Training configuration
All hyperparameters are specified and editable in the training scripts (meaning are in comments). This page introduces some useful keys and their description.
Dataset parameters
Parameter | Description | Type | Default |
dataset_name |
Name of the dataset. | str |
dataset_level |
Level of the dataset. Should be named after the element type. | str |
dataset_variant |
Variant of the dataset. Usually empty for HTR datasets, "_sem" for HTR+NER datasets. |
str |
dataset_path |
Path to the dataset. | str |
dataset_params.config.dataset_manager |
Dataset manager class. | custom class | OCRDatasetManager |
dataset_params.config.dataset_class |
Dataset class. | custom class | OCRDataset |
dataset_params.config.datasets |
Dataset dictionary with the dataset name as key and dataset path as value. | dict |
dataset_params.config.load_in_memory |
Load all images in CPU memory. | str |
True |
dataset_params.config.worker_per_gpu |
Number of parallel processes per gpu for data loading. | int |
4 |
dataset_params.config.height_divisor |
Factor to reduce the width of the feature vector before feeding the decoder. | int |
8 |
dataset_params.config.width_divisor |
Factor to reduce the height of the feature vector before feeding the decoder. | int |
32 |
dataset_params.config.padding_value |
Image padding value. | int |
0 |
dataset_params.config.padding_token |
Transcription padding value. | int |
None |
dataset_params.config.constraints |
Whether to add end-of-transcription and start-of-transcription tokens in labels. | list |
[] |
dataset_params.config.preprocessings |
List of pre-processing functions to apply to input images. | list |
(see dedicated section) |
dataset_params.config.augmentation |
Configuration for data augmentation. | dict |
(see dedicated section) |
Data preprocessing
Preprocessing is applied before training the network (see dan/manager/
The following transformations are implemented:
- DPI adjustment
"type": "dpi",
"source": 300,
"target": 150,
- Convert to grayscale
"type": "to_grayscaled"
- Convert to RGB
"type": "to_RGB"
- Resize to a fixed height
"type": "fixed_height",
"fixed_height": 1000,
- Resize to a maximum size
"type": "resize",
"keep_ratio": True,
"max_height": 1000,
"max_width": None,
Multiple transformations can be combined. For example, to resize an image to a fixed height of 1000 pixels and convert images to RGB, use the following configuration in dataset_params.config.preprocessings
"type": "fixed_height",
"fixed_height": 1000
"type": "to_RGB"
Data augmentation
Augmentation transformations are applied on-the-fly during training to artificially increase data variability.
The following transformations are implemented in dan/
- Color inversion
- DPI adjusting
- Dilation and erosion
- Elastic distortion
- Reducing interline spacing
- Gaussian blur
- Gaussian noise
DAN also takes advantage of transforms from torchvision:
- ColorJitter
- GaussianBlur
- RandomCrop
- RandomPerspective
The following configuration is used by default when using the teklia-dan train document
command. Data augmentation is applied with a probability of 0.9, and each transformation has a 0.1 probability to be used.
"order": "random",
"proba": 0.9,
"augmentations": [
"type": "dpi",
"proba": 0.1,
"min_factor": 0.75,
"max_factor": 1,
"preserve_ratio": True,
"type": "perspective",
"proba": 0.1,
"min_factor": 0,
"max_factor": 0.4,
"type": "elastic_distortion",
"proba": 0.1,
"min_alpha": 0.5,
"max_alpha": 1,
"min_sigma": 1,
"max_sigma": 10,
"min_kernel_size": 3,
"max_kernel_size": 9,
"type": "dilation_erosion",
"proba": 0.1,
"min_kernel": 1,
"max_kernel": 3,
"iterations": 1,
"type": "color_jittering",
"proba": 0.1,
"factor_hue": 0.2,
"factor_brightness": 0.4,
"factor_contrast": 0.4,
"factor_saturation": 0.4,
"type": "gaussian_blur",
"proba": 0.1,
"min_kernel": 3,
"max_kernel": 5,
"min_sigma": 3,
"max_sigma": 5,
"type": "gaussian_noise",
"proba": 0.1,
"std": 0.5,
"type": "sharpen",
"proba": 0.1,
"min_alpha": 0,
"max_alpha": 1,
"min_strength": 0,
"max_strength": 1,
Model parameters
Name | Description | Type | Default |
model_params.models.encoder |
Encoder class. | custom class | FCN_encoder |
model_params.models.decoder |
Decoder class. | custom class | GlobalHTADecoder |
model_params.transfer_learning.encoder |
Model to load for the encoder [state_dict_name, checkpoint_path, learnable, strict]. | list |
["encoder", "pretrained_models/", True, True] |
model_params.transfer_learning.decoder |
Model to load for the decoder [state_dict_name, checkpoint_path, learnable, strict]. | list |
["encoder", "pretrained_models/", True, False] |
model_params.transfered_charset |
Transfer learning of the decision layer based on charset of the model to transfer. | bool |
True |
model_params.additional_tokens |
For decision layer = [, ], only for transferred charset. | int |
1 |
model_params.input_channels |
Number of channels of input image. | int |
3 |
model_params.dropout |
Dropout probability in the encoder. | float |
0.5 |
model_params.enc_dim |
Dimension of features extracted by the encoder. | int |
256 |
model_params.nb_layers |
Number of layers in the encoder. | int |
5 |
model_params.h_max |
Maximum height for encoder output (for 2D positional embedding). | int |
500 |
model_params.w_max |
Maximum width for encoder output (for 2D positional embedding). | int |
1000 |
model_params.l_max |
Maximum predicted sequence length (for 1D positional embedding). | int |
15000 |
model_params.dec_num_layers |
Number of transformer decoder layers. | int |
8 |
model_params.dec_num_heads |
Number of heads in transformer decoder layers. | int |
4 |
model_params.dec_res_dropout |
Dropout probability in transformer decoder layers. | int |
0.1 |
model_params.dec_pred_dropout |
Dropout rate before decision layer. | float |
0.1 |
model_params.dec_att_dropout |
Dropout rate in multi head attention. | float |
0.1 |
model_params.dec_dim_feedforward |
Number of dimensions for feedforward layer in transformer decoder layers. | int |
256 |
model_params.use_2d_pe |
Whether to use 2D positional embedding. | bool |
True |
model_params.use_1d_pe |
Whether to use 1D positional embedding. | bool |
True |
model_params.use_lstm |
Whether to use a LSTM layer in the decoder. | bool |
False |
model_params.attention_win |
Length of attention window. | int |
100 |
model_params.dropout_scheduler.function |
Curriculum dropout scheduler. | custom class. | 100 |
model_params.dropout_scheduler.T |
Exponential factor. | float |
5e4 |
Training parameters
Name | Description | Type | Default |
training_params.output_folder |
Directory for checkpoint and results. | str |
training_params.max_nb_epochs |
Maximum number of epochs before stopping training. | int |
800 |
training_params.max_training_time |
Maximum time (in seconds) before stopping training. | int |
350000 |
training_params.load_epoch |
Model to load. Should be either "best" (evaluation) or last (training). |
str |
"last" |
training_params.interval_save_weights |
Step to save weights. Set to None to keep only best and last epochs. |
int |
None |
training_params.batch_size |
Mini-batch size for the training loop. | int |
2 |
training_params.valid_batch_size |
Mini-batch size for the valdiation loop. | int |
4 |
training_params.use_ddp |
Whether to use DistributedDataParallel. | bool |
False |
training_params.ddp_port |
DDP port. | int |
20027 |
training_params.use_amp |
Whether to enable automatic mix-precision. | int |
torch.cuda.device_count() |
training_params.nb_gpu |
Number of GPUs to train DAN. | str |
training_params.optimizers.all.class |
Optimizer class. | custom class | Adam | |
Learning rate for the optimizer. | float |
0.0001 |
training_params.optimizers.all.args.amsgrad |
Whether to use AMSGrad optimization. | custom class | False |
training_params.lr_schedulers |
Learning rate schedulers. | custom class | None |
training_params.eval_on_valid |
Whether to evaluate and log metrics on the validation set during training. | bool |
True |
training_params.eval_on_valid_interval |
Interval (in epochs) to evaluate during training. | int |
5 |
training_params.focus_metric |
Metrics to focus on to determine best epoch. | str |
cer |
training_params.expected_metric_value |
Best value for the focus metric. Should be either "high" or "low" . |
low |
cer |
training_params.set_name_focus_metric |
Dataset to focus on to select best weights. | str |
training_params.train_metrics |
List of metrics to compute during training. | list |
["loss_ce", "cer", "wer", "wer_no_punct"] |
training_params.train_metrics |
List of metrics to compute during validation. | list |
["cer", "wer", "wer_no_punct"] |
training_params.force_cpu |
Whether to train on CPU (for debugging). | bool |
False |
training_params.max_char_prediction |
Maximum number of characters to predict. | int |
1000 |
training_params.label_noise_scheduler.min_error_rate |
Minimum ratio of teacher forcing. | float |
0.2 |
training_params.label_noise_scheduler.max_error_rate |
Maximum ratio of teacher forcing. | float |
0.2 |
training_params.label_noise_scheduler.total_num_steps |
Number of steps before stopping teacher forcing. | float |
5e4 |
MLFlow logging
To log your experiment on MLFlow, you need to:
install the extra requirements via
$ pip install .[mlflow]
update the following arguments:
Name | Description | Type | Default |
mlflow.run_id |
Name of the current run in MLflow. | str |
mlflow.s3_endpoint_url |
URL of S3 endpoint. | str |
mlflow.aws_access_key_id |
Access key id to the AWS server. | str |
mlflow.aws_secret_access_key |
Secret access key to the AWS server. | str |