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Commit 7182db4b authored by Theo Lesage's avatar Theo Lesage Committed by ml bonhomme
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Migrate repository module to Pinia

parent d09102f6
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1 merge request!1664Migrate repository module to Pinia
......@@ -40,25 +40,29 @@
import { mapMutations, mapActions } from 'vuex'
<script lang="ts">
import { PropType, defineComponent } from 'vue'
import { mapActions } from 'pinia'
import { errorParser } from '@/helpers'
import { useRepositoryStore, useNotificationStore } from '@/stores'
import { Repository } from '@/types/worker'
import Modal from '@/components/Modal.vue'
export default {
export default defineComponent({
components: {
emits: [
emits: {
'update:modal': (value: boolean) => typeof value === 'boolean',
delete: (value: boolean) => typeof value === 'boolean'
props: {
modal: {
type: Boolean,
required: true
repo: {
type: Object,
type: Object as PropType<Repository>,
required: true
......@@ -66,14 +70,14 @@ export default {
loading: false
methods: {
...mapActions('repos', ['delete']),
...mapMutations('notifications', ['notify']),
...mapActions(useRepositoryStore, ['deleteRepository']),
...mapActions(useNotificationStore, ['notify']),
async remove () {
this.loading = true
try {
await this.delete(
await this.deleteRepository(
// Redirect the user to the repositories list
this.$emit('delete', true)
} catch (err) {
this.notify({ type: 'error', text: `An error occurred deleting the repository: ${errorParser(err)}` })
} finally {
......@@ -87,7 +91,7 @@ export default {
return =>', ')
<style scoped>
......@@ -34,18 +34,25 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { PropType, defineComponent } from 'vue'
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
export default {
emits: ['remove'],
import { Repository } from '@/types/worker'
export default defineComponent({
emits: {
remove (value: Repository) {
return !== undefined
props: {
repo: {
type: Object,
type: Object as PropType<Repository>,
required: true
computed: {
...mapGetters('auth', ['isVerified', 'hasFeature'])
......@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ import {
} from '@/stores'
......@@ -30,7 +31,6 @@ const moduleNames = [
......@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ export const piniaStores = [
export const actions = {
import { assign } from 'lodash'
import * as api from '@/api'
import { useWorkerStore } from '@/stores'
export const initialState = () => ({
// { [repoId]: repo }
repositories: {}
export const mutations = {
setRepos (state, repos) {
state.repositories = {
...Object.fromEntries( => [, repo]))
removeRepo (state, id) {
delete state.repositories[id]
reset (state) {
assign(state, initialState())
export const actions = {
async retrieve ({ commit }, id) {
const repo = await api.retrieveRepository(id)
commit('setRepos', [repo])
async list ({ commit }, { page = 1 }) {
// List repositories imported on Arkindex
const data = await api.listRepositories({ page })
commit('setRepos', data.results)
// Set workers in the appropriate store to retrieve them following a link later
const workerStore = useWorkerStore()
const workers = data.results.flatMap(({ workers }) => workers)
workerStore.workers = {
...Object.fromEntries( => [, worker]))
return data
async delete ({ commit }, id) {
const data = await api.deleteRepository(id)
commit('removeRepo', id)
return data
export default {
namespaced: true,
state: initialState(),
......@@ -15,3 +15,4 @@ export { useDatasetStore } from './dataset'
export { useExportStore } from './exports'
export { useEntityStore } from './entity'
export { useTranscriptionStore } from './transcription'
export { useRepositoryStore } from './repos'
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'
import * as api from '@/api'
import { useWorkerStore } from '@/stores'
import { UUID } from '@/types'
import { Repository, WorkerLight } from '@/types/worker'
interface State {
* Repository details mapped by ID
repositories: {
[repositoryId: UUID]: Repository
export const useRepositoryStore = defineStore('repos', {
state: (): State => ({
repositories: {}
actions: {
async retrieveRepository (id: UUID) {
const repo = await api.retrieveRepository(id)
this.repositories[] = repo
async listRepository (page = 1) {
// List repositories imported on Arkindex
const data = await api.listRepositories({ page })
this.repositories = {
...Object.fromEntries( Repository) => [, repo]))
// Set workers in the appropriate store to retrieve them following a link later
const workerStore = useWorkerStore()
const workers = data.results.flatMap(({ workers }) => workers)
workerStore.workers = {
...Object.fromEntries( WorkerLight) => [, worker]))
return data
async deleteRepository (id: UUID) {
const data = await api.deleteRepository(id)
delete this.repositories[id]
return data
......@@ -154,14 +154,13 @@ import { isEmpty } from 'lodash'
import { mapState, mapActions } from 'pinia'
import MarkdownIt from 'markdown-it'
import {
mapState as mapVuexState,
mapGetters as mapVuexGetters
} from 'vuex'
import { errorParser } from '@/helpers'
import { truncateMixin } from '@/mixins'
import { useWorkerStore, useNotificationStore } from '@/stores'
import { useWorkerStore, useNotificationStore, useRepositoryStore } from '@/stores'
import VersionList from '@/components/Process/Workers/Versions/List'
import Paginator from '@/components/Paginator.vue'
import ListMembers from '@/components/Memberships/ListMembers.vue'
......@@ -234,8 +233,8 @@ export default {
expandDescription: false
computed: {
...mapVuexState('repos', ['reposPage']),
...mapState(useWorkerStore, ['workerTypes']),
...mapState(useRepositoryStore, ['repos']),
...mapVuexGetters('auth', ['hasFeature']),
readMoreText () {
if (this.expandDescription) return 'collapse description'
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
v-for="repo in results"
v-on:remove="repo => repoDeletion = repo"
v-on:remove="repoDeletion = repo"
......@@ -35,13 +35,19 @@
import { mapActions, mapState, mapGetters, mapMutations } from 'vuex'
import Paginator from '@/components/Paginator.vue'
import Row from '@/components/Repos/Row'
import DeleteModal from '@/components/Repos/DeleteModal'
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
import { useRepositoryStore, useNotificationStore } from '@/stores'
import { mapActions, mapState } from 'pinia'
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
import { errorParser } from '@/helpers'
export default {
import Paginator from '@/components/Paginator.vue'
import Row from '@/components/Repos/Row.vue'
import DeleteModal from '@/components/Repos/DeleteModal.vue'
import { PageNumberPagination } from '@/types'
import { Repository } from '@/types/worker'
const Component = defineComponent({
components: {
......@@ -50,27 +56,31 @@ export default {
data: () => ({
loading: false,
// Stores a repository to delete. Automatically prompt the deletion modal
repoDeletion: null,
repoDeletion: null as Repository | null,
deleteModal: false,
reposPage: null
reposPage: null as PageNumberPagination<Repository> | null
beforeRouteEnter (to, from, next) {
next(vm => vm.updatePage(
beforeRouteEnter ({ query }, from, next) {
* In order to not get typing error related to 'vm', we name the component which allos us to tell TypeScript that vm
* is of the same type as that component.
next(vm => (vm as InstanceType<typeof Component>).updatePage(parseInt(`${ ?? 1}`)))
beforeRouteUpdate ({ query }) {
this.updatePage( ?? 1)
this.updatePage(parseInt(`${ ?? 1}`))
computed: {
...mapGetters('auth', ['isVerified', 'hasFeature']),
...mapState('repos', ['repositories'])
...mapState(useRepositoryStore, ['repositories'])
methods: {
...mapMutations('notifications', ['notify']),
...mapActions('repos', ['list']),
async updatePage (page) {
...mapActions(useNotificationStore, ['notify']),
...mapActions(useRepositoryStore, ['listRepository']),
async updatePage (page: number) {
this.loading = true
try {
this.reposPage = await this.list({ page })
this.reposPage = await this.listRepository(page)
} catch (err) {
this.notify({ type: 'error', text: `An error occurred listing repositories: ${errorParser(err)}` })
} finally {
......@@ -80,7 +90,7 @@ export default {
handleDeletion () {
// Reload repositories page
this.repoDeletion = null
this.updatePage(parseInt(`${this.$ ?? 1}`))
watch: {
......@@ -91,5 +101,7 @@ export default {
if (!open) this.repoDeletion = null
export default Component
......@@ -29,19 +29,24 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { PropType, defineComponent } from 'vue'
import { UUID } from '@/types'
import { useNotificationStore, useRepositoryStore } from '@/stores'
import { mapState, mapActions } from 'pinia'
import { errorParser } from '@/helpers'
import { mapState, mapActions, mapMutations } from 'vuex'
import ListMembers from '@/components/Memberships/ListMembers.vue'
import DeleteModal from '@/components/Repos/DeleteModal'
export default {
import DeleteModal from '@/components/Repos/DeleteModal.vue'
import { Repository } from '@/types/worker'
export default defineComponent({
components: {
props: {
repoId: {
type: String,
type: String as PropType<UUID>,
required: true
......@@ -53,18 +58,18 @@ export default {
if (!this.repo) this.load()
computed: {
...mapState('repos', ['repositories']),
repo () {
...mapState(useRepositoryStore, ['repositories']),
repo (): Repository {
return this.repositories[this.repoId]
methods: {
...mapActions('repos', ['retrieve']),
...mapMutations('notifications', ['notify']),
...mapActions(useRepositoryStore, ['retrieveRepository']),
...mapActions(useNotificationStore, ['notify']),
async load () {
try {
this.loading = true
await this.retrieve(this.repoId)
await this.retrieveRepository(this.repoId)
} catch (err) {
this.notify({ type: 'error', text: `An error occurred retrieving the repository: ${errorParser(err)}` })
} finally {
......@@ -76,5 +81,5 @@ export default {
this.$router.replace({ name: 'repos-list' })
......@@ -120,7 +120,6 @@ describe('auth', () => {
{ mutation: 'navigation/reset' },
{ mutation: 'notifications/reset' },
{ mutation: 'process/reset' },
{ mutation: 'repos/reset' },
{ mutation: 'selection/reset' },
{ mutation: 'tree/reset' },
{ action: 'corpora/list', payload: null },
......@@ -151,7 +150,6 @@ describe('auth', () => {
{ mutation: 'navigation/reset' },
{ mutation: 'notifications/reset' },
{ mutation: 'process/reset' },
{ mutation: 'repos/reset' },
{ mutation: 'selection/reset' },
{ mutation: 'tree/reset' },
{ action: 'corpora/list', payload: null },
......@@ -180,7 +178,6 @@ describe('auth', () => {
{ mutation: 'navigation/reset' },
{ mutation: 'notifications/reset' },
{ mutation: 'process/reset' },
{ mutation: 'repos/reset' },
{ mutation: 'selection/reset' },
{ mutation: 'tree/reset' },
{ action: 'corpora/list', payload: null },
......@@ -211,7 +208,6 @@ describe('auth', () => {
{ mutation: 'navigation/reset' },
{ mutation: 'notifications/reset' },
{ mutation: 'process/reset' },
{ mutation: 'repos/reset' },
{ mutation: 'selection/reset' },
{ mutation: 'tree/reset' },
{ action: 'corpora/list', payload: null },
......@@ -238,7 +234,6 @@ describe('auth', () => {
{ mutation: 'navigation/reset' },
{ mutation: 'notifications/reset' },
{ mutation: 'process/reset' },
{ mutation: 'repos/reset' },
{ mutation: 'selection/reset' },
{ mutation: 'tree/reset' },
{ action: 'corpora/list', payload: null },
......@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ describe('store', () => {
{ mutation: 'navigation/reset' },
{ mutation: 'notifications/reset' },
{ mutation: 'process/reset' },
{ mutation: 'repos/reset' },
{ mutation: 'selection/reset' },
{ mutation: 'tree/reset' }
......@@ -61,7 +60,6 @@ describe('store', () => {
import { assert } from 'chai'
import axios from 'axios'
import { initialState, mutations } from '@/store/repos.js'
import store from './index.spec.js'
import { useWorkerStore } from '@/stores'
import { createPinia, setActivePinia } from 'pinia'
import { repoSample, reposSample } from '../samples.js'
import { FakeAxios } from '../testhelpers.js'
import { assert } from 'chai'
import { pick } from 'lodash'
import { setActivePinia, createPinia } from 'pinia'
import { useWorkerStore, useRepositoryStore } from '@/stores'
import { reposSample, repoSample } from '../samples'
import { FakeAxios } from '../testhelpers'
describe('repos', () => {
describe('mutations', () => {
it('setRepos', () => {
const state = initialState()
mutations.setRepos(state, [
{ id: 'second_repo', name: 'repo2' }
assert.deepStrictEqual(state.repositories, {
repoid: repoSample,
second_repo: { id: 'second_repo', name: 'repo2' }
it('removeRepo', () => {
const state = {
repositories: { repoid: repoSample }
mutations.removeRepo(state, 'repoid')
assert.deepStrictEqual(state.repositories, {})
it('reset', () => {
const state = {
repositories: { repoid: repoSample }
assert.deepStrictEqual(state, initialState())
describe('actions', () => {
let mock, workerStore
let mock, store, workerStore
before('Setting up Axios mock', () => {
mock = new FakeAxios(axios)
store = useRepositoryStore()
workerStore = useWorkerStore()
afterEach(() => {
// Remove any handlers, but leave mocking in place
......@@ -59,7 +29,7 @@ describe('repos', () => {
describe('list', () => {
describe('listRepository', () => {
it('lists existing repositories', async () => {
const sample = {
......@@ -78,37 +48,45 @@ describe('repos', () => {
mock.onGet('/process/repos/').reply(200, sample)
const page = await store.dispatch('repos/list', {})
mock.onGet('/process/repos/').reply(200, sample)
assert.deepStrictEqual(store.history, [
{ action: 'repos/list', payload: {} },
{ mutation: 'repos/setRepos', payload: sample.results }
const page = await store.listRepository()
assert.deepStrictEqual( => pick(req, ['method', 'url'])), [
method: 'get',
url: '/process/repos/'
assert.deepStrictEqual(page, sample)
assert.deepStrictEqual(Object.keys(workerStore.workers), ['worker 1', 'worker 2', 'worker 3'])
describe('delete', () => {
describe('deleteRepository', () => {
it('deletes a repo', async () => {
store.state.repositories = { repoid: {}, secondId: {} }
await store.dispatch('repos/delete', 'repoid')
store.repositories = { repoid: {}, secondId: {} }
await store.deleteRepository('repoid')
assert.deepStrictEqual(store.history, [
assert.deepStrictEqual( => pick(req, ['method', 'url'])), [
action: 'repos/delete',
payload: 'repoid'
mutation: 'repos/removeRepo',
payload: 'repoid'
method: 'delete',
url: '/process/repos/repoid/'
describe('retrieveRepository', () => {
it('retrieves a repo', async () => {
mock.onGet('/process/repos/repoid/').reply(200, repoSample)
await store.retrieveRepository('repoid')
assert.deepStrictEqual(store.repositories, {
repoid: repoSample
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