From 2ac2b607301c72b555ef2817b1b8b0b676f2fe39 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yoann Schneider <>
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2023 22:27:43 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Some small refactoring

 .gitlab-ci.yml                        |   5 +-
 .pre-commit-config.yaml               |  15 +-                           |   3 +-
 nerval/                    |   8 +
 nerval/                         |  87 +++++++
 nerval/                    | 346 +-------------------------
 nerval/                       | 203 +++++++++++++++
 nerval/                       |  44 ++++                              |  38 ++-
 tests/                     |   0
 tests/                     |  51 ++++
 tests/{ => fixtures}/      |   0
 tests/{ => fixtures}/  |   0
 tests/{ => fixtures}/   |   0
 tests/{ => fixtures}/     |   0
 tests/{ => fixtures}/   |   0
 tests/{ => fixtures}/  |   0
 tests/{ => fixtures}/ |   0
 tests/                   |  30 +--
 tests/         |  46 ++--
 tests/          |  85 ++++---
 tests/               |  27 +-
 tests/                     | 167 +++++++------
 tox.ini                               |   4 +-
 24 files changed, 626 insertions(+), 533 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 nerval/
 create mode 100644 nerval/
 create mode 100644 nerval/
 delete mode 100644 tests/
 create mode 100644 tests/
 rename tests/{ => fixtures}/ (100%)
 rename tests/{ => fixtures}/ (100%)
 rename tests/{ => fixtures}/ (100%)
 rename tests/{ => fixtures}/ (100%)
 rename tests/{ => fixtures}/ (100%)
 rename tests/{ => fixtures}/ (100%)
 rename tests/{ => fixtures}/ (100%)

diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 93558bf..63f5e7e 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
   - test
-  - build
   - release
@@ -11,7 +10,7 @@ cache:
   stage: test
-  image: python:3.8
+  image: python:3
@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ linter:
   stage: test
-  image: python:3.8
+  image: python:3
diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
index ca8367e..9a3c7b8 100644
--- a/.pre-commit-config.yaml
+++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
-  - repo:
-    rev: v5.10.1
+  - repo:
+    rev: 5.12.0
       - id: isort
   - repo:
-    rev: 22.10.0
+    rev: 23.1.0
     - id: black
   - repo:
-    rev: 3.9.2
+    rev: 6.0.0
       - id: flake8
-          - 'flake8-coding==1.3.1'
-          - 'flake8-copyright==0.2.2'
-          - 'flake8-debugger==3.1.0'
+          - 'flake8-coding==1.3.2'
+          - 'flake8-debugger==4.1.2'
   - repo:
-    rev: v4.3.0
+    rev: v4.4.0
       - id: check-ast
       - id: check-docstring-first
diff --git a/ b/
index bb3ec5f..fd959fa 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
+include requirements.txt
+include VERSION
diff --git a/nerval/ b/nerval/
index e69de29..b74e888 100644
--- a/nerval/
+++ b/nerval/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import logging
+    level=logging.INFO,
+    format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s/%(name)s: %(message)s",
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
diff --git a/nerval/ b/nerval/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8604b7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nerval/
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import argparse
+from pathlib import Path
+from nerval.evaluate import run, run_multiple
+def threshold_float_type(arg):
+    """Type function for argparse."""
+    try:
+        f = float(arg)
+    except ValueError:
+        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Must be a floating point number.")
+    if f < 0 or f > 1:
+        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Must be between 0 and 1.")
+    return f
+def parse_args():
+    """Get arguments and run."""
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Compute score of NER on predict.")
+    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+    group.add_argument(
+        "-a",
+        "--annot",
+        help="Annotation in BIO format.",
+    )
+    group.add_argument(
+        "-c",
+        "--csv",
+        help="CSV with the correlation between the annotation bio files and the predict bio files",
+        type=Path,
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-p",
+        "--predict",
+        help="Prediction in BIO format.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-f",
+        "--folder",
+        help="Folder containing the bio files referred to in the csv file",
+        type=Path,
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-v",
+        "--verbose",
+        help="Print only the recap if False",
+        action="store_false",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-t",
+        "--threshold",
+        help="Set a distance threshold for the match between gold and predicted entity.",
+        default=THRESHOLD,
+        type=threshold_float_type,
+    )
+    return parser.parse_args()
+def main():
+    args = parse_args()
+    if args.annot:
+        if not args.predict:
+            raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
+                "You need to specify the path to a predict file with -p"
+            )
+        run(args.annot, args.predict, args.threshold, args.verbose)
+    elif args.csv:
+        if not args.folder:
+            raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
+                "You need to specify the path to a folder of bio files with -f"
+            )
+        run_multiple(args.csv, args.folder, args.threshold, args.verbose)
+    else:
+        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
+            "You need to specify the argument of input file"
+        )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/nerval/ b/nerval/
index 80335e9..5cbe3ab 100644
--- a/nerval/
+++ b/nerval/
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import argparse
 import glob
 import logging
 import os
-import re
 from csv import reader
 from pathlib import Path
@@ -12,211 +10,17 @@ import editdistance
 import edlib
 import termtables as tt
+from nerval.parse import (
+    get_position_label,
+    get_type_label,
+    look_for_further_entity_part,
+    parse_bio,
+from nerval.utils import print_result_compact, print_results
-BEGINNING_POS = ["B", "S", "U"]
-def get_type_label(label: str) -> str:
-    """Return the type (tag) of a label
-    Input format: "[BIESLU]-type"
-    """
-    try:
-        tag = (
-            NOT_ENTITY_TAG
-            if label == NOT_ENTITY_TAG
-            else re.match(r"[BIESLU]-(.*)$", label)[1]
-        )
-    except TypeError:
-        raise (Exception(f"The label {label} is not valid in BIOES/BIOLU format."))
-    return tag
-def get_position_label(label: str) -> str:
-    """Return the position of a label
-    Input format: "[BIESLU]-type"
-    """
-    try:
-        pos = (
-            NOT_ENTITY_TAG
-            if label == NOT_ENTITY_TAG
-            else re.match(r"([BIESLU])-(.*)$", label)[1]
-        )
-    except TypeError:
-        raise (Exception(f"The label {label} is not valid in BIOES/BIOLU format."))
-    return pos
-def parse_bio(path: str) -> dict:
-    """Parse a BIO file to get text content, character-level NE labels and entity types count.
-    Input : path to a valid BIO file
-    Output format : { "words": str, "labels": list; "entity_count" : { tag : int } }
-    """
-    assert os.path.exists(path), f"Error: Input file {path} does not exist"
-    words = []
-    labels = []
-    entity_count = {"All": 0}
-    last_tag = None
-    with open(path, "r") as fd:
-        lines = list(filter(lambda x: x != "\n", fd.readlines()))
-    if "§" in " ".join(lines):
-        raise (
-            Exception(
-                f"§ found in input file {path}. Since this character is used in a specific way during evaluation, prease remove it from files."
-            )
-        )
-    # Track nested entities infos
-    in_nested_entity = False
-    containing_tag = None
-    for index, line in enumerate(lines):
-        try:
-            word, label = line.split()
-        except ValueError:
-            raise (
-                Exception(
-                    f"The file {path} given in input is not in BIO format: check line {index} ({line})"
-                )
-            )
-        # Preserve hyphens to avoid confusion with the hyphens added later during alignment
-        word = word.replace("-", "§")
-        words.append(word)
-        tag = get_type_label(label)
-        # Spaces will be added between words and have to get a label
-        if index != 0:
-            # If new word has same tag as previous, not new entity and in entity, continue entity
-            if (
-                last_tag == tag
-                and get_position_label(label) not in BEGINNING_POS
-                and tag != NOT_ENTITY_TAG
-            ):
-                labels.append(f"I-{last_tag}")
-            # If new word begins a new entity of different type, check for nested entity to correctly tag the space
-            elif (
-                last_tag != tag
-                and get_position_label(label) in BEGINNING_POS
-                and tag != NOT_ENTITY_TAG
-                and last_tag != NOT_ENTITY_TAG
-            ):
-                # Advance to next word with different label as current
-                future_label = label
-                while (
-                    index < len(lines)
-                    and future_label != NOT_ENTITY_TAG
-                    and get_type_label(future_label) != last_tag
-                ):
-                    index += 1
-                    if index < len(lines):
-                        future_label = lines[index].split()[1]
-                # Check for continuation of the original entity
-                if (
-                    index < len(lines)
-                    and get_position_label(future_label) not in BEGINNING_POS
-                    and get_type_label(future_label) == last_tag
-                ):
-                    labels.append(f"I-{last_tag}")
-                    in_nested_entity = True
-                    containing_tag = last_tag
-                else:
-                    labels.append(NOT_ENTITY_TAG)
-                    in_nested_entity = False
-            elif in_nested_entity:
-                labels.append(f"I-{containing_tag}")
-            else:
-                labels.append(NOT_ENTITY_TAG)
-                in_nested_entity = False
-        # Add a tag for each letter in the word
-        if get_position_label(label) in BEGINNING_POS:
-            labels += [f"B-{tag}"] + [f"I-{tag}"] * (len(word) - 1)
-        else:
-            labels += [label] * len(word)
-        # Count nb entity for each type
-        if get_position_label(label) in BEGINNING_POS:
-            entity_count[tag] = entity_count.get(tag, 0) + 1
-            entity_count["All"] += 1
-        last_tag = tag
-    result = None
-    if words:
-        result = dict()
-        result["words"] = " ".join(words)
-        result["labels"] = labels
-        result["entity_count"] = entity_count
-        assert len(result["words"]) == len(result["labels"])
-        for tag in result["entity_count"]:
-            if tag != "All":
-                assert result["labels"].count(f"B-{tag}") == result["entity_count"][tag]
-    return result
-def look_for_further_entity_part(index, tag, characters, labels):
-    """Get further entities parts for long entities with nested entities.
-    Input:
-        index: the starting index to look for rest of entity (one after last character included)
-        tag: the type of the entity investigated
-        characters: the string of the annotation or prediction
-        the labels associated with characters
-    Output :
-        complete string of the rest of the entity found
-        visited: indexes of the characters used for this last entity part OF THE DESIGNATED TAG. Do not process again later
-    """
-    original_index = index
-    last_loop_index = index
-    research = True
-    visited = []
-    while research:
-        while (
-            index < len(characters)
-            and labels[index] != NOT_ENTITY_TAG
-            and get_type_label(labels[index]) != tag
-        ):
-            index += 1
-        while (
-            index < len(characters)
-            and get_position_label(labels[index]) not in BEGINNING_POS
-            and get_type_label(labels[index]) == tag
-        ):
-            visited.append(index)
-            index += 1
-        research = index != last_loop_index and get_type_label(labels[index - 1]) == tag
-        last_loop_index = index
-    characters_to_add = (
-        characters[original_index:index]
-        if get_type_label(labels[index - 1]) == tag
-        else []
-    )
-    return characters_to_add, visited
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 def compute_matches(
@@ -268,7 +72,6 @@ def compute_matches(
     # Iterating on reference string
     for i, char_annot in enumerate(annotation):
         if i in visited_annot:
@@ -282,7 +85,6 @@ def compute_matches(
             last_tag = NOT_ENTITY_TAG
             # If beginning new entity
             if get_position_label(label_ref) in BEGINNING_POS:
                 current_ref, current_compar = [], []
@@ -294,7 +96,6 @@ def compute_matches(
             # Searching character string corresponding with tag
             if not found_aligned_end and tag_predict == tag_ref:
                 if i in visited_predict:
@@ -335,7 +136,6 @@ def compute_matches(
                 i + 1 < len(annotation)
                 and get_type_label(labels_annot[i + 1]) != last_tag
                 if not found_aligned_end:
                     rest_predict, visited = look_for_further_entity_part(
                         i + 1, tag_ref, prediction, labels_predict
@@ -466,50 +266,7 @@ def compute_scores(
     return scores
-def print_results(scores: dict):
-    """Display final results.
-    None values are kept to indicate the absence of a certain tag in either annotation or prediction.
-    """
-    header = ["tag", "predicted", "matched", "Precision", "Recall", "F1", "Support"]
-    results = []
-    for tag in sorted(scores.keys())[::-1]:
-        prec = None if scores[tag]["P"] is None else round(scores[tag]["P"], 3)
-        rec = None if scores[tag]["R"] is None else round(scores[tag]["R"], 3)
-        f1 = None if scores[tag]["F1"] is None else round(scores[tag]["F1"], 3)
-        results.append(
-            [
-                tag,
-                scores[tag]["predicted"],
-                scores[tag]["matched"],
-                prec,
-                rec,
-                f1,
-                scores[tag]["Support"],
-            ]
-        )
-    tt.print(results, header, style=tt.styles.markdown)
-def print_result_compact(scores: dict):
-    result = []
-    header = ["tag", "predicted", "matched", "Precision", "Recall", "F1", "Support"]
-    result.append(
-        [
-            "ALl",
-            scores["All"]["predicted"],
-            scores["All"]["matched"],
-            round(scores["All"]["P"], 3),
-            round(scores["All"]["R"], 3),
-            round(scores["All"]["F1"], 3),
-            scores["All"]["Support"],
-        ]
-    )
-    tt.print(result, header, style=tt.styles.markdown)
-def run(annotation: str, prediction: str, threshold: int, verbose: bool) -> dict:
+def run(annotation: Path, prediction: Path, threshold: int, verbose: bool) -> dict:
     """Compute recall and precision for each entity type found in annotation and/or prediction.
     Each measure is given at document level, global score is a micro-average across entity types.
@@ -586,16 +343,14 @@ def run_multiple(file_csv, folder, threshold, verbose):
             if annot and predict:
                 count += 1
-                print(os.path.basename(predict))
                 scores = run(annot, predict, threshold, verbose)
                 precision += scores["All"]["P"]
                 recall += scores["All"]["R"]
                 f1 += scores["All"]["F1"]
-                print()
                 raise Exception(f"No file found for files {annot}, {predict}")
         if count:
-            print("Average score on all corpus")
+  "Average score on all corpus")
@@ -611,80 +366,3 @@ def run_multiple(file_csv, folder, threshold, verbose):
             raise Exception("No file were counted")
         raise Exception("the path indicated does not lead to a folder.")
-def threshold_float_type(arg):
-    """Type function for argparse."""
-    try:
-        f = float(arg)
-    except ValueError:
-        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Must be a floating point number.")
-    if f < 0 or f > 1:
-        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Must be between 0 and 1.")
-    return f
-def main():
-    """Get arguments and run."""
-    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Compute score of NER on predict.")
-    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
-    group.add_argument(
-        "-a",
-        "--annot",
-        help="Annotation in BIO format.",
-    )
-    group.add_argument(
-        "-c",
-        "--csv",
-        help="Csv with the correlation between the annotation bio files and the predict bio files",
-        type=Path,
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "-p",
-        "--predict",
-        help="Prediction in BIO format.",
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "-f",
-        "--folder",
-        help="Folder containing the bio files referred to in the csv file",
-        type=Path,
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "-v",
-        "--verbose",
-        help="Print only the recap if False",
-        action="store_false",
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "-t",
-        "--threshold",
-        help="Set a distance threshold for the match between gold and predicted entity.",
-        default=THRESHOLD,
-        type=threshold_float_type,
-    )
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    if args.annot:
-        if not args.predict:
-            raise parser.error("You need to specify the path to a predict file with -p")
-        if args.annot and args.predict:
-            run(args.annot, args.predict, args.threshold, args.verbose)
-    elif args.csv:
-        if not args.folder:
-            raise parser.error(
-                "You need to specify the path to a folder of bio files with -f"
-            )
-        if args.folder and args.csv:
-            run_multiple(args.csv, args.folder, args.threshold, args.verbose)
-    else:
-        raise parser.error("You need to specify the argument of input file")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()
diff --git a/nerval/ b/nerval/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60c50fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nerval/
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import re
+from pathlib import Path
+BEGINNING_POS = ["B", "S", "U"]
+def get_type_label(label: str) -> str:
+    """Return the type (tag) of a label
+    Input format: "[BIESLU]-type"
+    """
+    try:
+        tag = (
+            NOT_ENTITY_TAG
+            if label == NOT_ENTITY_TAG
+            else re.match(r"[BIESLU]-(.*)$", label)[1]
+        )
+    except TypeError:
+        raise (Exception(f"The label {label} is not valid in BIOES/BIOLU format."))
+    return tag
+def get_position_label(label: str) -> str:
+    """Return the position of a label
+    Input format: "[BIESLU]-type"
+    """
+    try:
+        pos = (
+            NOT_ENTITY_TAG
+            if label == NOT_ENTITY_TAG
+            else re.match(r"([BIESLU])-(.*)$", label)[1]
+        )
+    except TypeError:
+        raise (Exception(f"The label {label} is not valid in BIOES/BIOLU format."))
+    return pos
+def parse_bio(path: Path) -> dict:
+    """Parse a BIO file to get text content, character-level NE labels and entity types count.
+    Input : path to a valid BIO file
+    Output format : { "words": str, "labels": list; "entity_count" : { tag : int } }
+    """
+    assert path.exists(), f"Error: Input file {path} does not exist"
+    words = []
+    labels = []
+    entity_count = {"All": 0}
+    last_tag = None
+    with open(path, "r") as fd:
+        lines = list(filter(lambda x: x != "\n", fd.readlines()))
+    if "§" in " ".join(lines):
+        raise (
+            Exception(
+                f"§ found in input file {path}. Since this character is used in a specific way during evaluation, prease remove it from files."
+            )
+        )
+    # Track nested entities infos
+    in_nested_entity = False
+    containing_tag = None
+    for index, line in enumerate(lines):
+        try:
+            word, label = line.split()
+        except ValueError:
+            raise (
+                Exception(
+                    f"The file {path} given in input is not in BIO format: check line {index} ({line})"
+                )
+            )
+        # Preserve hyphens to avoid confusion with the hyphens added later during alignment
+        word = word.replace("-", "§")
+        words.append(word)
+        tag = get_type_label(label)
+        # Spaces will be added between words and have to get a label
+        if index != 0:
+            # If new word has same tag as previous, not new entity and in entity, continue entity
+            if (
+                last_tag == tag
+                and get_position_label(label) not in BEGINNING_POS
+                and tag != NOT_ENTITY_TAG
+            ):
+                labels.append(f"I-{last_tag}")
+            # If new word begins a new entity of different type, check for nested entity to correctly tag the space
+            elif (
+                last_tag != tag
+                and get_position_label(label) in BEGINNING_POS
+                and tag != NOT_ENTITY_TAG
+                and last_tag != NOT_ENTITY_TAG
+            ):
+                # Advance to next word with different label as current
+                future_label = label
+                while (
+                    index < len(lines)
+                    and future_label != NOT_ENTITY_TAG
+                    and get_type_label(future_label) != last_tag
+                ):
+                    index += 1
+                    if index < len(lines):
+                        future_label = lines[index].split()[1]
+                # Check for continuation of the original entity
+                if (
+                    index < len(lines)
+                    and get_position_label(future_label) not in BEGINNING_POS
+                    and get_type_label(future_label) == last_tag
+                ):
+                    labels.append(f"I-{last_tag}")
+                    in_nested_entity = True
+                    containing_tag = last_tag
+                else:
+                    labels.append(NOT_ENTITY_TAG)
+                    in_nested_entity = False
+            elif in_nested_entity:
+                labels.append(f"I-{containing_tag}")
+            else:
+                labels.append(NOT_ENTITY_TAG)
+                in_nested_entity = False
+        # Add a tag for each letter in the word
+        if get_position_label(label) in BEGINNING_POS:
+            labels += [f"B-{tag}"] + [f"I-{tag}"] * (len(word) - 1)
+        else:
+            labels += [label] * len(word)
+        # Count nb entity for each type
+        if get_position_label(label) in BEGINNING_POS:
+            entity_count[tag] = entity_count.get(tag, 0) + 1
+            entity_count["All"] += 1
+        last_tag = tag
+    result = None
+    if words:
+        result = dict()
+        result["words"] = " ".join(words)
+        result["labels"] = labels
+        result["entity_count"] = entity_count
+        assert len(result["words"]) == len(result["labels"])
+        for tag in result["entity_count"]:
+            if tag != "All":
+                assert result["labels"].count(f"B-{tag}") == result["entity_count"][tag]
+    return result
+def look_for_further_entity_part(index, tag, characters, labels):
+    """Get further entities parts for long entities with nested entities.
+    Input:
+        index: the starting index to look for rest of entity (one after last character included)
+        tag: the type of the entity investigated
+        characters: the string of the annotation or prediction
+        the labels associated with characters
+    Output :
+        complete string of the rest of the entity found
+        visited: indexes of the characters used for this last entity part OF THE DESIGNATED TAG. Do not process again later
+    """
+    original_index = index
+    last_loop_index = index
+    research = True
+    visited = []
+    while research:
+        while (
+            index < len(characters)
+            and labels[index] != NOT_ENTITY_TAG
+            and get_type_label(labels[index]) != tag
+        ):
+            index += 1
+        while (
+            index < len(characters)
+            and get_position_label(labels[index]) not in BEGINNING_POS
+            and get_type_label(labels[index]) == tag
+        ):
+            visited.append(index)
+            index += 1
+        research = index != last_loop_index and get_type_label(labels[index - 1]) == tag
+        last_loop_index = index
+    characters_to_add = (
+        characters[original_index:index]
+        if get_type_label(labels[index - 1]) == tag
+        else []
+    )
+    return characters_to_add, visited
diff --git a/nerval/ b/nerval/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..595299e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nerval/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import termtables as tt
+def print_results(scores: dict):
+    """Display final results.
+    None values are kept to indicate the absence of a certain tag in either annotation or prediction.
+    """
+    header = ["tag", "predicted", "matched", "Precision", "Recall", "F1", "Support"]
+    results = []
+    for tag in sorted(scores, reverse=True):
+        prec = None if scores[tag]["P"] is None else round(scores[tag]["P"], 3)
+        rec = None if scores[tag]["R"] is None else round(scores[tag]["R"], 3)
+        f1 = None if scores[tag]["F1"] is None else round(scores[tag]["F1"], 3)
+        results.append(
+            [
+                tag,
+                scores[tag]["predicted"],
+                scores[tag]["matched"],
+                prec,
+                rec,
+                f1,
+                scores[tag]["Support"],
+            ]
+        )
+    tt.print(results, header, style=tt.styles.markdown)
+def print_result_compact(scores: dict):
+    header = ["tag", "predicted", "matched", "Precision", "Recall", "F1", "Support"]
+    result = [
+        [
+            "All",
+            scores["All"]["predicted"],
+            scores["All"]["matched"],
+            round(scores["All"]["P"], 3),
+            round(scores["All"]["R"], 3),
+            round(scores["All"]["F1"], 3),
+            scores["All"]["Support"],
+        ]
+    ]
+    tt.print(result, header, style=tt.styles.markdown)
diff --git a/ b/
index d98c59d..427ffda 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,24 +1,38 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import os.path
+from pathlib import Path
-from setuptools import setup
+from setuptools import find_packages, setup
-def requirements(path):
-    assert os.path.exists(path), "Missing requirements {}.format(path)"
-    with open(path) as f:
-        return list(map(str.strip,
+def parse_requirements_line(line):
+    """Special case for git requirements"""
+    if line.startswith("git+http"):
+        assert "@" in line, "Branch should be specified with suffix (ex: @master)"
+        assert (
+            "#egg=" in line
+        ), "Package name should be specified with suffix (ex: #egg=kraken)"
+        package_name = line.split("#egg=")[-1]
+        return f"{package_name} @ {line}"
+    else:
+        return line
-install_requires = requirements("requirements.txt")
+def parse_requirements():
+    path = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() / "requirements.txt"
+    assert path.exists(), f"Missing requirements: {path}"
+    return list(
+        map(parse_requirements_line, map(str.strip, path.read_text().splitlines()))
+    )
-    name="Nerval",
+    name="nerval",
     description="Tool to evaluate NER on noisy text.",
-    author_email="",
-    packages=["nerval"],
-    entry_points={"console_scripts": ["nerval=nerval.evaluate:main"]},
-    install_requires=install_requires,
+    author_email="",
+    packages=find_packages(),
+    entry_points={"console_scripts": ["nerval=nerval.cli:main"]},
+    install_requires=parse_requirements(),
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d73df4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from pathlib import Path
+import pytest
+FIXTURES = Path(__file__).parent / "fixtures"
+def fake_annot_bio():
+    return FIXTURES / ""
+def fake_predict_bio():
+    return FIXTURES / ""
+def empty_bio():
+    return FIXTURES / ""
+def bad_bio():
+    return FIXTURES / ""
+def bioeslu_bio():
+    return FIXTURES / ""
+def end_of_file_bio():
+    return FIXTURES / ""
+def nested_bio():
+    return FIXTURES / ""
+def folder_bio():
+    return Path("test_folder")
+def csv_file():
+    return Path("test_mapping_file.csv")
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/fixtures/
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/
rename to tests/fixtures/
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/fixtures/
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/
rename to tests/fixtures/
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/fixtures/
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/
rename to tests/fixtures/
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/fixtures/
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/
rename to tests/fixtures/
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/fixtures/
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/
rename to tests/fixtures/
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/fixtures/
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/
rename to tests/fixtures/
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/fixtures/
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/
rename to tests/fixtures/
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index d432025..a18c199 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -2,21 +2,21 @@
 import edlib
 import pytest
-fake_annot_original = "Gérard de Nerval was born in Paris in 1808 ."
-fake_predict_original = "G*rard de *N*erval bo*rn in Paris in 1833 *."
-expected_alignment = {
-    "query_aligned": "Gérard de -N-erval was bo-rn in Paris in 1808 -.",
-    "matched_aligned": "|.||||||||-|-||||||----||-|||||||||||||||||..|-|",
-    "target_aligned": "G*rard de *N*erval ----bo*rn in Paris in 1833 *.",
-    "test_input, expected",
-    [((fake_annot_original, fake_predict_original), expected_alignment)],
+    "query,target",
+    [
+        (
+            "Gérard de Nerval was born in Paris in 1808 .",
+            "G*rard de *N*erval bo*rn in Paris in 1833 *.",
+        )
+    ],
-def test_align(test_input, expected):
-    a = edlib.align(*test_input, task="path")
-    result_alignment = edlib.getNiceAlignment(a, *test_input)
-    assert result_alignment == expected
+def test_align(query, target):
+    a = edlib.align(query, target, task="path")
+    result_alignment = edlib.getNiceAlignment(a, query, target)
+    assert result_alignment == {
+        "query_aligned": "Gérard de -N-erval was bo-rn in Paris in 1808 -.",
+        "matched_aligned": "|.||||||||-|-||||||----||-|||||||||||||||||..|-|",
+        "target_aligned": "G*rard de *N*erval ----bo*rn in Paris in 1833 *.",
+    }
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index f472e84..1f62ce0 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -5,10 +5,6 @@ from nerval import evaluate
-fake_annot_aligned = "Gérard de -N-erval was bo-rn in Paris in 1808 -."
-fake_predict_aligned = "G*rard de *N*erval ----bo*rn in Paris in 1833 *."
-fake_string_nested = "Louis par la grâce de Dieu roy de France et de Navarre."
 # fmt: off
 fake_tags_aligned_nested_perfect = [
@@ -141,12 +137,6 @@ fake_annot_tags_aligned = [
-expected_matches = {"All": 1, "PER": 1, "LOC": 0, "DAT": 0}
-expected_matches_nested_perfect = {"All": 3, "PER": 1, "LOC": 2}
-expected_matches_nested_false = {"All": 2, "PER": 1, "LOC": 1}
-fake_annot_backtrack_boundary = "The red dragon"
 fake_annot_tags_bk_boundary = [
@@ -181,10 +171,6 @@ fake_predict_tags_bk_boundary = [
-expected_matches_bk_boundary = {"All": 0, "PER": 0}
-fake_annot_backtrack_boundary_2 = "A red dragon"
 fake_annot_tags_bk_boundary_2 = [
@@ -215,61 +201,59 @@ fake_predict_tags_bk_boundary_2 = [
-expected_matches_bk_boundary_2 = {"All": 1, "PER": 1}
     "test_input, expected",
-                fake_annot_aligned,
-                fake_predict_aligned,
+                "Gérard de -N-erval was bo-rn in Paris in 1808 -.",
+                "G*rard de *N*erval ----bo*rn in Paris in 1833 *.",
-            expected_matches,
+            {"All": 1, "PER": 1, "LOC": 0, "DAT": 0},
-                fake_string_nested,
-                fake_string_nested,
+                "Louis par la grâce de Dieu roy de France et de Navarre.",
+                "Louis par la grâce de Dieu roy de France et de Navarre.",
-            expected_matches_nested_perfect,
+            {"All": 3, "PER": 1, "LOC": 2},
-                fake_string_nested,
-                fake_string_nested,
+                "Louis par la grâce de Dieu roy de France et de Navarre.",
+                "Louis par la grâce de Dieu roy de France et de Navarre.",
-            expected_matches_nested_false,
+            {"All": 2, "PER": 1, "LOC": 1},
-                fake_annot_backtrack_boundary,
-                fake_annot_backtrack_boundary,
+                "The red dragon",
+                "The red dragon",
-            expected_matches_bk_boundary,
+            {"All": 0, "PER": 0},
-                fake_annot_backtrack_boundary_2,
-                fake_annot_backtrack_boundary_2,
+                "A red dragon",
+                "A red dragon",
-            expected_matches_bk_boundary_2,
+            {"All": 1, "PER": 1},
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 02e26cf..e4dc730 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,48 +3,57 @@ import pytest
 from nerval import evaluate
-fake_annot_entity_count = {"All": 3, "DAT": 1, "LOC": 1, "PER": 1}
-fake_predict_entity_count = {"All": 3, "DAT": 1, "***": 1, "PER": 1}
-fake_matches = {"All": 1, "PER": 1, "LOC": 0, "DAT": 0}
-expected_scores = {
-    "***": {
-        "P": 0.0,
-        "R": None,
-        "F1": None,
-        "predicted": 1,
-        "matched": 0,
-        "Support": None,
-    },
-    "DAT": {"P": 0.0, "R": 0.0, "F1": 0, "predicted": 1, "matched": 0, "Support": 1},
-    "All": {
-        "P": 0.3333333333333333,
-        "R": 0.3333333333333333,
-        "F1": 0.3333333333333333,
-        "predicted": 3,
-        "matched": 1,
-        "Support": 3,
-    },
-    "PER": {"P": 1.0, "R": 1.0, "F1": 1.0, "predicted": 1, "matched": 1, "Support": 1},
-    "LOC": {
-        "P": None,
-        "R": 0.0,
-        "F1": None,
-        "predicted": None,
-        "matched": 0,
-        "Support": 1,
-    },
-    "test_input, expected",
+    "annot,predict,matches",
-            (fake_annot_entity_count, fake_predict_entity_count, fake_matches),
-            expected_scores,
+            {"All": 3, "DAT": 1, "LOC": 1, "PER": 1},
+            {"All": 3, "DAT": 1, "***": 1, "PER": 1},
+            {"All": 1, "PER": 1, "LOC": 0, "DAT": 0},
-def test_compute_scores(test_input, expected):
-    assert evaluate.compute_scores(*test_input) == expected
+def test_compute_scores(annot, predict, matches):
+    assert evaluate.compute_scores(annot, predict, matches) == {
+        "***": {
+            "P": 0.0,
+            "R": None,
+            "F1": None,
+            "predicted": 1,
+            "matched": 0,
+            "Support": None,
+        },
+        "DAT": {
+            "P": 0.0,
+            "R": 0.0,
+            "F1": 0,
+            "predicted": 1,
+            "matched": 0,
+            "Support": 1,
+        },
+        "All": {
+            "P": 0.3333333333333333,
+            "R": 0.3333333333333333,
+            "F1": 0.3333333333333333,
+            "predicted": 3,
+            "matched": 1,
+            "Support": 3,
+        },
+        "PER": {
+            "P": 1.0,
+            "R": 1.0,
+            "F1": 1.0,
+            "predicted": 1,
+            "matched": 1,
+            "Support": 1,
+        },
+        "LOC": {
+            "P": None,
+            "R": 0.0,
+            "F1": None,
+            "predicted": None,
+            "matched": 0,
+            "Support": 1,
+        },
+    }
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 23df00b..db161b8 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,17 +1,10 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from pathlib import Path
 import pytest
 from nerval import evaluate
-EMPTY_BIO = "tests/"
-BAD_BIO = "tests/"
-FAKE_ANNOT_BIO = "tests/"
-FAKE_PREDICT_BIO = "tests/"
-BIOESLU_BIO = "tests/"
-END_OF_FILE_BIO = "tests/"
 expected_parsed_annot = {
     "entity_count": {"All": 3, "DAT": 1, "LOC": 1, "PER": 1},
     "labels": [
@@ -179,22 +172,22 @@ expected_parsed_end_of_file = {
     "test_input, expected",
-        (FAKE_ANNOT_BIO, expected_parsed_annot),
-        (FAKE_PREDICT_BIO, expected_parsed_predict),
-        (EMPTY_BIO, None),
-        (BIOESLU_BIO, expected_parsed_annot),
-        (END_OF_FILE_BIO, expected_parsed_end_of_file),
+        (pytest.lazy_fixture("fake_annot_bio"), expected_parsed_annot),
+        (pytest.lazy_fixture("fake_predict_bio"), expected_parsed_predict),
+        (pytest.lazy_fixture("empty_bio"), None),
+        (pytest.lazy_fixture("bioeslu_bio"), expected_parsed_annot),
+        (pytest.lazy_fixture("end_of_file_bio"), expected_parsed_end_of_file),
 def test_parse_bio(test_input, expected):
     assert evaluate.parse_bio(test_input) == expected
-def test_parse_bio_bad_input():
+def test_parse_bio_bad_input(bad_bio):
     with pytest.raises(Exception):
-        evaluate.parse_bio(BAD_BIO)
+        evaluate.parse_bio(bad_bio)
 def test_parse_bio_no_input():
     with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
-        evaluate.parse_bio(NO_EXIST_BIO)
+        evaluate.parse_bio(Path("not_a_bio"))
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 4a6e9d5..b88595a 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,88 +3,111 @@ import pytest
 from nerval import evaluate
-FAKE_ANNOT_BIO = "tests/"
-FAKE_PREDICT_BIO = "tests/"
-EMPTY_BIO = "tests/"
-FAKE_BIO_NESTED = "tests/"
-BIO_FOLDER = "test_folder"
-CSV_FILE = "test_mapping_file.csv"
-expected_scores_nested = {
-    "All": {
-        "P": 1.0,
-        "R": 1.0,
-        "F1": 1.0,
-        "predicted": 3,
-        "matched": 3,
-        "Support": 3,
-    },
-    "PER": {"P": 1.0, "R": 1.0, "F1": 1.0, "predicted": 1, "matched": 1, "Support": 1},
-    "LOC": {
-        "P": 1.0,
-        "R": 1.0,
-        "F1": 1.0,
-        "predicted": 2,
-        "matched": 2,
-        "Support": 2,
-    },
-expected_scores = {
-    "***": {
-        "P": 0.0,
-        "R": None,
-        "F1": None,
-        "predicted": 1,
-        "matched": 0,
-        "Support": None,
-    },
-    "DAT": {"P": 0.0, "R": 0.0, "F1": 0, "predicted": 1, "matched": 0, "Support": 1},
-    "All": {
-        "P": 0.3333333333333333,
-        "R": 0.3333333333333333,
-        "F1": 0.3333333333333333,
-        "predicted": 3,
-        "matched": 1,
-        "Support": 3,
-    },
-    "PER": {"P": 1.0, "R": 1.0, "F1": 1.0, "predicted": 1, "matched": 1, "Support": 1},
-    "LOC": {
-        "P": None,
-        "R": 0.0,
-        "F1": None,
-        "predicted": None,
-        "matched": 0,
-        "Support": 1,
-    },
-    "test_input, expected",
-    [
-        ((FAKE_ANNOT_BIO, FAKE_PREDICT_BIO, THRESHOLD, True), expected_scores),
-        ((FAKE_BIO_NESTED, FAKE_BIO_NESTED, THRESHOLD, True), expected_scores_nested),
-    ],
+    "annotation, prediction, expected",
+    (
+        (
+            pytest.lazy_fixture("fake_annot_bio"),
+            pytest.lazy_fixture("fake_predict_bio"),
+            {
+                "***": {
+                    "P": 0.0,
+                    "R": None,
+                    "F1": None,
+                    "predicted": 1,
+                    "matched": 0,
+                    "Support": None,
+                },
+                "DAT": {
+                    "P": 0.0,
+                    "R": 0.0,
+                    "F1": 0,
+                    "predicted": 1,
+                    "matched": 0,
+                    "Support": 1,
+                },
+                "All": {
+                    "P": 0.3333333333333333,
+                    "R": 0.3333333333333333,
+                    "F1": 0.3333333333333333,
+                    "predicted": 3,
+                    "matched": 1,
+                    "Support": 3,
+                },
+                "PER": {
+                    "P": 1.0,
+                    "R": 1.0,
+                    "F1": 1.0,
+                    "predicted": 1,
+                    "matched": 1,
+                    "Support": 1,
+                },
+                "LOC": {
+                    "P": None,
+                    "R": 0.0,
+                    "F1": None,
+                    "predicted": None,
+                    "matched": 0,
+                    "Support": 1,
+                },
+            },
+        ),
+        (
+            pytest.lazy_fixture("nested_bio"),
+            pytest.lazy_fixture("nested_bio"),
+            {
+                "All": {
+                    "P": 1.0,
+                    "R": 1.0,
+                    "F1": 1.0,
+                    "predicted": 3,
+                    "matched": 3,
+                    "Support": 3,
+                },
+                "PER": {
+                    "P": 1.0,
+                    "R": 1.0,
+                    "F1": 1.0,
+                    "predicted": 1,
+                    "matched": 1,
+                    "Support": 1,
+                },
+                "LOC": {
+                    "P": 1.0,
+                    "R": 1.0,
+                    "F1": 1.0,
+                    "predicted": 2,
+                    "matched": 2,
+                    "Support": 2,
+                },
+            },
+        ),
+    ),
-def test_run(test_input, expected):
-    # print(*test_input))
-    assert*test_input) == expected
+def test_run(annotation, prediction, expected):
+    assert (
+            annotation=annotation,
+            prediction=prediction,
+            threshold=0.3,
+            verbose=False,
+        )
+        == expected
+    )
-def test_run_empty_bio():
+def test_run_empty_bio(empty_bio):
     with pytest.raises(Exception):
+, empty_bio, 0.3)
 def test_run_empty_entry():
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+, None, 0.3)
-def test_run_multiple():
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("threshold", ([0.3]))
+def test_run_multiple(csv_file, folder_bio, threshold):
     with pytest.raises(Exception):
-        evaluate.run_multiple(CSV_FILE, BIO_FOLDER, THRESHOLD)
+        evaluate.run_multiple(csv_file, folder_bio, threshold)
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index 9d9d14c..a8d512b 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 envlist = nerval
 commands =
   pytest {posargs}
 deps =
+  pytest-lazy-fixture