Rotation and mirroring are always set to 0 and False in ListProcessElements
# Create an element with a rotation or mirroring
>>> element = cli.request('CreateElement', body={
"corpus": CORPUS_ID,
"name": "Test element",
"type": "folder",
"rotation_angle": 42,
"mirrored": True,
# Create a process that includes this element
>>> process = cli.request('CreateElementsWorkflow', body={
"corpus": CORPUS_ID,
"element": element['id'],
# List the process' elements
>>> next(cli.paginate('ListProcessElements', id=process['id'], with_image=True))
{'id': '6ca73acf-f518-4af5-b2ce-7eea9748d1fc',
'type': 'folder',
'name': 'Test element',
'image_id': None,
'image_width': None,
'image_height': None,
'image_url': None,
'polygon': None,
'rotation_angle': 0,
'mirrored': False}