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While workers may be [run locally](./run-local.md), they are usually written to launch on an Arkindex instance. A worker version on Arkindex is basically a configuration and an URL towards a Docker image, used at runtime during processes. The worker [template](./template-structure.md) includes an automatic publication process towards any Arkindex instance.
The template implements a new CI job, `publish-worker`, at the last stage of the pipeline. When every job of the previous stages have passed, this one will try to publish a new worker version, using the newly built Docker image, on every Arkindex instance specified by the `ARKINDEX_INSTANCE` variable. The publication is done using the [Arkindex CLI tool](<https://cli.arkindex.org/workers/#publish-workers>).
Since the publication is done during a GitLab CI, no optional arguments are [needed](<https://cli.arkindex.org/workers/#running-the-command-in-a-gitlab-ci-pipeline>). There are multiple ways to authenticate to an Arkindex instance when using the CLI tool. During a GitLab CI, the best way is through a [Project-level Secure File](<https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/secure_files/>). Make sure to create one that follows the format [supported by the CLI](<https://cli.arkindex.org/login/#gitlab-secure-file>). The template expects that secure file to be named `arkindex-cli.yaml`.