8e6f41c20837022415043654d9e8b1..1eecb562dc1ac7e57a993f526a9ffb09d31828df 100644
--- a/arkindex/documents/tests/test_entities.py
+++ b/arkindex/documents/tests/test_entities.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
-from arkindex.documents.models import Corpus, Entity, EntityLink, EntityRole, EntityType, MetaData, MetaType
+from arkindex.documents.models import Corpus, Entity, EntityType, MetaData, MetaType
 from arkindex.process.models import WorkerVersion
 from arkindex.project.tests import FixtureTestCase
@@ -33,46 +33,6 @@ class TestSaveEntities(FixtureTestCase):
-        cls.role = EntityRole.objects.create(
-            parent_name="organization",
-            child_name="person",
-            parent_type=cls.org_type,
-            child_type=cls.person_type,
-            corpus=cls.corpus1,
-        )
-        cls.link = EntityLink(parent=cls.parent, child=cls.child, role=cls.role)
-    def test_parent_type_different(self):
-        self.parent.corpus = self.corpus1
-        self.child.corpus = self.corpus1
-        self.parent.type = self.person_type
-        self.child.type = self.person_type
-        with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
-            self.link.save()
-    def test_parent_corpus_different(self):
-        self.parent.corpus = self.corpus2
-        self.child.corpus = self.corpus1
-        self.parent.type = self.org_type
-        self.child.type = self.person_type
-        with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
-            self.link.save()
-    def test_child_type_different(self):
-        self.parent.corpus = self.corpus1
-        self.child.corpus = self.corpus1
-        self.parent.type = self.org_type
-        self.child.type = self.org_type
-        with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
-            self.link.save()
-    def test_child_corpus_different(self):
-        self.parent.corpus = self.corpus1
-        self.child.corpus = self.corpus2
-        self.parent.type = self.org_type
-        self.child.type = self.person_type
-        with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
-            self.link.save()
     def test_save_entity_in_metadata(self):
         self.parent.corpus = self.corpus2
diff --git a/arkindex/documents/tests/test_entities_api.py b/arkindex/documents/tests/test_entities_api.py
index 412ec7c209342bc0dd75c914b81a0efe84f9d452..23c898525498a9f0762dce10a5875418bfeb3c41 100644
--- a/arkindex/documents/tests/test_entities_api.py
+++ b/arkindex/documents/tests/test_entities_api.py
@@ -6,16 +6,7 @@ from django.contrib.gis.geos import LinearRing
 from django.urls import reverse
 from rest_framework import status
-from arkindex.documents.models import (
-    Corpus,
-    Element,
-    Entity,
-    EntityLink,
-    EntityRole,
-    EntityType,
-    MetaType,
-    TranscriptionEntity,
+from arkindex.documents.models import Corpus, Entity, EntityType, MetaType, TranscriptionEntity
 from arkindex.process.models import ProcessMode, WorkerRun, WorkerVersion
 from arkindex.project.tests import FixtureAPITestCase
 from arkindex.users.models import Role
@@ -54,13 +45,6 @@ class TestEntitiesAPI(FixtureAPITestCase):
             name="entity 2",
-        self.role = EntityRole.objects.create(
-            parent_name="parent",
-            child_name="child",
-            parent_type=self.person_type,
-            child_type=self.location_type,
-            corpus=self.corpus
-        )
         self.element = self.corpus.elements.create(
@@ -99,7 +83,7 @@ class TestEntitiesAPI(FixtureAPITestCase):
     def test_get_entity(self):
-        with self.assertNumQueries(3):
+        with self.assertNumQueries(1):
             response = self.client.get(reverse("api:entity-details", kwargs={"pk": str(self.entity.id)}))
             self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
@@ -189,99 +173,6 @@ class TestEntitiesAPI(FixtureAPITestCase):
             } for e in (elt, self.element)]
-    def test_get_role_in_corpus(self):
-        with self.assertNumQueries(3):
-            response = self.client.get(reverse("api:corpus-roles", kwargs={"pk": str(self.corpus.id)}))
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
-        data = response.json()
-        results = data["results"]
-        self.assertEqual(len(results), 1)
-        self.assertEqual(results[0]["parent_type_id"], str(self.role.parent_type.id))
-        self.assertEqual(results[0]["child_type_id"], str(self.role.child_type.id))
-        self.assertEqual(results[0]["parent_name"], self.role.parent_name)
-        self.assertEqual(results[0]["child_name"], self.role.child_name)
-    def test_create_role_in_corpus(self):
-        data = {
-            "parent_name": "other parent",
-            "child_name": "other child",
-            "parent_type_id": self.person_type.id,
-            "child_type_id": self.location_type.id
-        }
-        self.client.force_login(self.user)
-        with self.assertNumQueries(7):
-            response = self.client.post(reverse("api:corpus-roles", kwargs={"pk": str(self.corpus.id)}), data=data)
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
-        data = response.json()
-        self.assertIn("id", data)
-        role = self.corpus.roles.get(id=data["id"])
-        self.assertEqual(role.parent_type, self.person_type)
-        self.assertEqual(role.child_type, self.location_type)
-        self.assertEqual(role.parent_name, "other parent")
-        self.assertEqual(role.child_name, "other child")
-    def test_create_role_already_exist(self):
-        data = {
-            "parent_name": self.role.parent_name,
-            "child_name": self.role.child_name,
-            "parent_type_id": self.role.parent_type.id,
-            "child_type_id": self.role.child_type.id,
-        }
-        self.client.force_login(self.user)
-        with self.assertNumQueries(6):
-            response = self.client.post(reverse("api:corpus-roles", kwargs={"pk": str(self.corpus.id)}), data=data)
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
-        data = response.json()
-        self.assertEqual(data, {
-            "corpus": ["Role already exists in this corpus"],
-            "id": str(self.corpus.id)
-        })
-    def test_create_role_requires_login(self):
-        data = {
-            "parent_name": "other parent",
-            "child_name": "other child",
-            "parent_type_id": self.org_type.id,
-            "child_type_id": self.location_type.id
-        }
-        with self.assertNumQueries(0):
-            response = self.client.post(reverse("api:corpus-roles", kwargs={"pk": str(self.corpus.id)}), data=data)
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN)
-    def test_create_role_requires_verified(self):
-        self.user.verified_email = False
-        self.user.save()
-        self.client.force_login(self.user)
-        data = {
-            "parent_name": "other parent",
-            "child_name": "other child",
-            "parent_type_id": self.org_type.id,
-            "child_type_id": self.location_type.id
-        }
-        with self.assertNumQueries(2):
-            response = self.client.post(reverse("api:corpus-roles", kwargs={"pk": str(self.corpus.id)}), data=data)
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN)
-    def test_create_role_type_not_in_corpus(self):
-        private_corpus = Corpus.objects.create(name="private")
-        ext_type_1 = EntityType.objects.create(name="goose", corpus=private_corpus)
-        ext_type_2 = EntityType.objects.create(name="rooster", corpus=private_corpus)
-        self.client.force_login(self.user)
-        data = {
-            "parent_type_id": ext_type_1.id,
-            "child_type_id": ext_type_2.id,
-            "parent_name": "nick",
-            "child_name": "bradley"
-        }
-        with self.assertNumQueries(5):
-            response = self.client.post(reverse("api:corpus-roles", kwargs={"pk": str(self.corpus.id)}), data=data)
-            self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
-        self.assertDictEqual(response.json(), {
-            "parent_type_id": [f"Type {str(ext_type_1.id)} does not exist in corpus Unit Tests."],
-            "child_type_id": [f"Type {str(ext_type_2.id)} does not exist in corpus Unit Tests."]
-        })
     def test_create_entity_type_invalid(self):
         data = {
             "name": "entity",
@@ -404,7 +295,7 @@ class TestEntitiesAPI(FixtureAPITestCase):
         A user can create an entity without a worker run
-        with self.assertNumQueries(7):
+        with self.assertNumQueries(5):
             response = self.client.post(
@@ -524,7 +415,7 @@ class TestEntitiesAPI(FixtureAPITestCase):
-        with self.assertNumQueries(8):
+        with self.assertNumQueries(6):
             response = self.client.post(reverse("api:entity-create"), data=data, format="json")
             self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
@@ -564,8 +455,6 @@ class TestEntitiesAPI(FixtureAPITestCase):
                 "summary": self.local_worker_run.summary,
             "worker_version_id": str(self.local_worker_run.version_id),
-            "parents": [],
-            "children": [],
     def test_create_entity_task_auth(self):
@@ -576,7 +465,7 @@ class TestEntitiesAPI(FixtureAPITestCase):
         task = self.worker_run_1.process.tasks.first()
-        with self.assertNumQueries(7):
+        with self.assertNumQueries(5):
             response = self.client.post(
@@ -611,7 +500,7 @@ class TestEntitiesAPI(FixtureAPITestCase):
         task = self.worker_run_1.process.tasks.first()
-        with self.assertNumQueries(7):
+        with self.assertNumQueries(5):
             response = self.client.post(
@@ -635,60 +524,6 @@ class TestEntitiesAPI(FixtureAPITestCase):
         self.assertEqual(entity.worker_version_id, local_worker_run.version_id)
         self.assertEqual(entity.worker_run, local_worker_run)
-    def test_create_link(self):
-        child = Entity.objects.create(
-            type=self.location_type,
-            corpus=self.corpus,
-            name="child",
-            worker_version=self.worker_version_1,
-        )
-        data = {
-            "parent": str(self.entity.id),
-            "child": str(child.id),
-            "role": str(self.role.id)
-        }
-        self.client.force_login(self.user)
-        with self.assertNumQueries(14):
-            response = self.client.post(reverse("api:entity-link-create"), data=data, format="json")
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
-        link = EntityLink.objects.get(id=response.json()["id"])
-        self.assertEqual(link.parent.id, self.entity.id)
-        self.assertEqual(link.child.id, child.id)
-        self.assertEqual(link.role.id, self.role.id)
-    def test_create_link_requires_login(self):
-        child = Entity.objects.create(
-            type=self.location_type,
-            corpus=self.corpus,
-            name="child",
-            worker_version=self.worker_version_1,
-        )
-        data = {
-            "parent": str(self.entity.id),
-            "child": str(child.id),
-            "role": str(self.role.id)
-        }
-        with self.assertNumQueries(0):
-            response = self.client.post(reverse("api:entity-create"), data=data, format="json")
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN)
-    def test_create_link_error(self):
-        child = Entity.objects.create(
-            type=self.person_type,
-            corpus=self.corpus,
-            name="child",
-            worker_version=self.worker_version_1,
-        )
-        data = {
-            "parent": str(self.entity.id),
-            "child": str(child.id),
-            "role": str(self.role.id)
-        }
-        self.client.force_login(self.user)
-        with self.assertNumQueries(9):
-            response = self.client.post(reverse("api:entity-link-create"), data=data, format="json")
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
     def test_create_transcription_entity(self):
         with self.assertNumQueries(6):
@@ -1817,7 +1652,7 @@ class TestEntitiesAPI(FixtureAPITestCase):
     def test_update_entity_requires_name_and_type(self):
-        with self.assertNumQueries(5):
+        with self.assertNumQueries(3):
             response = self.client.put(
                 reverse("api:entity-details", kwargs={"pk": self.entity_bis.id}),
                 {"name": "a new name"},
@@ -1827,7 +1662,7 @@ class TestEntitiesAPI(FixtureAPITestCase):
     def test_update_validate_entity(self):
-        with self.assertNumQueries(9):
+        with self.assertNumQueries(5):
             response = self.client.put(
                 reverse("api:entity-details", kwargs={"pk": self.entity_bis.id}),
@@ -1843,7 +1678,7 @@ class TestEntitiesAPI(FixtureAPITestCase):
     def test_update_unvalidate_entity(self):
-        with self.assertNumQueries(9):
+        with self.assertNumQueries(5):
             response = self.client.put(
                 reverse("api:entity-details", kwargs={"pk": self.entity_bis.id}),
@@ -1913,7 +1748,7 @@ class TestEntitiesAPI(FixtureAPITestCase):
     def test_update_entity_change_type(self):
-        with self.assertNumQueries(9):
+        with self.assertNumQueries(5):
             response = self.client.put(
                 reverse("api:entity-details", kwargs={"pk": self.entity_bis.id}),
@@ -1932,7 +1767,7 @@ class TestEntitiesAPI(FixtureAPITestCase):
     def test_partial_update_validate_entity(self):
-        with self.assertNumQueries(8):
+        with self.assertNumQueries(4):
             response = self.client.patch(
                 reverse("api:entity-details", kwargs={"pk": self.entity_bis.id}),
                 {"validated": True},
@@ -1944,7 +1779,7 @@ class TestEntitiesAPI(FixtureAPITestCase):
     def test_partial_update_unvalidate_entity(self):
-        with self.assertNumQueries(8):
+        with self.assertNumQueries(4):
             response = self.client.patch(
                 reverse("api:entity-details", kwargs={"pk": self.entity_bis.id}),
                 {"validated": False},
@@ -1991,73 +1826,3 @@ class TestEntitiesAPI(FixtureAPITestCase):
                 {"validated": False},
             self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN)
-    @patch("arkindex.project.mixins.has_access", return_value=False)
-    def test_list_element_links_not_guest(self, has_access_mock):
-        """
-        A guest access on the element is required to list entity links
-        """
-        self.client.force_login(self.user)
-        with self.assertNumQueries(3):
-            response = self.client.get(reverse("api:element-links", kwargs={"pk": str(self.element.id)}))
-            self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN)
-        self.assertDictEqual(
-            response.json(),
-            {"detail": "You do not have access to this element."}
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(has_access_mock.call_count, 1)
-        self.assertEqual(has_access_mock.call_args, call(self.user, self.corpus, Role.Guest.value, skip_public=False))
-    def test_list_element_links(self):
-        link = EntityLink.objects.create(parent=self.entity, child=self.entity_bis, role=self.role)
-        with self.assertExactQueries("element_links.sql", params={"element_id": self.element.id}):
-            response = self.client.get(reverse("api:element-links", kwargs={"pk": str(self.element.id)}))
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
-        data = response.json()
-        self.assertListEqual(
-            data["results"],
-            [{
-                "id": str(link.id),
-                "parent": {
-                    "id": str(self.entity.id),
-                    "name": self.entity.name,
-                    "type": {
-                        "id": str(self.entity.type.id),
-                        "color": "ff0000",
-                        "name": "person"
-                    },
-                    "metas": None,
-                    "validated": self.entity.validated,
-                    "worker_version_id": str(self.worker_version_1.id),
-                    "worker_run": None,
-                },
-                "child": {
-                    "id": str(self.entity_bis.id),
-                    "name": self.entity_bis.name,
-                    "type": {
-                        "id": str(self.entity_bis.type.id),
-                        "color": "ff0000",
-                        "name": "location"
-                    },
-                    "metas": None,
-                    "validated": self.entity_bis.validated,
-                    "worker_version_id": str(self.worker_version_2.id),
-                    "worker_run": None,
-                },
-                "role": {
-                    "id": self.role.id,
-                    "parent_name": self.role.parent_name,
-                    "child_name": self.role.child_name,
-                    "parent_type_id": str(self.role.parent_type.id),
-                    "child_type_id": str(self.role.child_type.id)
-                }
-            }]
-        )
-    def test_list_element_links_not_found(self):
-        self.assertFalse(Element.objects.filter(id="aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa").exists())
-        with self.assertExactQueries("element_links_not_found.sql", params={"element_id": "aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa"}):
-            response = self.client.get(reverse("api:element-links", kwargs={"pk": "aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa"}))
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
diff --git a/arkindex/documents/tests/test_entity_types.py b/arkindex/documents/tests/test_entity_types.py
index 7f883e4eea68a17881374e93b8caf03cbb056f27..80522fc451a73b6cd7a6867ad7c96260232cd00d 100644
--- a/arkindex/documents/tests/test_entity_types.py
+++ b/arkindex/documents/tests/test_entity_types.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from unittest.mock import call, patch
 from django.urls import reverse
 from rest_framework import status
-from arkindex.documents.models import Corpus, Entity, EntityRole, EntityType
+from arkindex.documents.models import Corpus, Entity, EntityType
 from arkindex.project.tests import FixtureAPITestCase
 from arkindex.users.models import Role, User
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ class TestEntityTypesAPI(FixtureAPITestCase):
     def test_delete(self):
-        with self.assertNumQueries(7):
+        with self.assertNumQueries(6):
             response = self.client.delete(reverse("api:entity-type-details", kwargs={"pk": self.private_corpus_entity_type.id}), format="json")
             self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
         with self.assertRaises(EntityType.DoesNotExist):
@@ -411,20 +411,6 @@ class TestEntityTypesAPI(FixtureAPITestCase):
             self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
         self.assertDictEqual(response.json(), {"detail": ["Some entities are using this entity type."]})
-    def test_delete_has_roles(self):
-        EntityRole.objects.create(
-            corpus=self.private_corpus,
-            parent_name="goose",
-            child_name="rooster",
-            parent_type=self.private_corpus_entity_type,
-            child_type=self.private_corpus_entity_type
-        )
-        self.client.force_login(self.private_corpus_admin)
-        with self.assertNumQueries(6):
-            response = self.client.delete(reverse("api:entity-type-details", kwargs={"pk": self.private_corpus_entity_type.id}), format="json")
-            self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
-        self.assertDictEqual(response.json(), {"detail": ["Some entity roles are using this entity type."]})
     def test_list_does_not_require_login_public_project(self):
diff --git a/arkindex/project/api_v1.py b/arkindex/project/api_v1.py
index 70684fd8decd523214375a0c36eaff8acc7c2298..bfacff5abc22d947386741f2259c601565634424 100644
--- a/arkindex/project/api_v1.py
+++ b/arkindex/project/api_v1.py
@@ -30,12 +30,9 @@ from arkindex.documents.api.elements import (
 from arkindex.documents.api.entities import (
-    CorpusRoles,
-    ElementLinks,
-    EntityLinkCreate,
@@ -149,7 +146,6 @@ api = [
     path("element/<uuid:pk>/children/bulk/", ElementBulkCreate.as_view(), name="elements-bulk-create"),
     path("element/<uuid:pk>/metadata/", ElementMetadata.as_view(), name="element-metadata"),
     path("element/<uuid:pk>/metadata/bulk/", ElementMetadataBulk.as_view(), name="element-metadata-bulk"),
-    path("element/<uuid:pk>/links/", ElementLinks.as_view(), name="element-links"),
     path("element/<uuid:pk>/transcription/", TranscriptionCreate.as_view(), name="transcription-create"),
     path("element/<uuid:pk>/transcriptions/", ElementTranscriptions.as_view(), name="element-transcriptions"),
@@ -169,7 +165,6 @@ api = [
     path("corpus/<uuid:corpus>/classes/<uuid:mlclass>/", MLClassRetrieve.as_view(), name="ml-class-retrieve"),
     path("corpus/<uuid:pk>/entity-types/", CorpusEntityTypes.as_view(), name="corpus-entity-types"),
     path("corpus/<uuid:pk>/entities/", CorpusEntities.as_view(), name="corpus-entities"),
-    path("corpus/<uuid:pk>/roles/", CorpusRoles.as_view(), name="corpus-roles"),
     path("corpus/<uuid:pk>/allowed-metadata/", CorpusAllowedMetaData.as_view(), name="corpus-allowed-metadata"),
     path("corpus/<uuid:corpus>/allowed-metadata/<uuid:pk>/", AllowedMetaDataEdit.as_view(), name="allowed-metadata-edit"),
     path("corpus/<uuid:pk>/versions/", CorpusWorkerVersionList.as_view(), name="corpus-versions"),
@@ -230,7 +225,6 @@ api = [
     path("entity/types/", EntityTypeCreate.as_view(), name="entity-type-create"),
     path("entity/types/<uuid:pk>/", EntityTypeUpdate.as_view(), name="entity-type-details"),
     path("entity/", EntityCreate.as_view(), name="entity-create"),
-    path("entity/link/", EntityLinkCreate.as_view(), name="entity-link-create"),
     path("entity/<uuid:pk>/", EntityDetails.as_view(), name="entity-details"),
     path("entity/<uuid:pk>/elements/", EntityElements.as_view(), name="entity-elements"),
     path("transcription/<uuid:pk>/entity/", TranscriptionEntityCreate.as_view(), name="transcription-entity-create"),
diff --git a/arkindex/sql_validation/corpus_delete.sql b/arkindex/sql_validation/corpus_delete.sql
index 6a7fc5c3fda81498cc5b5583bd671abcf811023c..2ebb6b6f75be165e6be9d6bac416a10ec36d74bc 100644
--- a/arkindex/sql_validation/corpus_delete.sql
+++ b/arkindex/sql_validation/corpus_delete.sql
@@ -86,18 +86,6 @@ WHERE "documents_metadata"."id" IN
          INNER JOIN "documents_element" U1 ON (U0."element_id" = U1."id")
          WHERE U1."corpus_id" = '{corpus_id}'::uuid);
-FROM "documents_entitylink"
-WHERE "documents_entitylink"."id" IN
-        (SELECT U0."id"
-         FROM "documents_entitylink" U0
-         INNER JOIN "documents_entityrole" U1 ON (U0."role_id" = U1."id")
-         WHERE U1."corpus_id" = '{corpus_id}'::uuid);
-FROM "documents_entityrole"
-WHERE "documents_entityrole"."corpus_id" = '{corpus_id}'::uuid;
 FROM "documents_transcriptionentity"
 WHERE "documents_transcriptionentity"."id" IN
diff --git a/arkindex/sql_validation/corpus_delete_top_level_type.sql b/arkindex/sql_validation/corpus_delete_top_level_type.sql
index 693445cf0af7500ff68f5333f2dca9a72ef4f5e7..80ae4c77e85a44b11f33a3ef17803d55a9fc6d7b 100644
--- a/arkindex/sql_validation/corpus_delete_top_level_type.sql
+++ b/arkindex/sql_validation/corpus_delete_top_level_type.sql
@@ -90,18 +90,6 @@ WHERE "documents_metadata"."id" IN
          INNER JOIN "documents_element" U1 ON (U0."element_id" = U1."id")
          WHERE U1."corpus_id" = '{corpus_id}'::uuid);
-FROM "documents_entitylink"
-WHERE "documents_entitylink"."id" IN
-        (SELECT U0."id"
-         FROM "documents_entitylink" U0
-         INNER JOIN "documents_entityrole" U1 ON (U0."role_id" = U1."id")
-         WHERE U1."corpus_id" = '{corpus_id}'::uuid);
-FROM "documents_entityrole"
-WHERE "documents_entityrole"."corpus_id" = '{corpus_id}'::uuid;
 FROM "documents_transcriptionentity"
 WHERE "documents_transcriptionentity"."id" IN
diff --git a/arkindex/sql_validation/element_links.sql b/arkindex/sql_validation/element_links.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index aa7b29777058a77c4eb3ea434d3b33f9cea15b1f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/arkindex/sql_validation/element_links.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-SELECT "documents_element"."id",
-       "documents_element"."corpus_id",
-       "documents_corpus"."created",
-       "documents_corpus"."updated",
-       "documents_corpus"."id",
-       "documents_corpus"."name",
-       "documents_corpus"."description",
-       "documents_corpus"."top_level_type_id",
-       "documents_corpus"."public",
-       "documents_corpus"."indexable"
-FROM "documents_element"
-INNER JOIN "documents_corpus" ON ("documents_element"."corpus_id" = "documents_corpus"."id")
-WHERE "documents_element"."id" = '{element_id}'::uuid
-LIMIT 21;
-SELECT COUNT(*) AS "__count"
-FROM "documents_entitylink"
-WHERE (("documents_entitylink"."child_id" IN
-            (SELECT U0."id"
-             FROM "documents_entity" U0
-             INNER JOIN "documents_transcriptionentity" U1 ON (U0."id" = U1."entity_id")
-             INNER JOIN "documents_transcription" U2 ON (U1."transcription_id" = U2."id")
-             WHERE U2."element_id" = '{element_id}'::uuid)
-        AND "documents_entitylink"."parent_id" IN
-            (SELECT U0."id"
-             FROM "documents_entity" U0
-             INNER JOIN "documents_transcriptionentity" U1 ON (U0."id" = U1."entity_id")
-             INNER JOIN "documents_transcription" U2 ON (U1."transcription_id" = U2."id")
-             WHERE U2."element_id" = '{element_id}'::uuid))
-       OR ("documents_entitylink"."child_id" IN
-               (SELECT U0."id"
-                FROM "documents_entity" U0
-                INNER JOIN "documents_metadata" U1 ON (U0."id" = U1."entity_id")
-                WHERE U1."element_id" = '{element_id}'::uuid)
-           AND "documents_entitylink"."parent_id" IN
-               (SELECT U0."id"
-                FROM "documents_entity" U0
-                INNER JOIN "documents_transcriptionentity" U1 ON (U0."id" = U1."entity_id")
-                INNER JOIN "documents_transcription" U2 ON (U1."transcription_id" = U2."id")
-                WHERE U2."element_id" = '{element_id}'::uuid))
-       OR ("documents_entitylink"."child_id" IN
-               (SELECT U0."id"
-                FROM "documents_entity" U0
-                INNER JOIN "documents_transcriptionentity" U1 ON (U0."id" = U1."entity_id")
-                INNER JOIN "documents_transcription" U2 ON (U1."transcription_id" = U2."id")
-                WHERE U2."element_id" = '{element_id}'::uuid)
-           AND "documents_entitylink"."parent_id" IN
-               (SELECT U0."id"
-                FROM "documents_entity" U0
-                INNER JOIN "documents_metadata" U1 ON (U0."id" = U1."entity_id")
-                WHERE U1."element_id" = '{element_id}'::uuid))
-       OR ("documents_entitylink"."child_id" IN
-               (SELECT U0."id"
-                FROM "documents_entity" U0
-                INNER JOIN "documents_metadata" U1 ON (U0."id" = U1."entity_id")
-                WHERE U1."element_id" = '{element_id}'::uuid)
-           AND "documents_entitylink"."parent_id" IN
-               (SELECT U0."id"
-                FROM "documents_entity" U0
-                INNER JOIN "documents_metadata" U1 ON (U0."id" = U1."entity_id")
-                WHERE U1."element_id" = '{element_id}'::uuid)));
-SELECT "documents_entitylink"."id",
-       "documents_entitylink"."parent_id",
-       "documents_entitylink"."child_id",
-       "documents_entitylink"."role_id",
-       T3."id",
-       T3."name",
-       T3."type_id",
-       T3."corpus_id",
-       T3."metas",
-       T3."validated",
-       T3."moderator_id",
-       T3."worker_version_id",
-       T3."worker_run_id",
-       "documents_entitytype"."id",
-       "documents_entitytype"."name",
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-       "documents_entitytype"."corpus_id",
-       "documents_entity"."id",
-       "documents_entity"."name",
-       "documents_entity"."type_id",
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-       "documents_entity"."metas",
-       "documents_entity"."validated",
-       "documents_entity"."moderator_id",
-       "documents_entity"."worker_version_id",
-       "documents_entity"."worker_run_id",
-       T5."id",
-       T5."name",
-       T5."color",
-       T5."corpus_id",
-       "documents_entityrole"."id",
-       "documents_entityrole"."parent_name",
-       "documents_entityrole"."child_name",
-       "documents_entityrole"."parent_type_id",
-       "documents_entityrole"."child_type_id",
-       "documents_entityrole"."corpus_id"
-FROM "documents_entitylink"
-INNER JOIN "documents_entity" ON ("documents_entitylink"."child_id" = "documents_entity"."id")
-INNER JOIN "documents_entity" T3 ON ("documents_entitylink"."parent_id" = T3."id")
-INNER JOIN "documents_entitytype" ON (T3."type_id" = "documents_entitytype"."id")
-INNER JOIN "documents_entitytype" T5 ON ("documents_entity"."type_id" = T5."id")
-INNER JOIN "documents_entityrole" ON ("documents_entitylink"."role_id" = "documents_entityrole"."id")
-WHERE (("documents_entitylink"."child_id" IN
-            (SELECT U0."id"
-             FROM "documents_entity" U0
-             INNER JOIN "documents_transcriptionentity" U1 ON (U0."id" = U1."entity_id")
-             INNER JOIN "documents_transcription" U2 ON (U1."transcription_id" = U2."id")
-             WHERE U2."element_id" = '{element_id}'::uuid)
-        AND "documents_entitylink"."parent_id" IN
-            (SELECT U0."id"
-             FROM "documents_entity" U0
-             INNER JOIN "documents_transcriptionentity" U1 ON (U0."id" = U1."entity_id")
-             INNER JOIN "documents_transcription" U2 ON (U1."transcription_id" = U2."id")
-             WHERE U2."element_id" = '{element_id}'::uuid))
-       OR ("documents_entitylink"."child_id" IN
-               (SELECT U0."id"
-                FROM "documents_entity" U0
-                INNER JOIN "documents_metadata" U1 ON (U0."id" = U1."entity_id")
-                WHERE U1."element_id" = '{element_id}'::uuid)
-           AND "documents_entitylink"."parent_id" IN
-               (SELECT U0."id"
-                FROM "documents_entity" U0
-                INNER JOIN "documents_transcriptionentity" U1 ON (U0."id" = U1."entity_id")
-                INNER JOIN "documents_transcription" U2 ON (U1."transcription_id" = U2."id")
-                WHERE U2."element_id" = '{element_id}'::uuid))
-       OR ("documents_entitylink"."child_id" IN
-               (SELECT U0."id"
-                FROM "documents_entity" U0
-                INNER JOIN "documents_transcriptionentity" U1 ON (U0."id" = U1."entity_id")
-                INNER JOIN "documents_transcription" U2 ON (U1."transcription_id" = U2."id")
-                WHERE U2."element_id" = '{element_id}'::uuid)
-           AND "documents_entitylink"."parent_id" IN
-               (SELECT U0."id"
-                FROM "documents_entity" U0
-                INNER JOIN "documents_metadata" U1 ON (U0."id" = U1."entity_id")
-                WHERE U1."element_id" = '{element_id}'::uuid))
-       OR ("documents_entitylink"."child_id" IN
-               (SELECT U0."id"
-                FROM "documents_entity" U0
-                INNER JOIN "documents_metadata" U1 ON (U0."id" = U1."entity_id")
-                WHERE U1."element_id" = '{element_id}'::uuid)
-           AND "documents_entitylink"."parent_id" IN
-               (SELECT U0."id"
-                FROM "documents_entity" U0
-                INNER JOIN "documents_metadata" U1 ON (U0."id" = U1."entity_id")
-                WHERE U1."element_id" = '{element_id}'::uuid)))
-ORDER BY T3."name" ASC
diff --git a/arkindex/sql_validation/element_links_not_found.sql b/arkindex/sql_validation/element_links_not_found.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index 81df4cee727db310d5bd2c0887fa4c3bd2e65c56..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/arkindex/sql_validation/element_links_not_found.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-SELECT "documents_element"."id",
-       "documents_element"."corpus_id",
-       "documents_corpus"."created",
-       "documents_corpus"."updated",
-       "documents_corpus"."id",
-       "documents_corpus"."name",
-       "documents_corpus"."description",
-       "documents_corpus"."top_level_type_id",
-       "documents_corpus"."public",
-       "documents_corpus"."indexable"
-FROM "documents_element"
-INNER JOIN "documents_corpus" ON ("documents_element"."corpus_id" = "documents_corpus"."id")
-WHERE "documents_element"."id" = '{element_id}'::uuid