# Development ## Base setup - Use a virtualenv (e.g. with virtualenvwrapper `mkvirtualenv -a . atr-data-gen`) - Install atr-data-generator as a package - The `teklia-document-processing` library is setup via git submodule. Please run `git submodule update --init`. - Then install both packages via `pip install ./document-processing -e .` ## Unit tests Tests are executed with [tox](https://tox.wiki/), based on [pytest](https://docs.pytest.org/). - Run a single test module: `tox -- <test_path>` - Run a single test: `tox -- <test_path>::<test_function>` ## Documentation The documentation is generated via [mkdocs](https://mkdocs.readthedocs.io/) and [mkdocstrings](mkdocstrings.github.io/). Please keep it updated when modifying or adding features. It's pretty easy to do: ```console pip install -e .[docs] mkdocs serve ``` You can then write in Markdown in the relevant `docs/*.md` files, and see live output on [http://localhost:8000](http://localhost:8000).