Prevent deletion of processes when worker runs are in use
IntegrityError: update or delete on table "process_workerrun" violates foreign key constraint "documents_element_...
ForeignKeyViolation: update or delete on table "process_workerrun" violates foreign key constraint "documents_element_worker_run_id_794288c7_fk_process_w" on table "documents_element"
DETAIL: Key (id)=(88a31896-55bc-4ffb-8e71-de6a481cf08a) is still referenced from table "documents_element".
File "django/db/backends/base/", line 306, in _commit
return self.connection.commit()
IntegrityError: update or delete on table "process_workerrun" violates foreign key constraint "documents_element_worker_run_id_794288c7_fk_process_w" on table "documents_element"
DETAIL: Key (id)=(88a31896-55bc-4ffb-8e71-de6a481cf08a) is still referenced from table "documents_element".
(14 additional frame(s) were not displayed)
File "arkindex/process/", line 404, in destroy
A 400 with explicit message should be raised when worker runs are used on elements or other ml results
Edited by Bastien Abadie