import math import unittest import uuid from io import BytesIO from operator import attrgetter from pathlib import Path import pytest from PIL import Image, ImageChops, ImageOps from requests import HTTPError from arkindex_worker.cache import CachedElement, create_tables, init_cache_db from arkindex_worker.image import ( IIIF_FULL, IIIF_MAX, BoundingBox, download_image, download_tiles, open_image, polygon_bounding_box, revert_orientation, trim_polygon, upload_image, ) from arkindex_worker.models import Element FIXTURES = Path(__file__).absolute().parent / "data" TILE = FIXTURES / "test_image.jpg" FULL_IMAGE = FIXTURES / "tiled_image.jpg" ROTATED_IMAGE = FIXTURES / "rotated_image.jpg" MIRRORED_IMAGE = FIXTURES / "mirrored_image.jpg" ROTATED_MIRRORED_IMAGE = FIXTURES / "rotated_mirrored_image.jpg" TEST_IMAGE = {"width": 800, "height": 300} def _root_mean_square(img_a, img_b): """ Get the root-mean-square difference between two images for fuzzy matching See """ h = ImageChops.difference(img_a, img_b).histogram() return math.sqrt( sum((value * ((idx % 256) ** 2) for idx, value in enumerate(h))) / float(img_a.size[0] * img_a.size[1]) ) def test_download_tiles(responses): expected ="RGB") with"rb") as tile: tile_bytes = responses.add( responses.GET, "http://nowhere/info.json", json={"width": 543, "height": 720, "tiles": [{"width": 181, "height": 240}]}, ) for x in (0, 181, 362): for y in (0, 240, 480): responses.add( responses.GET, f"http://nowhere/{x},{y},181,240/full/0/default.jpg", body=tile_bytes, ) actual = download_tiles("http://nowhere") assert _root_mean_square(expected, actual) <= 5.0 def test_download_tiles_crop(responses): """ Ensure download_tiles does not care about tiles that are slightly bigger than expected (occasional issue with the Harvard IDS image server where 1024×1024 tiles sometimes are returned as 1024x1025) """ expected ="RGB") tile_bytes = BytesIO() with"rb") as tile: # Add one extra pixel to each tile to return slightly bigger tiles ImageOps.pad(, (181, 241)).save(tile_bytes, format="jpeg") tile_bytes = tile_bytes.getvalue() responses.add( responses.GET, "http://nowhere/info.json", json={"width": 543, "height": 720, "tiles": [{"width": 181, "height": 240}]}, ) for x in (0, 181, 362): for y in (0, 240, 480): responses.add( responses.GET, f"http://nowhere/{x},{y},181,240/full/0/default.jpg", body=tile_bytes, ) actual = download_tiles("http://nowhere") assert _root_mean_square(expected, actual) <= 5.0 def test_download_tiles_small(responses): small_tile = BytesIO()"RGB", (1, 1)).save(small_tile, format="jpeg") responses.add( responses.GET, "http://nowhere/info.json", json={"width": 543, "height": 720, "tiles": [{"width": 181, "height": 240}]}, ) responses.add( responses.GET, "http://nowhere/0,0,181,240/full/0/default.jpg",, ) with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="Expected size 181×240 for tile 0,0, but got 1×1" ): download_tiles("http://nowhere") @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("path", "is_local"), [ ("http://somewhere/test.jpg", False), ("https://somewhere/test.jpg", False), ("path/to/something", True), ("/absolute/path/to/something", True), ], ) def test_open_image(path, is_local, monkeypatch): """Check if the path triggers a local load or a remote one""" monkeypatch.setattr(Path, "exists", lambda x: True) monkeypatch.setattr(Image, "open", lambda x:"RGB", (1, 10))) monkeypatch.setattr( "arkindex_worker.image.download_image", lambda x:"RGB", (10, 1)) ) image = open_image(path) if is_local: assert image.size == (1, 10) else: assert image.size == (10, 1) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("rotation_angle", "mirrored", "expected_path"), [ (0, False, TILE), (45, False, ROTATED_IMAGE), (0, True, MIRRORED_IMAGE), (45, True, ROTATED_MIRRORED_IMAGE), ], ) def test_open_image_rotate_mirror(rotation_angle, mirrored, expected_path): expected ="RGB") actual = open_image(str(TILE), rotation_angle=rotation_angle, mirrored=mirrored)"/tmp/{rotation_angle}_{mirrored}.jpg") assert _root_mean_square(expected, actual) <= 15.0 class TestTrimPolygon(unittest.TestCase): def test_trim_polygon_partially_outside_image(self): bad_polygon = [ [99, 200], [197, 224], [120, 251], [232, 350], [312, 364], [325, 310], [318, 295], [296, 260], [352, 259], [106, 210], [197, 206], [99, 200], ] expected_polygon = [ [99, 200], [197, 224], [120, 251], [232, 300], [312, 300], [325, 300], [318, 295], [296, 260], [352, 259], [106, 210], [197, 206], [99, 200], ] assert ( trim_polygon(bad_polygon, TEST_IMAGE["width"], TEST_IMAGE["height"]) == expected_polygon ) def test_trim_polygon_good_polygon(self): good_polygon = ( (12, 56), (29, 60), (35, 61), (42, 59), (58, 57), (65, 61), (72, 57), (12, 56), ) expected_polygon = [ [12, 56], [29, 60], [35, 61], [42, 59], [58, 57], [65, 61], [72, 57], [12, 56], ] assert ( trim_polygon(good_polygon, TEST_IMAGE["width"], TEST_IMAGE["height"]) == expected_polygon ) def test_trim_polygon_invalid_polygon(self): """ An assertion error is raised the polygon input isn't a list or tuple """ bad_polygon = { "polygon": [ [99, 200], [25, 224], [0, 0], [0, 300], [102, 300], [260, 300], [288, 295], [296, 260], [352, 259], [106, 210], [197, 206], [99, 208], ] } with pytest.raises( AssertionError, match="Input polygon must be a valid list or tuple of points.", ): trim_polygon(bad_polygon, TEST_IMAGE["width"], TEST_IMAGE["height"]) def test_trim_polygon_negative_coordinates(self): """ Negative coordinates are ignored and replaced by 0 with no error being thrown """ bad_polygon = [ [99, 200], [25, 224], [-8, -52], [-12, 350], [102, 364], [260, 310], [288, 295], [296, 260], [352, 259], [106, 210], [197, 206], [99, 200], ] expected_polygon = [ [99, 200], [25, 224], [0, 0], [0, 300], [102, 300], [260, 300], [288, 295], [296, 260], [352, 259], [106, 210], [197, 206], [99, 200], ] assert ( trim_polygon(bad_polygon, TEST_IMAGE["width"], TEST_IMAGE["height"]) == expected_polygon ) def test_trim_polygon_outside_image_error(self): """ An assertion error is raised when none of the polygon's points are inside the image """ bad_polygon = [ [999, 200], [1097, 224], [1020, 251], [1232, 350], [1312, 364], [1325, 310], [1318, 295], [1296, 260], [1352, 259], [1006, 210], [997, 206], [999, 200], ] with pytest.raises( AssertionError, match="This polygon is entirely outside the image's bounds." ): trim_polygon(bad_polygon, TEST_IMAGE["width"], TEST_IMAGE["height"]) def test_trim_polygon_float_coordinates(self): """ An assertion error is raised when point coordinates are not integers """ bad_polygon = [ [9.9, 200], [25, 224], [0, 0], [0, 300], [102, 300], [260, 300], [288, 295], [296, 260], [352, 259], [106, 210], [197, 206], [99, 20.8], ] with pytest.raises( AssertionError, match="Polygon point coordinates must be integers." ): trim_polygon(bad_polygon, TEST_IMAGE["width"], TEST_IMAGE["height"]) def test_trim_polygon_invalid_points_1(self): """ An assertion error is raised when point coordinates are not lists or tuples """ bad_polygon = [ [12, 56], [29, 60], [35, 61], "[42, 59]", [58, 57], [65, 61], [72, 57], [12, 56], ] with pytest.raises( AssertionError, match="Polygon points must be tuples or lists." ): trim_polygon(bad_polygon, TEST_IMAGE["width"], TEST_IMAGE["height"]) def test_trim_polygon_invalid_points_2(self): """ An assertion error is raised when point coordinates are not lists or tuples of length 2 """ bad_polygon = [ [12, 56], [29, 60, 3], [35, 61], [42, 59], [58, 57], [65, 61], [72, 57], [12, 56], ] with pytest.raises( AssertionError, match="Polygon points must be tuples or lists of 2 elements.", ): trim_polygon(bad_polygon, TEST_IMAGE["width"], TEST_IMAGE["height"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("angle", "mirrored", "updated_bounds", "reverse"), [ ( 0, False, {"x": 295, "y": 11, "width": 111, "height": 47}, # upper right True, ), ( 90, False, {"x": 510, "y": 295, "width": 47, "height": 111}, # lower right True, ), ( 180, False, {"x": 9, "y": 510, "width": 111, "height": 47}, # lower left True, ), ( 270, False, {"x": 11, "y": 9, "width": 47, "height": 111}, # upper left True, ), ( 0, True, {"x": 9, "y": 11, "width": 111, "height": 47}, # upper left True, ), ( 90, True, {"x": 510, "y": 9, "width": 47, "height": 111}, # upper right True, ), ( 180, True, {"x": 295, "y": 510, "width": 111, "height": 47}, # lower right True, ), ( 270, True, {"x": 11, "y": 295, "width": 47, "height": 111}, # lower left True, ), ( 0, False, {"x": 295, "y": 11, "width": 111, "height": 47}, # upper right False, ), ( 90, False, {"x": 11, "y": 162, "width": 47, "height": 111}, # upper left False, ), ( 180, False, {"x": 9, "y": 510, "width": 111, "height": 47}, # lower left False, ), ( 270, False, {"x": 357, "y": 295, "width": 47, "height": 111}, # lower right False, ), ( 0, True, {"x": 9, "y": 11, "width": 111, "height": 47}, # upper left False, ), ( 90, True, {"x": 357, "y": 162, "width": 47, "height": 111}, # lower left False, ), ( 180, True, {"x": 295, "y": 510, "width": 111, "height": 47}, # lower right False, ), ( 270, True, {"x": 11, "y": 295, "width": 47, "height": 111}, # upper right False, ), ], ) def test_revert_orientation(angle, mirrored, updated_bounds, reverse, tmp_path): """Test cases, for both Elements and CachedElements: - no rotation or orientation - rotation with 3 different angles (90, 180, 270) - rotation + mirror with 4 angles (0, 90, 180, 270) """ child_polygon = [[295, 11], [295, 58], [406, 58], [406, 11], [295, 11]] # Setup cache db to test with CachedElements db_path = f"{tmp_path}/db.sqlite" init_cache_db(db_path) create_tables() image_polygon = [ [0, 0], [0, 568], [415, 568], [415, 0], [0, 0], ] element = Element( { "mirrored": mirrored, "rotation_angle": angle, "zone": {"polygon": image_polygon}, } ) cached_element = CachedElement.create( id=uuid.uuid4(), type="paragraph", polygon=image_polygon, mirrored=mirrored, rotation_angle=angle, ) assert polygon_bounding_box( revert_orientation(element, child_polygon, reverse=reverse) ) == BoundingBox(**updated_bounds) assert polygon_bounding_box( revert_orientation(cached_element, child_polygon, reverse=reverse) ) == BoundingBox(**updated_bounds) def test_download_image_retry_with_max(responses): base_url = ",699,2789,3659/{size}/0/default.jpg" full_url = base_url.format(size=IIIF_FULL) max_url = base_url.format(size=IIIF_MAX) # Full size gives an error responses.add( responses.GET, full_url, status=400, ) # Max size works responses.add( responses.GET, max_url, status=200, body=TILE.read_bytes(), ) image = download_image(full_url) assert image # We try 3 times with the first URL # Then the first try with the new URL is successful assert len(responses.calls) == 4 assert list(map(attrgetter("request.url"), responses.calls)) == [full_url] * 3 + [ max_url ] def test_upload_image_retries(responses): dest_url = "" responses.add( responses.PUT, dest_url, status=400, ) image ="RGB") with pytest.raises( HTTPError, match=f"400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: {dest_url}" ): upload_image(image, dest_url) # We try 3 times assert len(responses.calls) == 3 assert list(map(attrgetter("request.url"), responses.calls)) == [dest_url] * 3 def test_upload_image(responses): dest_url = "" responses.add( responses.PUT, dest_url, status=200, ) image ="RGB") resp = upload_image(image, dest_url) assert resp assert len(responses.calls) == 1 assert list(map(attrgetter("request.url"), responses.calls)) == [dest_url]