diff --git a/docs/releases.md b/docs/releases.md
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--- a/docs/releases.md
+++ b/docs/releases.md
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 # Releases
+## 0.3.6
+Released on **22 Dec 2023** • View on [Gitlab](https://gitlab.teklia.com/workers/base-worker/-/releases/0.3.6)
+### Breaking changes
+- The `arkindex_worker.git` module was removed. It was not used locally by any workers, this module was only used to expose some workflows from [python-gitlab](https://python-gitlab.readthedocs.io/en/stable/). Please refer to their documentation if your worker needs to communicate with a Git instance.
+- Following [Arkindex's 1.5.3 release](https://teklia.com/our-solutions/arkindex/releases/arkindex-release-153/), the `model_usage` configuration parameter has been updated to a tri-enum. To migrate your workers:
+    - `model_usage: false` becomes `model_usage: disabled`
+    - `model_usage: true` becomes `model_usage: required`
+    The `supported` value means that the model is supported by a worker but not required to make it work.
+### Project architecture
+- [PEP 621](https://peps.python.org/pep-0621/) encourages user to store most of the package's metadata in the `pyproject.toml`. We followed this proposition both for the `arkindex-worker` package and the worker template.
+### Arkindex API
+- The details of the model available to the worker is now stored under the `model_details` attribute.
+- The [list_corpus_entities](https://gitlab.teklia.com/workers/base-worker/-/blob/0.3.6/arkindex_worker/worker/entity.py?ref_type=tags#L358) API helper now stores the entities in the `entities` attribute instead of returning them.
+- A reminder was added to prevent making changes to the Arkindex Cache schema without bumping the Version of said cache.
+- Each dataset's archive is now properly deleted after processing.
+- The path to a [Dataset](https://gitlab.teklia.com/workers/base-worker/-/blob/0.3.6/arkindex_worker/models.py?ref_type=tags#L268)'s archive is now stored under the `filepath` property.
+- The new [create_element_parent](https://gitlab.teklia.com/workers/base-worker/-/blob/0.3.6/arkindex_worker/worker/element.py?ref_type=tags#L286) API helper allows to create a link between two elements.
+- The [create_sub_element](https://gitlab.teklia.com/workers/base-worker/-/blob/0.3.6/arkindex_worker/worker/element.py?ref_type=tags#L84) was updated to support creating children element without zones and under a parent without a zone.
+- A new user configuration type was introduced to be able to select Arkindex `Models`. Learn more about it in the [documentation](https://workers.arkindex.org/contents/workers/yaml/#model-parameters).
+### Worker template
+- When the provided `slug` had more than one word, it was invalid for either:
+    - the package name, because the user used `_` as word delimiter,
+    - the module directory's name, because the user used `-` as word delimiter.
+    The package name and the module directory's name are now both computed from the slug, making sure that:
+       - the package name uses `-` as word delimiter,
+       - the module directory's name uses `_` as word delimiter.
+### Documentation
+- A link to the documentation was added:
+    - in the [README](https://gitlab.teklia.com/workers/base-worker/-/blob/0.3.6/README.md?ref_type=tags&plain=1#L9),
+    - as a GitLab badge on the repo.
+- Some sections in the documentation were renamed to improve readability.
+### Misc
+- While we removed the `black` formatter from our CI workflow, we replaced it by [Ruff's](https://docs.astral.sh/ruff/formatter/) which respects most of its rules.
+- Many linting rules supported by the [Ruff](https://docs.astral.sh/ruff/rules/) formatter were added to improve the style of the codebase:
+    - [Pathlib usage](https://docs.astral.sh/ruff/rules/#flake8-use-pathlib-pth)
+    - [Pytest style](https://docs.astral.sh/ruff/rules/#flake8-pytest-style-pt)
+    - [Flake8's simplify](https://docs.astral.sh/ruff/rules/#flake8-simplify-sim)
+    - [Flake8's bugbear](https://docs.astral.sh/ruff/rules/#flake8-bugbear-b)
+    - [Pyupgrade](https://docs.astral.sh/ruff/rules/#pyupgrade-up)
+- This project is now licensed under the [MIT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License) license.
 ## 0.3.5
 Released on **8 Nov 2023** • View on [Gitlab](https://gitlab.teklia.com/workers/base-worker/-/releases/0.3.5)