diff --git a/arkindex_worker/worker.py b/arkindex_worker/worker.py
index b9825eae73828da19fb3c6f3380e966bd57a908c..031b9da3fd6cb669f59f52e79b2456d24bc75051 100644
--- a/arkindex_worker/worker.py
+++ b/arkindex_worker/worker.py
@@ -532,6 +532,63 @@ class ElementsWorker(BaseWorker):
                     f"Couldn't save created transcription in local cache: {e}"
+    def create_transcriptions(self, transcriptions):
+        """
+        Create multiple transcriptions at once on existing elements through the API.
+        """
+        assert transcriptions and isinstance(
+            transcriptions, list
+        ), "transcriptions shouldn't be null and should be of type list"
+        for index, transcription in enumerate(transcriptions):
+            element_id = transcription.get("element_id")
+            assert element_id and isinstance(
+                element_id, str
+            ), f"Transcription at index {index} in transcriptions: element_id shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
+            text = transcription.get("text")
+            assert text and isinstance(
+                text, str
+            ), f"Transcription at index {index} in transcriptions: text shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
+            score = transcription.get("score")
+            assert (
+                score is not None and isinstance(score, float) and 0 <= score <= 1
+            ), f"Transcription at index {index} in transcriptions: score shouldn't be null and should be a float in [0..1] range"
+        created_trs = self.api_client.request(
+            "CreateTranscriptions",
+            body={
+                "worker_version": self.worker_version_id,
+                "transcriptions": transcriptions,
+            },
+        )["transcriptions"]
+        for created_tr in created_trs:
+            self.report.add_transcription(created_tr["element_id"])
+        if self.cache:
+            # Store transcriptions in local cache
+            try:
+                to_insert = [
+                    CachedTranscription(
+                        id=convert_str_uuid_to_hex(created_tr["id"]),
+                        element_id=convert_str_uuid_to_hex(created_tr["element_id"]),
+                        text=created_tr["text"],
+                        confidence=created_tr["confidence"],
+                        worker_version_id=convert_str_uuid_to_hex(
+                            self.worker_version_id
+                        ),
+                    )
+                    for created_tr in created_trs
+                ]
+                self.cache.insert("transcriptions", to_insert)
+            except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e:
+                logger.warning(
+                    f"Couldn't save created transcriptions in local cache: {e}"
+                )
     def create_classification(
         self, element, ml_class, confidence, high_confidence=False
diff --git a/tests/test_elements_worker/test_transcriptions.py b/tests/test_elements_worker/test_transcriptions.py
index 1fa9845e39feaf79ce1fef7ef9e321990967f5f2..3f66c63db9229a9a6cf9f974c84afc30938644c7 100644
--- a/tests/test_elements_worker/test_transcriptions.py
+++ b/tests/test_elements_worker/test_transcriptions.py
@@ -189,6 +189,349 @@ def test_create_transcription(responses, mock_elements_worker_with_cache):
+def test_create_transcriptions_wrong_transcriptions(mock_elements_worker):
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        mock_elements_worker.create_transcriptions(
+            transcriptions=None,
+        )
+    assert str(e.value) == "transcriptions shouldn't be null and should be of type list"
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        mock_elements_worker.create_transcriptions(
+            transcriptions=1234,
+        )
+    assert str(e.value) == "transcriptions shouldn't be null and should be of type list"
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        mock_elements_worker.create_transcriptions(
+            transcriptions=[
+                {
+                    "element_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
+                    "text": "The",
+                    "score": 0.75,
+                },
+                {
+                    "text": "word",
+                    "score": 0.5,
+                },
+            ],
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "Transcription at index 1 in transcriptions: element_id shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        mock_elements_worker.create_transcriptions(
+            transcriptions=[
+                {
+                    "element_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
+                    "text": "The",
+                    "score": 0.75,
+                },
+                {
+                    "element_id": None,
+                    "text": "word",
+                    "score": 0.5,
+                },
+            ],
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "Transcription at index 1 in transcriptions: element_id shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        mock_elements_worker.create_transcriptions(
+            transcriptions=[
+                {
+                    "element_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
+                    "text": "The",
+                    "score": 0.75,
+                },
+                {
+                    "element_id": 1234,
+                    "text": "word",
+                    "score": 0.5,
+                },
+            ],
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "Transcription at index 1 in transcriptions: element_id shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        mock_elements_worker.create_transcriptions(
+            transcriptions=[
+                {
+                    "element_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
+                    "text": "The",
+                    "score": 0.75,
+                },
+                {
+                    "element_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
+                    "score": 0.5,
+                },
+            ],
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "Transcription at index 1 in transcriptions: text shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        mock_elements_worker.create_transcriptions(
+            transcriptions=[
+                {
+                    "element_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
+                    "text": "The",
+                    "score": 0.75,
+                },
+                {
+                    "element_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
+                    "text": None,
+                    "score": 0.5,
+                },
+            ],
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "Transcription at index 1 in transcriptions: text shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        mock_elements_worker.create_transcriptions(
+            transcriptions=[
+                {
+                    "element_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
+                    "text": "The",
+                    "score": 0.75,
+                },
+                {
+                    "element_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
+                    "text": 1234,
+                    "score": 0.5,
+                },
+            ],
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "Transcription at index 1 in transcriptions: text shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        mock_elements_worker.create_transcriptions(
+            transcriptions=[
+                {
+                    "element_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
+                    "text": "The",
+                    "score": 0.75,
+                },
+                {
+                    "element_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
+                    "text": "word",
+                },
+            ],
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "Transcription at index 1 in transcriptions: score shouldn't be null and should be a float in [0..1] range"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        mock_elements_worker.create_transcriptions(
+            transcriptions=[
+                {
+                    "element_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
+                    "text": "The",
+                    "score": 0.75,
+                },
+                {
+                    "element_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
+                    "text": "word",
+                    "score": None,
+                },
+            ],
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "Transcription at index 1 in transcriptions: score shouldn't be null and should be a float in [0..1] range"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        mock_elements_worker.create_transcriptions(
+            transcriptions=[
+                {
+                    "element_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
+                    "text": "The",
+                    "score": 0.75,
+                },
+                {
+                    "element_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
+                    "text": "word",
+                    "score": "a wrong score",
+                },
+            ],
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "Transcription at index 1 in transcriptions: score shouldn't be null and should be a float in [0..1] range"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        mock_elements_worker.create_transcriptions(
+            transcriptions=[
+                {
+                    "element_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
+                    "text": "The",
+                    "score": 0.75,
+                },
+                {
+                    "element_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
+                    "text": "word",
+                    "score": 0,
+                },
+            ],
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "Transcription at index 1 in transcriptions: score shouldn't be null and should be a float in [0..1] range"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        mock_elements_worker.create_transcriptions(
+            transcriptions=[
+                {
+                    "element_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
+                    "text": "The",
+                    "score": 0.75,
+                },
+                {
+                    "element_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
+                    "text": "word",
+                    "score": 2.00,
+                },
+            ],
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "Transcription at index 1 in transcriptions: score shouldn't be null and should be a float in [0..1] range"
+    )
+def test_create_transcriptions_api_error(responses, mock_elements_worker):
+    responses.add(
+        responses.POST,
+        "http://testserver/api/v1/transcription/bulk/",
+        status=500,
+    )
+    trans = [
+        {
+            "element_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
+            "text": "The",
+            "score": 0.75,
+        },
+        {
+            "element_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
+            "text": "word",
+            "score": 0.42,
+        },
+    ]
+    with pytest.raises(ErrorResponse):
+        mock_elements_worker.create_transcriptions(transcriptions=trans)
+    assert len(responses.calls) == 3
+    assert [call.request.url for call in responses.calls] == [
+        "http://testserver/api/v1/user/",
+        "http://testserver/api/v1/workers/versions/12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234/",
+        "http://testserver/api/v1/transcription/bulk/",
+    ]
+def test_create_transcriptions(responses, mock_elements_worker_with_cache):
+    trans = [
+        {
+            "element_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
+            "text": "The",
+            "score": 0.75,
+        },
+        {
+            "element_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
+            "text": "word",
+            "score": 0.42,
+        },
+    ]
+    responses.add(
+        responses.POST,
+        "http://testserver/api/v1/transcription/bulk/",
+        status=200,
+        json={
+            "worker_version": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234",
+            "transcriptions": [
+                {
+                    "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
+                    "element_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
+                    "text": "The",
+                    "confidence": 0.75,
+                },
+                {
+                    "id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
+                    "element_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
+                    "text": "word",
+                    "confidence": 0.42,
+                },
+            ],
+        },
+    )
+    mock_elements_worker_with_cache.create_transcriptions(
+        transcriptions=trans,
+    )
+    assert len(responses.calls) == 3
+    assert [call.request.url for call in responses.calls] == [
+        "http://testserver/api/v1/user/",
+        "http://testserver/api/v1/workers/versions/12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234/",
+        "http://testserver/api/v1/transcription/bulk/",
+    ]
+    assert json.loads(responses.calls[2].request.body) == {
+        "worker_version": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234",
+        "transcriptions": trans,
+    }
+    # Check that created transcriptions were properly stored in SQLite cache
+    cache_path = f"{CACHE_DIR}/db.sqlite"
+    assert os.path.isfile(cache_path)
+    rows = mock_elements_worker_with_cache.cache.cursor.execute(
+        "SELECT * FROM transcriptions"
+    ).fetchall()
+    assert [CachedTranscription(**dict(row)) for row in rows] == [
+        CachedTranscription(
+            id=convert_str_uuid_to_hex("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"),
+            element_id=convert_str_uuid_to_hex("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111"),
+            text="The",
+            confidence=0.75,
+            worker_version_id=convert_str_uuid_to_hex(
+                "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234"
+            ),
+        ),
+        CachedTranscription(
+            id=convert_str_uuid_to_hex("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111"),
+            element_id=convert_str_uuid_to_hex("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111"),
+            text="word",
+            confidence=0.42,
+            worker_version_id=convert_str_uuid_to_hex(
+                "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234"
+            ),
+        ),
+    ]
 def test_create_element_transcriptions_wrong_element(mock_elements_worker):
     with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e: