diff --git a/arkindex_worker/worker.py b/arkindex_worker/worker.py
index 3fc01b31bd3dee0247e13805251009518a5cffff..8f10b07e17618e6c92910ec252e486ca80f4f66b 100644
--- a/arkindex_worker/worker.py
+++ b/arkindex_worker/worker.py
@@ -321,3 +321,68 @@ class ElementsWorker(BaseWorker):
         self.report.add_entity(element.id, entity["id"], type.value, name)
         return entity["id"]
+    def create_element_transcriptions(
+        self, element, sub_element_type, transcription_type, transcriptions
+    ):
+        """
+        Create multiple sub elements with their transcriptions on the given element through API
+        """
+        assert element and isinstance(
+            element, Element
+        ), "element shouldn't be null and should be of type Element"
+        assert sub_element_type and isinstance(
+            sub_element_type, str
+        ), "sub_element_type shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
+        assert transcription_type and isinstance(
+            transcription_type, TranscriptionType
+        ), "transcription_type shouldn't be null and should be of type TranscriptionType"
+        assert transcriptions and isinstance(
+            transcriptions, list
+        ), "transcriptions shouldn't be null and should be of type list"
+        for index, transcription in enumerate(transcriptions):
+            text = transcription.get("text")
+            assert text and isinstance(
+                text, str
+            ), f"Transcription at index {index} in transcriptions: text shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
+            score = transcription.get("score")
+            assert (
+                score and isinstance(score, float) and 0 <= score <= 1
+            ), f"Transcription at index {index} in transcriptions: score shouldn't be null and should be a float in [0..1] range"
+            polygon = transcription.get("polygon")
+            assert polygon and isinstance(
+                polygon, list
+            ), f"Transcription at index {index} in transcriptions: polygon shouldn't be null and should be of type list"
+            assert (
+                len(polygon) >= 3
+            ), f"Transcription at index {index} in transcriptions: polygon should have at least three points"
+            assert all(
+                isinstance(point, list) and len(point) == 2 for point in polygon
+            ), f"Transcription at index {index} in transcriptions: polygon points should be lists of two items"
+            assert all(
+                isinstance(coord, (int, float)) for point in polygon for coord in point
+            ), f"Transcription at index {index} in transcriptions: polygon points should be lists of two numbers"
+        annotations = self.api_client.request(
+            "CreateElementTranscriptions",
+            id=element.id,
+            body={
+                "element_type": sub_element_type,
+                "transcription_type": transcription_type.value,
+                "worker_version": self.worker_version_id,
+                "transcriptions": transcriptions,
+                "return_elements": True,
+            },
+        )
+        for annotation in annotations:
+            if annotation["created"]:
+                logger.debug(
+                    f"A sub_element of {element.id} with type {sub_element_type} was created during transcriptions bulk creation"
+                )
+                self.report.add_element(element.id, sub_element_type)
+            self.report.add_transcription(annotation["id"], transcription_type.value)
+        return annotations
diff --git a/tests/test_elements_worker.py b/tests/test_elements_worker.py
index 42fccaea445cff8c4eeec5559a894e598065b610..22d1aaf5a468bb97eb6b73a55b25215b4ac352ff 100644
--- a/tests/test_elements_worker.py
+++ b/tests/test_elements_worker.py
@@ -12,6 +12,24 @@ from apistar.exceptions import ErrorResponse
 from arkindex_worker.models import Element
 from arkindex_worker.worker import ElementsWorker, EntityType, TranscriptionType
+    {
+        "polygon": [[100, 150], [700, 150], [700, 200], [100, 200]],
+        "score": 0.5,
+        "text": "The",
+    },
+    {
+        "polygon": [[0, 0], [2000, 0], [2000, 3000], [0, 3000]],
+        "score": 0.75,
+        "text": "first",
+    },
+    {
+        "polygon": [[1000, 300], [1200, 300], [1200, 500], [1000, 500]],
+        "score": 0.9,
+        "text": "line",
+    },
 def test_cli_default(monkeypatch):
     _, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
@@ -877,3 +895,504 @@ def test_create_entity(responses):
         "worker_version": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234",
     assert entity_id == "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789123"
+def test_create_element_transcriptions_wrong_element():
+    worker = ElementsWorker()
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_element_transcriptions(
+            element=None,
+            sub_element_type="page",
+            transcription_type=TranscriptionType.Word,
+            transcriptions=TRANSCRIPTIONS_SAMPLE,
+        )
+    assert str(e.value) == "element shouldn't be null and should be of type Element"
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_element_transcriptions(
+            element="not element type",
+            sub_element_type="page",
+            transcription_type=TranscriptionType.Word,
+            transcriptions=TRANSCRIPTIONS_SAMPLE,
+        )
+    assert str(e.value) == "element shouldn't be null and should be of type Element"
+def test_create_element_transcriptions_wrong_sub_element_type():
+    worker = ElementsWorker()
+    elt = Element({"zone": None})
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_element_transcriptions(
+            element=elt,
+            sub_element_type=None,
+            transcription_type=TranscriptionType.Word,
+            transcriptions=TRANSCRIPTIONS_SAMPLE,
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value) == "sub_element_type shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_element_transcriptions(
+            element=elt,
+            sub_element_type=1234,
+            transcription_type=TranscriptionType.Word,
+            transcriptions=TRANSCRIPTIONS_SAMPLE,
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value) == "sub_element_type shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
+    )
+def test_create_element_transcriptions_wrong_transcription_type():
+    worker = ElementsWorker()
+    elt = Element({"id": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234"})
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_element_transcriptions(
+            element=elt,
+            sub_element_type="page",
+            transcription_type=None,
+            transcriptions=TRANSCRIPTIONS_SAMPLE,
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "transcription_type shouldn't be null and should be of type TranscriptionType"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_element_transcriptions(
+            element=elt,
+            sub_element_type="page",
+            transcription_type=1234,
+            transcriptions=TRANSCRIPTIONS_SAMPLE,
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "transcription_type shouldn't be null and should be of type TranscriptionType"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_element_transcriptions(
+            element=elt,
+            sub_element_type="page",
+            transcription_type="not_a_transcription_type",
+            transcriptions=TRANSCRIPTIONS_SAMPLE,
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "transcription_type shouldn't be null and should be of type TranscriptionType"
+    )
+def test_create_element_transcriptions_wrong_transcriptions():
+    worker = ElementsWorker()
+    elt = Element({"zone": None})
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_element_transcriptions(
+            element=elt,
+            sub_element_type="page",
+            transcription_type=TranscriptionType.Word,
+            transcriptions=None,
+        )
+    assert str(e.value) == "transcriptions shouldn't be null and should be of type list"
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_element_transcriptions(
+            element=elt,
+            sub_element_type="page",
+            transcription_type=TranscriptionType.Word,
+            transcriptions=1234,
+        )
+    assert str(e.value) == "transcriptions shouldn't be null and should be of type list"
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_element_transcriptions(
+            element=elt,
+            sub_element_type="page",
+            transcription_type=TranscriptionType.Word,
+            transcriptions=[
+                {
+                    "polygon": [[0, 0], [2000, 0], [2000, 3000], [0, 3000]],
+                    "score": 0.75,
+                    "text": "The",
+                },
+                {
+                    "polygon": [[100, 150], [700, 150], [700, 200], [100, 200]],
+                    "score": 0.5,
+                },
+            ],
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "Transcription at index 1 in transcriptions: text shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_element_transcriptions(
+            element=elt,
+            sub_element_type="page",
+            transcription_type=TranscriptionType.Word,
+            transcriptions=[
+                {
+                    "polygon": [[0, 0], [2000, 0], [2000, 3000], [0, 3000]],
+                    "score": 0.75,
+                    "text": "The",
+                },
+                {
+                    "polygon": [[100, 150], [700, 150], [700, 200], [100, 200]],
+                    "score": 0.5,
+                    "text": None,
+                },
+            ],
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "Transcription at index 1 in transcriptions: text shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_element_transcriptions(
+            element=elt,
+            sub_element_type="page",
+            transcription_type=TranscriptionType.Word,
+            transcriptions=[
+                {
+                    "polygon": [[0, 0], [2000, 0], [2000, 3000], [0, 3000]],
+                    "score": 0.75,
+                    "text": "The",
+                },
+                {
+                    "polygon": [[100, 150], [700, 150], [700, 200], [100, 200]],
+                    "score": 0.5,
+                    "text": 1234,
+                },
+            ],
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "Transcription at index 1 in transcriptions: text shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_element_transcriptions(
+            element=elt,
+            sub_element_type="page",
+            transcription_type=TranscriptionType.Word,
+            transcriptions=[
+                {
+                    "polygon": [[0, 0], [2000, 0], [2000, 3000], [0, 3000]],
+                    "score": 0.75,
+                    "text": "The",
+                },
+                {
+                    "polygon": [[100, 150], [700, 150], [700, 200], [100, 200]],
+                    "text": "word",
+                },
+            ],
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "Transcription at index 1 in transcriptions: score shouldn't be null and should be a float in [0..1] range"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_element_transcriptions(
+            element=elt,
+            sub_element_type="page",
+            transcription_type=TranscriptionType.Word,
+            transcriptions=[
+                {
+                    "polygon": [[0, 0], [2000, 0], [2000, 3000], [0, 3000]],
+                    "score": 0.75,
+                    "text": "The",
+                },
+                {
+                    "polygon": [[100, 150], [700, 150], [700, 200], [100, 200]],
+                    "score": None,
+                    "text": "word",
+                },
+            ],
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "Transcription at index 1 in transcriptions: score shouldn't be null and should be a float in [0..1] range"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_element_transcriptions(
+            element=elt,
+            sub_element_type="page",
+            transcription_type=TranscriptionType.Word,
+            transcriptions=[
+                {
+                    "polygon": [[0, 0], [2000, 0], [2000, 3000], [0, 3000]],
+                    "score": 0.75,
+                    "text": "The",
+                },
+                {
+                    "polygon": [[100, 150], [700, 150], [700, 200], [100, 200]],
+                    "score": "a wrong score",
+                    "text": "word",
+                },
+            ],
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "Transcription at index 1 in transcriptions: score shouldn't be null and should be a float in [0..1] range"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_element_transcriptions(
+            element=elt,
+            sub_element_type="page",
+            transcription_type=TranscriptionType.Word,
+            transcriptions=[
+                {
+                    "polygon": [[0, 0], [2000, 0], [2000, 3000], [0, 3000]],
+                    "score": 0.75,
+                    "text": "The",
+                },
+                {
+                    "polygon": [[100, 150], [700, 150], [700, 200], [100, 200]],
+                    "score": 0,
+                    "text": "word",
+                },
+            ],
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "Transcription at index 1 in transcriptions: score shouldn't be null and should be a float in [0..1] range"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_element_transcriptions(
+            element=elt,
+            sub_element_type="page",
+            transcription_type=TranscriptionType.Word,
+            transcriptions=[
+                {
+                    "polygon": [[0, 0], [2000, 0], [2000, 3000], [0, 3000]],
+                    "score": 0.75,
+                    "text": "The",
+                },
+                {
+                    "polygon": [[100, 150], [700, 150], [700, 200], [100, 200]],
+                    "score": 2.00,
+                    "text": "word",
+                },
+            ],
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "Transcription at index 1 in transcriptions: score shouldn't be null and should be a float in [0..1] range"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_element_transcriptions(
+            element=elt,
+            sub_element_type="page",
+            transcription_type=TranscriptionType.Word,
+            transcriptions=[
+                {
+                    "polygon": [[0, 0], [2000, 0], [2000, 3000], [0, 3000]],
+                    "score": 0.75,
+                    "text": "The",
+                },
+                {"score": 0.5, "text": "word"},
+            ],
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "Transcription at index 1 in transcriptions: polygon shouldn't be null and should be of type list"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_element_transcriptions(
+            element=elt,
+            sub_element_type="page",
+            transcription_type=TranscriptionType.Word,
+            transcriptions=[
+                {
+                    "polygon": [[0, 0], [2000, 0], [2000, 3000], [0, 3000]],
+                    "score": 0.75,
+                    "text": "The",
+                },
+                {"polygon": None, "score": 0.5, "text": "word"},
+            ],
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "Transcription at index 1 in transcriptions: polygon shouldn't be null and should be of type list"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_element_transcriptions(
+            element=elt,
+            sub_element_type="page",
+            transcription_type=TranscriptionType.Word,
+            transcriptions=[
+                {
+                    "polygon": [[0, 0], [2000, 0], [2000, 3000], [0, 3000]],
+                    "score": 0.75,
+                    "text": "The",
+                },
+                {"polygon": "not a polygon", "score": 0.5, "text": "word"},
+            ],
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "Transcription at index 1 in transcriptions: polygon shouldn't be null and should be of type list"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_element_transcriptions(
+            element=elt,
+            sub_element_type="page",
+            transcription_type=TranscriptionType.Word,
+            transcriptions=[
+                {
+                    "polygon": [[0, 0], [2000, 0], [2000, 3000], [0, 3000]],
+                    "score": 0.75,
+                    "text": "The",
+                },
+                {"polygon": [[1, 1], [2, 2]], "score": 0.5, "text": "word"},
+            ],
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "Transcription at index 1 in transcriptions: polygon should have at least three points"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_element_transcriptions(
+            element=elt,
+            sub_element_type="page",
+            transcription_type=TranscriptionType.Word,
+            transcriptions=[
+                {
+                    "polygon": [[0, 0], [2000, 0], [2000, 3000], [0, 3000]],
+                    "score": 0.75,
+                    "text": "The",
+                },
+                {
+                    "polygon": [[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 1], [2, 1, 1], [1, 2, 1]],
+                    "score": 0.5,
+                    "text": "word",
+                },
+            ],
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "Transcription at index 1 in transcriptions: polygon points should be lists of two items"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_element_transcriptions(
+            element=elt,
+            sub_element_type="page",
+            transcription_type=TranscriptionType.Word,
+            transcriptions=[
+                {
+                    "polygon": [[0, 0], [2000, 0], [2000, 3000], [0, 3000]],
+                    "score": 0.75,
+                    "text": "The",
+                },
+                {"polygon": [[1], [2], [2], [1]], "score": 0.5, "text": "word"},
+            ],
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "Transcription at index 1 in transcriptions: polygon points should be lists of two items"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+        worker.create_element_transcriptions(
+            element=elt,
+            sub_element_type="page",
+            transcription_type=TranscriptionType.Word,
+            transcriptions=[
+                {
+                    "polygon": [[0, 0], [2000, 0], [2000, 3000], [0, 3000]],
+                    "score": 0.75,
+                    "text": "The",
+                },
+                {
+                    "polygon": [["not a coord", 1], [2, 2], [2, 1], [1, 2]],
+                    "score": 0.5,
+                    "text": "word",
+                },
+            ],
+        )
+    assert (
+        str(e.value)
+        == "Transcription at index 1 in transcriptions: polygon points should be lists of two numbers"
+    )
+def test_create_element_transcriptions_api_error(responses):
+    worker = ElementsWorker()
+    worker.configure()
+    elt = Element({"id": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234"})
+    responses.add(
+        responses.POST,
+        f"https://arkindex.teklia.com/api/v1/element/{elt.id}/transcriptions/bulk/",
+        status=500,
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(ErrorResponse):
+        worker.create_element_transcriptions(
+            element=elt,
+            sub_element_type="page",
+            transcription_type=TranscriptionType.Word,
+            transcriptions=TRANSCRIPTIONS_SAMPLE,
+        )
+    assert len(responses.calls) == 1
+    assert (
+        responses.calls[0].request.url
+        == f"https://arkindex.teklia.com/api/v1/element/{elt.id}/transcriptions/bulk/"
+    )
+def test_create_element_transcriptions(responses):
+    worker = ElementsWorker()
+    worker.configure()
+    elt = Element({"id": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234"})
+    responses.add(
+        responses.POST,
+        f"https://arkindex.teklia.com/api/v1/element/{elt.id}/transcriptions/bulk/",
+        status=200,
+        json=[
+            {"id": "word1_1_1", "created": False},
+            {"id": "word1_1_2", "created": False},
+            {"id": "word1_1_3", "created": False},
+        ],
+    )
+    annotations = worker.create_element_transcriptions(
+        element=elt,
+        sub_element_type="page",
+        transcription_type=TranscriptionType.Word,
+        transcriptions=TRANSCRIPTIONS_SAMPLE,
+    )
+    assert len(responses.calls) == 1
+    assert (
+        responses.calls[0].request.url
+        == f"https://arkindex.teklia.com/api/v1/element/{elt.id}/transcriptions/bulk/"
+    )
+    assert json.loads(responses.calls[0].request.body) == {
+        "element_type": "page",
+        "transcription_type": "word",
+        "worker_version": "12341234-1234-1234-1234-123412341234",
+        "transcriptions": TRANSCRIPTIONS_SAMPLE,
+        "return_elements": True,
+    }
+    assert annotations == [
+        {"id": "word1_1_1", "created": False},
+        {"id": "word1_1_2", "created": False},
+        {"id": "word1_1_3", "created": False},
+    ]