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Training workflow

There are a several steps to follow when training a DAN model.

1. Extract data

The data must be extracted and formatted for training. To extract the data, DAN uses an Arkindex export database in SQLite format. You will need to:

  1. Structure the data into folders (train / val / test) in Arkindex.
  2. Export the project in SQLite format.
  3. Extract the data with the extract command.
  4. Format the data with the format command.

At the end, you should have a tree structure like this:

├── charset.pkl
├── labels.json
├── split.json
├── images
│   ├── train
│   ├── val
│   └── test
└── labels
    ├── train
    ├── val
    └── test

2. Train

The training command does not take any input parameters for now. To train a DAN model, you will therefore need to:

  1. Update the parameters from those listed in the dedicated page. You will always need to update at least these variables:
  • dataset_name, dataset_level, dataset_variant and dataset_path,
  • model_params.transfer_learning.*[checkpoint_path] to finetune an existing model,
  • training_params.output_folder.
  1. Train a DAN model with the train command.

3. Predict

Once the training is complete, you can apply a trained DAN model on an image.

To do this, you will need to:

  1. Create a parameters.yml file using the parameters saved during training in the params file, located in {training_params.output_folder}/results. This file should have the following format:
version: 0.0.1
  max_char_prediction: int
    input_channels: int
    dropout: float
    enc_dim: int
    l_max: int
    dec_pred_dropout: float
    attention_win: int
    vocab_size: int
    h_max: int
    w_max: int
    dec_num_layers: int
    dec_dim_feedforward: int
    dec_num_heads: int
    dec_att_dropout: float
    dec_res_dropout: float
    - type: str
      max_height: int
      max_width: int
      fixed_height: int
      fixed_width: int
  1. Apply a trained DAN model on an image using the predict command.