From 40c071f53a6db16633cab2d50d8aad4f61a02703 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eva Bardou <>
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2020 14:06:00 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Add few more helpers for developers + Report entity creation

 arkindex_worker/  |  10 +-
 arkindex_worker/     | 113 ++++++++
 tests/ | 497 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 tests/       |  31 +++
 4 files changed, 648 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arkindex_worker/ b/arkindex_worker/
index 3e7f248b..1f0736f1 100644
--- a/arkindex_worker/
+++ b/arkindex_worker/
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ class Reporter(object):
                 "transcriptions": {},
                 # Created classification counts, by class
                 "classifications": {},
+                # Created entities ({"id": "", "type": "", "name": ""}) from this element
+                "entities": [],
                 "errors": [],
@@ -99,8 +101,12 @@ class Reporter(object):
         counter.update([transcription["type"] for transcription in transcriptions])
         element["transcriptions"] = dict(counter)
-    def add_entity(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        raise NotImplementedError
+    def add_entity(self, element_id, entity_id, type, name):
+        """
+        Report creating an entity from an element.
+        """
+        entities = self._get_element(element_id)["entities"]
+        entities.append({"id": entity_id, "type": type, "name": name})
     def add_entity_link(self, *args, **kwargs):
         raise NotImplementedError
diff --git a/arkindex_worker/ b/arkindex_worker/
index 46aab692..e13c5fe0 100644
--- a/arkindex_worker/
+++ b/arkindex_worker/
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import logging
 import os
 import sys
 import uuid
+from enum import Enum
 from apistar.exceptions import ErrorResponse
@@ -72,6 +73,24 @@ class BaseWorker(object):
         """Override this method to implement your own process"""
+class TranscriptionType(Enum):
+    Page = "page"
+    Paragraph = "paragraph"
+    Line = "line"
+    Word = "word"
+    Character = "character"
+class EntityType(Enum):
+    Person = "person"
+    Location = "location"
+    Subject = "subject"
+    Organization = "organization"
+    Misc = "misc"
+    Number = "number"
+    Date = "date"
 class ElementsWorker(BaseWorker):
     def __init__(self, description="Arkindex Elements Worker"):
@@ -202,3 +221,97 @@ class ElementsWorker(BaseWorker):
         ), type)
+    def create_transcription(self, element, text, type, score):
+        """
+        Create a transcription on the given element through API
+        """
+        assert element and isinstance(
+            element, Element
+        ), "element shouldn't be null and should be of type Element"
+        assert type and isinstance(
+            type, TranscriptionType
+        ), "type shouldn't be null and should be of type TranscriptionType"
+        assert text and isinstance(
+            text, str
+        ), "text shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
+        assert (
+            score and isinstance(score, float) and 0 <= score <= 1
+        ), "score shouldn't be null and should be a float in [0..1] range"
+        self.api_client.request(
+            "CreateTranscription",
+  ,
+            body={
+                "text": text,
+                "type": type.value,
+                "worker_version": self.worker_version_id,
+                "score": score,
+            },
+        )
+, type.value)
+    def create_classification(
+        self, element, ml_class, confidence, high_confidence=False
+    ):
+        """
+        Create a classification on the given element through API
+        """
+        assert element and isinstance(
+            element, Element
+        ), "element shouldn't be null and should be of type Element"
+        assert ml_class and isinstance(
+            ml_class, str
+        ), "ml_class shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
+        assert (
+            confidence and isinstance(confidence, float) and 0 <= confidence <= 1
+        ), "confidence shouldn't be null and should be a float in [0..1] range"
+        assert high_confidence and isinstance(
+            high_confidence, bool
+        ), "high_confidence shouldn't be null and should be of type bool"
+        self.api_client.request(
+            "CreateClassification",
+            body={
+                "element":,
+                "ml_class": ml_class,
+                "worker_version": self.worker_version_id,
+                "confidence": confidence,
+                "high_confidence": high_confidence,
+            },
+        )
+, ml_class)
+    def create_entity(self, element, name, type, corpus, metas=None, validated=None):
+        """
+        Create an entity on the given corpus through API
+        """
+        assert element and isinstance(
+            element, Element
+        ), "element shouldn't be null and should be of type Element"
+        assert name and isinstance(
+            name, str
+        ), "name shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
+        assert type and isinstance(
+            type, EntityType
+        ), "type shouldn't be null and should be of type EntityType"
+        assert corpus and isinstance(
+            corpus, str
+        ), "corpus shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
+        if metas:
+            assert isinstance(metas, dict), "metas should be of type dict"
+        if validated:
+            assert isinstance(validated, bool), "validated should be of type bool"
+        entity = self.api_client.request(
+            "CreateEntity",
+            body={
+                "name": name,
+                "type": type.value,
+                "metas": metas,
+                "validated": validated,
+                "corpus": corpus,
+                "worker_version": self.worker_version_id,
+            },
+        )
+, entity["id"], type.value, name)
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index b94312fb..c3618b4b 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import pytest
 from apistar.exceptions import ErrorResponse
 from arkindex_worker.models import Element
-from arkindex_worker.worker import ElementsWorker
+from arkindex_worker.worker import ElementsWorker, EntityType, TranscriptionType
 def test_cli_default(monkeypatch):
@@ -379,3 +379,498 @@ def test_create_sub_element(responses):
         == ""
+    assert json.loads(responses.calls[0].request.body) == {
+        "type": "something",
+        "name": "0",
+        "image": "22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222",
+        "corpus": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
+        "polygon": [[1, 1], [2, 2], [2, 1], [1, 2]],
+        "parent": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234",
+        "worker_version": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234",
+    }
+def test_create_transcription_wrong_element():
+    worker = ElementsWorker()
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_transcription(
+            element=None, text="i am a line", type=TranscriptionType.Line, score=0.42,
+        )
+    assert str(e.value) == "element shouldn't be null and should be of type Element"
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_transcription(
+            element="not element type",
+            text="i am a line",
+            type=TranscriptionType.Line,
+            score=0.42,
+        )
+    assert str(e.value) == "element shouldn't be null and should be of type Element"
+def test_create_transcription_wrong_type():
+    worker = ElementsWorker()
+    elt = Element({"id": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234"})
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_transcription(
+            element=elt, text="i am a line", type=None, score=0.42,
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value) == "type shouldn't be null and should be of type TranscriptionType"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_transcription(
+            element=elt, text="i am a line", type=1234, score=0.42,
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value) == "type shouldn't be null and should be of type TranscriptionType"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_transcription(
+            element=elt,
+            text="i am a line",
+            type="not_a_transcription_type",
+            score=0.42,
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value) == "type shouldn't be null and should be of type TranscriptionType"
+    )
+def test_create_transcription_wrong_text():
+    worker = ElementsWorker()
+    elt = Element({"id": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234"})
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_transcription(
+            element=elt, text=None, type=TranscriptionType.Line, score=0.42,
+        )
+    assert str(e.value) == "text shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_transcription(
+            element=elt, text=1234, type=TranscriptionType.Line, score=0.42,
+        )
+    assert str(e.value) == "text shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
+def test_create_transcription_wrong_score():
+    worker = ElementsWorker()
+    elt = Element({"id": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234"})
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_transcription(
+            element=elt, text="i am a line", type=TranscriptionType.Line, score=None,
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value) == "score shouldn't be null and should be a float in [0..1] range"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_transcription(
+            element=elt,
+            text="i am a line",
+            type=TranscriptionType.Line,
+            score="wrong score",
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value) == "score shouldn't be null and should be a float in [0..1] range"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_transcription(
+            element=elt, text="i am a line", type=TranscriptionType.Line, score=0,
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value) == "score shouldn't be null and should be a float in [0..1] range"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_transcription(
+            element=elt, text="i am a line", type=TranscriptionType.Line, score=2.00,
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value) == "score shouldn't be null and should be a float in [0..1] range"
+    )
+def test_create_transcription_api_error(responses):
+    worker = ElementsWorker()
+    worker.configure()
+    elt = Element({"id": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234"})
+    responses.add(
+        responses.POST,
+        f"{}/transcription/",
+        status=500,
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(ErrorResponse):
+        worker.create_transcription(
+            element=elt, text="i am a line", type=TranscriptionType.Line, score=0.42,
+        )
+    assert len(responses.calls) == 1
+    assert (
+        responses.calls[0].request.url
+        == f"{}/transcription/"
+    )
+def test_create_transcription(responses):
+    worker = ElementsWorker()
+    worker.configure()
+    elt = Element({"id": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234"})
+    responses.add(
+        responses.POST,
+        f"{}/transcription/",
+        status=200,
+    )
+    worker.create_transcription(
+        element=elt, text="i am a line", type=TranscriptionType.Line, score=0.42,
+    )
+    assert len(responses.calls) == 1
+    assert (
+        responses.calls[0].request.url
+        == f"{}/transcription/"
+    )
+    assert json.loads(responses.calls[0].request.body) == {
+        "text": "i am a line",
+        "type": "line",
+        "worker_version": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234",
+        "score": 0.42,
+    }
+def test_create_classification_wrong_element():
+    worker = ElementsWorker()
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_classification(
+            element=None, ml_class="a_class", confidence=0.42, high_confidence=True,
+        )
+    assert str(e.value) == "element shouldn't be null and should be of type Element"
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_classification(
+            element="not element type",
+            ml_class="a_class",
+            confidence=0.42,
+            high_confidence=True,
+        )
+    assert str(e.value) == "element shouldn't be null and should be of type Element"
+def test_create_classification_wrong_ml_class():
+    worker = ElementsWorker()
+    elt = Element({"id": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234"})
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_classification(
+            element=elt, ml_class=None, confidence=0.42, high_confidence=True,
+        )
+    assert str(e.value) == "ml_class shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_classification(
+            element=elt, ml_class=1234, confidence=0.42, high_confidence=True,
+        )
+    assert str(e.value) == "ml_class shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
+def test_create_classification_wrong_confidence():
+    worker = ElementsWorker()
+    elt = Element({"id": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234"})
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_classification(
+            element=elt, ml_class="a_class", confidence=None, high_confidence=True,
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "confidence shouldn't be null and should be a float in [0..1] range"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_classification(
+            element=elt,
+            ml_class="a_class",
+            confidence="wrong confidence",
+            high_confidence=True,
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "confidence shouldn't be null and should be a float in [0..1] range"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_classification(
+            element=elt, ml_class="a_class", confidence=0, high_confidence=True,
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "confidence shouldn't be null and should be a float in [0..1] range"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_classification(
+            element=elt, ml_class="a_class", confidence=2.00, high_confidence=True,
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "confidence shouldn't be null and should be a float in [0..1] range"
+    )
+def test_create_classification_wrong_high_confidence():
+    worker = ElementsWorker()
+    elt = Element({"id": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234"})
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_classification(
+            element=elt, ml_class="a_class", confidence=0.42, high_confidence=None,
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value) == "high_confidence shouldn't be null and should be of type bool"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_classification(
+            element=elt,
+            ml_class="a_class",
+            confidence=0.42,
+            high_confidence="wrong high_confidence",
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value) == "high_confidence shouldn't be null and should be of type bool"
+    )
+def test_create_classification_api_error(responses):
+    worker = ElementsWorker()
+    worker.configure()
+    elt = Element({"id": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234"})
+    responses.add(
+        responses.POST,
+        "",
+        status=500,
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(ErrorResponse):
+        worker.create_classification(
+            element=elt, ml_class="a_class", confidence=0.42, high_confidence=True,
+        )
+    assert len(responses.calls) == 1
+    assert (
+        responses.calls[0].request.url
+        == ""
+    )
+def test_create_classification(responses):
+    worker = ElementsWorker()
+    worker.configure()
+    elt = Element({"id": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234"})
+    responses.add(
+        responses.POST,
+        "",
+        status=200,
+    )
+    worker.create_classification(
+        element=elt, ml_class="a_class", confidence=0.42, high_confidence=True,
+    )
+    assert len(responses.calls) == 1
+    assert (
+        responses.calls[0].request.url
+        == ""
+    )
+    assert json.loads(responses.calls[0].request.body) == {
+        "element": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234",
+        "ml_class": "a_class",
+        "worker_version": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234",
+        "confidence": 0.42,
+        "high_confidence": True,
+    }
+def test_create_entity_wrong_element():
+    worker = ElementsWorker()
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_entity(
+            element="not element type",
+            name="Bob Bob",
+            type=EntityType.Person,
+            corpus="12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234",
+        )
+    assert str(e.value) == "element shouldn't be null and should be of type Element"
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_entity(
+            element="not element type",
+            name="Bob Bob",
+            type=EntityType.Person,
+            corpus="12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234",
+        )
+    assert str(e.value) == "element shouldn't be null and should be of type Element"
+def test_create_entity_wrong_name():
+    worker = ElementsWorker()
+    elt = Element({"id": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234"})
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_entity(
+            element=elt,
+            name=None,
+            type=EntityType.Person,
+            corpus="12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234",
+        )
+    assert str(e.value) == "name shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_entity(
+            element=elt,
+            name=1234,
+            type=EntityType.Person,
+            corpus="12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234",
+        )
+    assert str(e.value) == "name shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
+def test_create_entity_wrong_type():
+    worker = ElementsWorker()
+    elt = Element({"id": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234"})
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_entity(
+            element=elt,
+            name="Bob Bob",
+            type=None,
+            corpus="12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234",
+        )
+    assert str(e.value) == "type shouldn't be null and should be of type EntityType"
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_entity(
+            element=elt,
+            name="Bob Bob",
+            type=1234,
+            corpus="12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234",
+        )
+    assert str(e.value) == "type shouldn't be null and should be of type EntityType"
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_entity(
+            element=elt,
+            name="Bob Bob",
+            type="not_an_entity_type",
+            corpus="12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234",
+        )
+    assert str(e.value) == "type shouldn't be null and should be of type EntityType"
+def test_create_entity_wrong_corpus():
+    worker = ElementsWorker()
+    elt = Element({"id": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234"})
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_entity(
+            element=elt, name="Bob Bob", type=EntityType.Person, corpus=None,
+        )
+    assert str(e.value) == "corpus shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_entity(
+            element=elt, name="Bob Bob", type=EntityType.Person, corpus=1234,
+        )
+    assert str(e.value) == "corpus shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
+def test_create_entity_wrong_metas():
+    worker = ElementsWorker()
+    elt = Element({"id": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234"})
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_entity(
+            element=elt,
+            name="Bob Bob",
+            type=EntityType.Person,
+            corpus="12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234",
+            metas="wrong metas",
+        )
+    assert str(e.value) == "metas should be of type dict"
+def test_create_entity_wrong_validated():
+    worker = ElementsWorker()
+    elt = Element({"id": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234"})
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_entity(
+            element=elt,
+            name="Bob Bob",
+            type=EntityType.Person,
+            corpus="12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234",
+            validated="wrong validated",
+        )
+    assert str(e.value) == "validated should be of type bool"
+def test_create_entity_api_error(responses):
+    worker = ElementsWorker()
+    worker.configure()
+    elt = Element({"id": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234"})
+    responses.add(
+        responses.POST, "", status=500,
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(ErrorResponse):
+        worker.create_entity(
+            element=elt,
+            name="Bob Bob",
+            type=EntityType.Person,
+            corpus="12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234",
+        )
+    assert len(responses.calls) == 1
+    assert (
+        responses.calls[0].request.url == ""
+    )
+def test_create_entity(responses):
+    worker = ElementsWorker()
+    worker.configure()
+    elt = Element({"id": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234"})
+    responses.add(
+        responses.POST,
+        "",
+        status=200,
+        json={"id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789123"},
+    )
+    worker.create_entity(
+        element=elt,
+        name="Bob Bob",
+        type=EntityType.Person,
+        corpus="12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234",
+    )
+    assert len(responses.calls) == 1
+    assert (
+        responses.calls[0].request.url == ""
+    )
+    assert json.loads(responses.calls[0].request.body) == {
+        "name": "Bob Bob",
+        "type": "person",
+        "metas": None,
+        "validated": None,
+        "corpus": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234",
+        "worker_version": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234",
+    }
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 16d66635..7f1c1cb2 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ def test_process():
         "elements": {},
         "transcriptions": {},
         "classifications": {},
+        "entities": [],
         "errors": [],
@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ def test_add_element():
         "elements": {"text_line": 1},
         "transcriptions": {},
         "classifications": {},
+        "entities": [],
         "errors": [],
@@ -54,6 +56,7 @@ def test_add_element_count():
         "elements": {"text_line": 42},
         "transcriptions": {},
         "classifications": {},
+        "entities": [],
         "errors": [],
@@ -68,6 +71,7 @@ def test_add_classification():
         "elements": {},
         "transcriptions": {},
         "classifications": {"three": 1},
+        "entities": [],
         "errors": [],
@@ -96,6 +100,7 @@ def test_add_classifications():
         "elements": {},
         "transcriptions": {},
         "classifications": {"three": 3, "two": 2},
+        "entities": [],
         "errors": [],
@@ -110,6 +115,7 @@ def test_add_transcription():
         "elements": {},
         "transcriptions": {"word": 1},
         "classifications": {},
+        "entities": [],
         "errors": [],
@@ -127,6 +133,7 @@ def test_add_transcription_count():
         "elements": {},
         "transcriptions": {"word": 1337},
         "classifications": {},
+        "entities": [],
         "errors": [],
@@ -153,6 +160,30 @@ def test_add_transcriptions():
         "elements": {},
         "transcriptions": {"word": 3, "line": 2},
         "classifications": {},
+        "entities": [],
+        "errors": [],
+    }
+def test_add_entity():
+    reporter = Reporter("worker")
+    reporter.add_entity(
+        "myelement", "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234", "person", "Bob Bob"
+    )
+    assert "myelement" in reporter.report_data["elements"]
+    element_data = reporter.report_data["elements"]["myelement"]
+    del element_data["started"]
+    assert element_data == {
+        "elements": {},
+        "transcriptions": {},
+        "classifications": {},
+        "entities": [
+            {
+                "id": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234",
+                "type": "person",
+                "name": "Bob Bob",
+            }
+        ],
         "errors": [],