diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 3ce49e50249d8625b1c7a31d9a0cddb091e00009..32dcab898a7156c792beaba6faf5be99e2708aa6 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,16 +2,44 @@
 ## Documentation
-For more details about this package, make sure to see the documentation available at https://teklia.gitlab.io/atr/dan/.
-## Installation
 To use DAN in your own scripts, install it using pip:
 pip install -e .
+For more details about this package, make sure to see the documentation available at https://teklia.gitlab.io/atr/dan/.
+## Development
+For development and tests purpose it may be useful to install the project as a editable package with pip.
+* Use a virtualenv (e.g. with virtualenvwrapper `mkvirtualenv -a . dan`)
+* Install `dan` as a package (e.g. `pip install -e .`)
+### Linter
+Code syntax is analyzed before submitting the code.\
+To run the linter tools suite you may use pre-commit.
+pip install pre-commit
+pre-commit run -a
+### Run tests
+Tests are executed with `tox` using [pytest](https://pytest.org).
+To install `tox`,
+pip install tox
+To reload the test virtual environment you can use `tox -r`
+Run a single test module: `tox -- <test_path>`
+Run a single test: `tox -- <test_path>::<test_function>`
+The tests use a large file stored via [Git-LFS](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/topics/git/lfs/). Make sure to run `git-lfs pull` before running them.
 ## Inference
 To apply DAN to an image, one needs to first add a few imports and to load an image. Note that the image should be in RGB.