Failures on export loading
A nice export of Himanis was generated (
But a bunch of issues happen when using load_export
on that file:
When creating images, an image server is missing
Images insertion failed: insert or update on table "images_image" violates foreign key constraint "images_image_server_id_97d620d5_fk_images_imageserver_id"
DETAIL: Key (server_id)=(17) is not present in table "images_imageserver".
It's weird because the image server n°17 is present in the sqlite file
sqlite> select * from image_server;
Most elements are unable to be created because they lack the images mentionned above
Elements insertion failed: insert or update on table "documents_element" violates foreign key constraint "documents_element_image_id_c756e9ad_fk_images_image_id"
DETAIL: Key (image_id)=(16cb26f9-eb5f-422f-9ece-d29c787cd11d) is not present in table "images_image".
I guess fixing the initial issue will solve that one too.