AttributeError when listing artifacts as a regular user
AttributeError: 'IsAgentOrTaskAdminOrReadOnly' object has no attribute 'process_access_level'
(10 additional frame(s) were not displayed)
File "rest_framework/", line 38, in list
queryset = self.filter_queryset(self.get_queryset())
File "arkindex/ponos/", line 330, in get_queryset
File "arkindex/ponos/", line 326, in get_task
File "rest_framework/", line 345, in check_object_permissions
if not permission.has_object_permission(request, self, obj):
File "arkindex/ponos/", line 95, in has_object_permission
The permission class should be using the ProcessACLMixin
, not the CorpusACLMixin