@@ -124,8 +124,23 @@ Once your code appears to be working on a local server, a few checks have to be
***Migrations:** Ensure that all migrations have been created by typing `./manage.py makemigrations`.
***Unit tests:** Run `./manage.py test` to perform unit tests.
Use `./manage.py test module_name` to perform tests on a single module, if you wish to spend less time waiting for all tests to complete.
***Code linting:** Type `flake8` inside the `backend/arkindex` directory. Our Flake8 settings should allow 120 characters per line instead of PEP8's 80.
### Linting
We use [pre-commit](https://pre-commit.com/) to check the Python source code syntax of this project.
To be efficient, you should run pre-commit before committing (hence the name...).
To do that, run once :
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
The linting workflow will now run on modified files before committing, and may fix issues for you.
If you want to run the full workflow on all the files: `pre-commit run -a`.
## Debugging tools
Run `pip install ipython django-debug-toolbar django_extensions` to install all the available optional dev tools for the backend.