The WorkerRun details modal does not support worker versions without revisions
TypeError: can't access property "refs", e.workerRun.worker_version.revision is null
at 741/Oa/<.default< (/arkindex/1.5.2-rc2/arkindex-1.5.2-rc2.js:1:128484)
at r (/arkindex/1.5.2-rc2/arkindex-vendors-1.5.2-rc2.js:1:87977)
at Jt (/arkindex/1.5.2-rc2/arkindex-vendors-1.5.2-rc2.js:1:98522)
at d (/arkindex/1.5.2-rc2/arkindex-1.5.2-rc2.js:1:371031)
at z (/arkindex/1.5.2-rc2/arkindex-vendors-1.5.2-rc2.js:1:88277)
(5 additional frame(s) were not displayed)
This should have been caught by TypeScript, because this component is already typed, but for some reason it did not. It does display a bunch of errors within VS Code.