Manon Blanco authoredManon Blanco authored
Get started
DAN is based on a GitLab package registry containing all the nerval source code.
You need a personal access token and access to the nerval repository in order to install this module. You will need to add the below to your ~/.netrc
machine gitlab.teklia.com
login __token__
If you install DAN as a dependency, the host must have access to this configuration file to be able to download the nerval repository package.
As a dependency
To install DAN as a dependency, you need to first add the following line to your requirements.txt
--index-url https://gitlab.teklia.com/api/v4/projects/98/packages/pypi/simple --extra-index-url https://gitlab.teklia.com/api/v4/projects/210/packages/pypi/simple
The --index-url
argument is required to find the DAN
package, the --extra-index-url
argument is needed to find the nerval
Then you can install it via pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To install DAN directly, you can install it via pip:
pip3 install --index-url https://gitlab.teklia.com/api/v4/projects/98/packages/pypi/simple --extra-index-url https://gitlab.teklia.com/api/v4/projects/210/packages/pypi/simple teklia-dan
The --index-url
argument is required to find the DAN
package, the --extra-index-url
argument is needed to find the nerval
To learn more about the newly installed teklia-dan
command, make sure to run:
teklia-dan --help
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