diff --git a/dan/ocr/train.py b/dan/ocr/train.py
index 6f64ef5bce9a3254d8f28ae4f5a5e0b29a2dda68..59c6ac7f6b2430bed1f6889f1429afc87e40e8de 100644
--- a/dan/ocr/train.py
+++ b/dan/ocr/train.py
@@ -4,8 +4,10 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 import json
 import logging
+import os
 import random
 from copy import deepcopy
+from pathlib import Path
 import numpy as np
 import torch
@@ -107,21 +109,27 @@ def run(config: dict):
     Main program, training a new model, using a valid configuration
+    names = list(config["dataset"]["datasets"].keys())
+    # We should only have one dataset
+    assert len(names) == 1, f"Found {len(names)} datasets but only one is expected"
+    dataset_name = names.pop()
+    update_config(config)
     # Start "Weights & Biases" as soon as possible
     if config.get("wandb"):
+        # Store "Weights & Biases" files in the output folder by default
+        if not os.getenv("WANDB_DIR"):
+            os.environ["WANDB_DIR"] = str(config["training"]["output_folder"])
+        # Path should already exist when "Weights & Biases" is instantiated
+        Path(os.environ["WANDB_DIR"]).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
         wandb_config = config["wandb"].pop("config", {})
             config={**config, **wandb_config},
-    names = list(config["dataset"]["datasets"].keys())
-    # We should only have one dataset
-    assert len(names) == 1, f"Found {len(names)} datasets but only one is expected"
-    dataset_name = names.pop()
-    update_config(config)
     if config.get("mlflow") and not MLFLOW_AVAILABLE:
             "Cannot log to MLflow. Please install the `mlflow` extra requirements."
diff --git a/docs/usage/train/config.md b/docs/usage/train/config.md
index 5b4ecebd55d9a29f1e6844a4779fa44c47d359e2..5ab6b56907bfe5cf0e6c6cf0b2cf96f9791e2a5a 100644
--- a/docs/usage/train/config.md
+++ b/docs/usage/train/config.md
@@ -284,12 +284,9 @@ wandb login
 - update the following arguments:
-| Name    | Description                                                                                                                                                             | Type   | Default |
-| ------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------ | ------- |
-| `wandb` | Key and values to use to initialise your experiment on W&B. See the full list of available keys on [the official documentation](https://docs.wandb.ai/ref/python/init). | `dict` |         |
-!!! warning
-    To resume your DAN training on W&B you need to set the `wandb.id` key to the ID of your W&B run and set the `wandb.resume` key to `must`. Otherwise, W&B will create a new run.
+| Name    | Description                                                                                                                                                              | Type   | Default |
+| ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------ | ------- |
+| `wandb` | Keys and values to use to initialise your experiment on W&B. See the full list of available keys on [the official documentation](https://docs.wandb.ai/ref/python/init). | `dict` |         |
 Using W&B during DAN training will allow you to follow the DAN training with a W&B run. This run will automatically record:
@@ -299,3 +296,45 @@ Using W&B during DAN training will allow you to follow the DAN training with a W
     If a `wandb.config.*` key exists in the DAN training configuration (e.g `dataset`, `model`, `training`...) then the W&B run configuration will record the `wandb.config.*` value instead of using the value of the DAN training configuration.
 - **metrics** listed in the `training.metrics` key of the DAN training configuration. To edit the metrics to log to W&B see [the dedicated section](#metrics).
+### Resume run
+To be sure that your DAN training will only produce one W&B run even if your DAN training has been resumed, we strongly recommend you to define these two keys **before** starting your DAN training:
+- `wandb.id` with a unique ID that has never been used on your W&B project. We recommend you to generate a random 8-character word composed of letters and numbers using [the Short Unique ID (UUID) Generating Library](https://shortunique.id/).
+- `wandb.resume` with the value `auto`.
+The final configuration should look like:
+  "wandb": {
+    "id": "<unique_ID>",
+    "resume": "auto"
+  }
+Otherwise, W&B will create a new run for each DAN training session, even if the DAN training has been resumed.
+### Offline mode
+If you do not have Internet access during the DAN training, you can set the `wandb.mode` key to `offline` to use W&B's offline mode. W&B will create a `wandb` folder in the `training.output_folder` defined in the DAN training configuration. To use another location, see [the dedicated section](#training-parameters).
+The final configuration should look like:
+  "wandb": {
+    "mode": "offline"
+  }
+Once your DAN training is complete, you can publish your W&B run with the [`wandb sync`](https://docs.wandb.ai/ref/cli/wandb-sync) command and **the `--append` parameter**:
+wandb sync --project <wandb_project> --sync-all --append
+As in online mode, we recommend you to set up a resume of your W&B runs (see [the dedicated section](#resume-run)).