@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ At the root of the repository is a Makefile that provides commands for common op
*`make` or `make all`: Clean and build;
*`make base`: Create and push the `arkindex-base` Docker image that is used to build the `arkindex-app` image;
*`make clean`: Cleanup the Python package build and cache files;
*`make clean-docker`: Deletes all running containers to avoid naming and network ports conflicts;
*`make build`: Build the arkindex Python package and recreate the `arkindex-app:latest` without pushing to the GitLab container registry;
*`make test-fixtures`: Create the unit tests fixtures on a temporary PostgreSQL database and save them to the `data.json` file used by most Django unit tests.
You will also need to setup [mkcert](https://github.com/FiloSottile/mkcert?tab=readme-ov-file#installation) as we do not use Teklia development Certificate Authority anymore. `mkcert` will take care of SSL certificates automatically, updating your browsers and system certificate store !
Finally, you can remove the `architecture` project from your work folder, as it's now archived and could be confusing.