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  • atr/dan
1 result
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Commits on Source (7)
with 419 additions and 337 deletions
......@@ -52,6 +52,21 @@ test:
- tox -- -v
stage: build
image: docker:19.03.1
- docker:dind
DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375/
- schedules
- ci/
# Make sure docs still build correctly
image: python:3.10
FROM nvidia/cuda:12.2.0-base-ubuntu22.04
# Install python and pip
RUN apt-get -y update && \
apt-get -y install python3 python3-pip && \
apt-get clean -y
# Install DAN as a package
COPY dan dan
COPY teklia_line_image_extractor teklia_line_image_extractor
COPY requirements.txt *-requirements.txt VERSION ./
RUN pip install . --no-cache-dir
......@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ include requirements.txt
include doc-requirements.txt
include mlflow-requirements.txt
include VERSION
#!/bin/sh -e
# Build the tasks Docker image.
# Requires CI_PROJECT_DIR and CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE to be set.
# VERSION defaults to latest.
# Will automatically login to a registry if CI_REGISTRY, CI_REGISTRY_USER and CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD are set.
# Will only push an image if $CI_REGISTRY is set.
if [ -z "$VERSION" ]; then
if [ -z "$VERSION" -o -z "$CI_PROJECT_DIR" -o -z "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE" ]; then
echo Missing environment variables
exit 1
docker build -f Dockerfile . -t "$IMAGE_TAG"
# Publish the image on the main branch or on a tag
if [ "$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" = "main" -o -n "$CI_COMMIT_TAG" ]; then
if [ -n "$CI_REGISTRY" -a -n "$CI_REGISTRY_USER" -a -n "$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD" ]; then
echo $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD | docker login -u $CI_REGISTRY_USER --password-stdin $CI_REGISTRY
docker push $IMAGE_TAG
echo "Missing environment variables to log in to the container registry…"
echo "The build was not published to the repository registry (only for main branch or tags)…"
"mlflow": {
"run_name": "Test log DAN",
"run_id": null,
"s3_endpoint_url": "",
"tracking_uri": "",
"experiment_id": "0",
"aws_access_key_id": "",
"aws_secret_access_key": ""
"dataset": {
"datasets": {
"$dataset_name": "$dataset_path"
"train": {
"name": "$dataset_name-train",
"datasets": [
["$dataset_name", "train"]
"val": {
"$dataset_name-val": [
["$dataset_name", "val"]
"test": {
"$dataset_name-test": [
["$dataset_name", "test"]
"max_char_prediction": 1000,
"tokens": null
"model": {
"transfered_charset": true,
"additional_tokens": 1,
"encoder": {
"dropout": 0.5,
"nb_layers": 5
"h_max": 500,
"w_max": 1000,
"decoder": {
"l_max": 15000,
"dec_num_layers": 8,
"dec_num_heads": 4,
"dec_res_dropout": 0.1,
"dec_pred_dropout": 0.1,
"dec_att_dropout": 0.1,
"dec_dim_feedforward": 256,
"attention_win": 100,
"enc_dim": 256
"training": {
"data": {
"batch_size": 2,
"load_in_memory": true,
"worker_per_gpu": 4,
"preprocessings": [
"type": "max_resize",
"max_width": 2000,
"max_height": 2000
"augmentation": true
"device": {
"use_ddp": false,
"ddp_port": "20027",
"use_amp": true,
"nb_gpu": null,
"force_cpu": false
"metrics": {
"train": [
"eval": [
"validation": {
"eval_on_valid": true,
"eval_on_valid_interval": 5,
"set_name_focus_metric": "$dataset_name-val"
"output_folder": "$dataset_path/output",
"max_nb_epochs": 800,
"load_epoch": "last",
"optimizers": {
"all": {
"args": {
"lr": 0.0001,
"amsgrad": false
"lr_schedulers": null,
"label_noise_scheduler": {
"min_error_rate": 0.2,
"max_error_rate": 0.2,
"total_num_steps": 5e4
"transfer_learning": {
"encoder": [
"decoder": [
......@@ -5,4 +5,3 @@ logging.basicConfig(
format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s/%(name)s: %(message)s",
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -3,31 +3,10 @@
Analyze dataset and display statistics in markdown format.
import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict
import yaml
from dan.datasets.analyze.statistics import run
def read_yaml(yaml_path: str) -> Dict:
Read YAML tokens file
filename = Path(yaml_path)
assert filename.exists()
return yaml.safe_load(filename.read_text())
def read_json(json_path: str) -> Dict:
Read labels JSON file
filename = Path(json_path)
assert filename.exists()
return json.loads(filename.read_text())
from dan.utils import read_json, read_yaml
def add_analyze_parser(subcommands) -> None:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Optional
......@@ -8,7 +9,7 @@ import numpy as np
from mdutils.mdutils import MdUtils
from prettytable import MARKDOWN, PrettyTable
from dan import logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import logging
import pickle
import random
from collections import defaultdict
......@@ -12,7 +13,6 @@ import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from arkindex_export import open_database
from dan import logger
from dan.datasets.extract.db import (
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ IMAGES_DIR = "images" # Subpath to the images directory.
SPLIT_NAMES = ["train", "val", "test"]
IIIF_URL_SUFFIX = "/full/full/0/default.jpg"
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ArkindexExtractor:
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Train a new DAN model.
from dan.ocr.predict import add_predict_parser # noqa
from dan.ocr.train import run
from dan.utils import read_json
def add_train_parser(subcommands) -> None:
......@@ -14,4 +15,11 @@ def add_train_parser(subcommands) -> None:
help="Configuration file.",
......@@ -95,15 +95,11 @@ class OCRDataset(Dataset):
set_name = path_and_set["set_name"]
gt = gt_per_set[set_name]
for filename in natural_sort(gt):
if isinstance(gt[filename], dict) and "text" in gt[filename]:
label = gt[filename]["text"]
label = gt[filename]
filepath = Path(filename)
"label": label,
"label": gt[filename],
"path": filepath.resolve(),
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Predict on an image using a trained DAN model.
import pathlib
from dan.ocr.predict.attention import Level
from dan.ocr.predict.prediction import run
from dan.utils import parse_tokens
......@@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ def add_predict_parser(subcommands) -> None:
help="Levels of confidence scores. Should be a list of any combinaison of ['char', 'word', 'line'].",
......@@ -94,10 +95,9 @@ def add_predict_parser(subcommands) -> None:
choices=["line", "word", "char"],
help="Level of attention maps.",
help="Level to plot the attention maps. Should be in ['line', 'word', 'char'].",
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
import re
from enum import Enum
from operator import attrgetter
from typing import List, Tuple
import cv2
......@@ -8,7 +11,13 @@ import torch
from PIL import Image
from torchvision.transforms.functional import to_pil_image
from dan import logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Level(str, Enum):
Char = "char"
Word = "word"
Line = "line"
def parse_delimiters(delimiters: List[str]) -> re.Pattern:
......@@ -36,7 +45,7 @@ def compute_prob_by_separator(
def split_text(
text: str, level: str, word_separators: re.Pattern, line_separators: re.Pattern
text: str, level: Level, word_separators: re.Pattern, line_separators: re.Pattern
) -> Tuple[List[str], int]:
Split text into a list of characters, word, or lines.
......@@ -45,27 +54,27 @@ def split_text(
:param word_separators: List of word separators
:param line_separators: List of line separators
if level == "char":
text_split = list(text)
offset = 0
# split into words
elif level == "word":
text_split = re.split(word_separators, text)
offset = 1
# split into lines
elif level == "line":
text_split = re.split(line_separators, text)
offset = 1
logger.error("Level should be either 'char', 'word', or 'line'")
match level:
case Level.Char:
text_split = list(text)
# split into words
case Level.Word:
text_split = re.split(word_separators, text)
# split into lines
case Level.Line:
text_split = re.split(line_separators, text)
case _:
choices = ", ".join(list(map(attrgetter("value"), Level)))
logger.error(f"Level should be either {choices}")
offset = int(level != Level.Char)
return text_split, offset
def split_text_and_confidences(
text: str,
confidences: List[float],
level: str,
level: Level,
word_separators: re.Pattern,
line_separators: re.Pattern,
) -> Tuple[List[str], List[np.float64], int]:
......@@ -77,21 +86,22 @@ def split_text_and_confidences(
:param word_separators: List of word separators
:param line_separators: List of line separators
if level == "char":
texts = list(text)
offset = 0
elif level == "word":
texts, confidences = compute_prob_by_separator(
text, confidences, word_separators
offset = 1
elif level == "line":
texts, confidences = compute_prob_by_separator(
text, confidences, line_separators
offset = 1
logger.error("Level should be either 'char', 'word', or 'line'")
match level:
case Level.Char:
texts = list(text)
case Level.Word:
texts, confidences = compute_prob_by_separator(
text, confidences, word_separators
case Level.Line:
texts, confidences = compute_prob_by_separator(
text, confidences, line_separators
case _:
choices = ", ".join(list(map(attrgetter("value"), Level)))
logger.error(f"Level should be either {choices}")
offset = int(level != Level.Char)
return texts, [np.around(num, 2) for num in confidences], offset
......@@ -99,7 +109,7 @@ def get_predicted_polygons_with_confidence(
text: str,
weights: np.ndarray,
confidences: List[float],
level: str,
level: Level,
height: int,
width: int,
threshold_method: str = "otsu",
......@@ -310,7 +320,7 @@ def plot_attention(
image: torch.Tensor,
text: str,
weights: np.ndarray,
level: str,
level: Level,
scale: float,
outname: str,
threshold_method: str = "otsu",
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import logging
import pickle
import re
from itertools import pairwise
......@@ -11,10 +12,10 @@ import numpy as np
import torch
import yaml
from dan import logger
from dan.ocr.decoder import GlobalHTADecoder
from dan.ocr.encoder import FCN_Encoder
from dan.ocr.predict.attention import (
......@@ -29,6 +30,8 @@ from dan.utils import (
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class DAN:
......@@ -114,7 +117,7 @@ class DAN:
input_sizes: List[torch.Size],
confidences: bool = False,
attentions: bool = False,
attention_level: str = "line",
attention_level: Level = Level.Line,
extract_objects: bool = False,
word_separators: re.Pattern = parse_delimiters(["\n", " "]),
line_separators: re.Pattern = parse_delimiters(["\n"]),
......@@ -278,9 +281,9 @@ def process_batch(
device: str,
output: Path,
confidence_score: bool,
confidence_score_levels: List[str],
confidence_score_levels: List[Level],
attention_map: bool,
attention_map_level: str,
attention_map_level: Level,
attention_map_scale: float,
word_separators: List[str],
line_separators: List[str],
......@@ -362,7 +365,7 @@ def process_batch(
result["confidences"]["total"] = np.around(np.mean(char_confidences), 2)
for level in confidence_score_levels:
result["confidences"][level] = []
result["confidences"][level.value] = []
texts, confidences, _ = split_text_and_confidences(
......@@ -372,7 +375,7 @@ def process_batch(
for text, conf in zip(texts, confidences):
{"text": text, "confidence": conf}
......@@ -410,9 +413,9 @@ def run(
charset: Path,
output: Path,
confidence_score: bool,
confidence_score_levels: List[str],
confidence_score_levels: List[Level],
attention_map: bool,
attention_map_level: str,
attention_map_level: Level,
attention_map_scale: float,
word_separators: List[str],
line_separators: List[str],
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from dan.utils import MLflowNotInstalled
import mlflow
from dan.mlflow import make_mlflow_request, start_mlflow_run
from dan.ocr.mlflow import make_mlflow_request, start_mlflow_run
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -61,153 +61,48 @@ def train_and_test(rank, params, mlflow_logging=False):
def get_config():
def update_config(config: dict):
Retrieve model configuration
Update some fields for easier
dataset_name = "esposalles"
dataset_level = "record"
dataset_variant = "_debug"
dataset_path = "."
params = {
"mlflow": {
"run_name": "Test log DAN",
"run_id": None,
"s3_endpoint_url": "",
"tracking_uri": "",
"experiment_id": "0",
"aws_access_key_id": "",
"aws_secret_access_key": "",
"dataset": {
"datasets": {
dataset_name: Path(dataset_path)
/ "{}_{}{}".format(dataset_name, dataset_level, dataset_variant),
"train": {
"name": "{}-train".format(dataset_name),
"datasets": [
(dataset_name, "train"),
"val": {
"{}-val".format(dataset_name): [
(dataset_name, "val"),
"test": {
"{}-test".format(dataset_name): [
(dataset_name, "test"),
"max_char_prediction": 1000, # max number of token prediction
"tokens": None,
"model": {
"transfered_charset": True, # Transfer learning of the decision layer based on charset of the line HTR model
"additional_tokens": 1, # for decision layer = [<eot>, ], only for transferred charset
"encoder": {
"class": FCN_Encoder,
"dropout": 0.5, # dropout rate for encoder
"nb_layers": 5, # encoder
"h_max": 500, # maximum height for encoder output (for 2D positional embedding)
"w_max": 1000, # maximum width for encoder output (for 2D positional embedding)
"decoder": {
"class": GlobalHTADecoder,
"l_max": 15000, # max predicted sequence (for 1D positional embedding)
"dec_num_layers": 8, # number of transformer decoder layers
"dec_num_heads": 4, # number of heads in transformer decoder layers
"dec_res_dropout": 0.1, # dropout in transformer decoder layers
"dec_pred_dropout": 0.1, # dropout rate before decision layer
"dec_att_dropout": 0.1, # dropout rate in multi head attention
"dec_dim_feedforward": 256, # number of dimension for feedforward layer in transformer decoder layers
"attention_win": 100, # length of attention window
"enc_dim": 256, # dimension of extracted features
"training": {
"data": {
"batch_size": 2, # mini-batch size for training
"load_in_memory": True, # Load all images in CPU memory
"worker_per_gpu": 4, # Num of parallel processes per gpu for data loading
"preprocessings": [
"type": Preprocessing.MaxResize,
"max_width": 2000,
"max_height": 2000,
"augmentation": True,
"device": {
"use_ddp": False, # Use DistributedDataParallel
"ddp_port": "20027",
"use_amp": True, # Enable automatic mix-precision
"nb_gpu": torch.cuda.device_count(),
"force_cpu": False, # True for debug purposes
"metrics": {
"train": [
], # Metrics name for training
"eval": [
], # Metrics name for evaluation on validation set during training
"validation": {
"eval_on_valid": True, # Whether to eval and logs metrics on validation set during training or not
"eval_on_valid_interval": 5, # Interval (in epochs) to evaluate during training
"set_name_focus_metric": "{}-val".format(
), # Which dataset to focus on to select best weights
"output_folder": Path(
), # folder name for checkpoint and results
"max_nb_epochs": 800, # maximum number of epochs before to stop
"load_epoch": "last", # ["best", "last"]: last to continue training, best to evaluate
"optimizers": {
"all": {
"class": Adam,
"args": {
"lr": 0.0001,
"amsgrad": False,
"lr_schedulers": None, # Learning rate schedulers
# Keep teacher forcing rate to 20% during whole training
"label_noise_scheduler": {
"min_error_rate": 0.2,
"max_error_rate": 0.2,
"total_num_steps": 5e4,
# "transfer_learning": None,
"transfer_learning": {
# model_name: [state_dict_name, checkpoint_path, learnable, strict]
"encoder": [
"decoder": [
# .dataset.datasets cast all values to Path
config["dataset"]["datasets"] = {
name: Path(path) for name, path in config["dataset"]["datasets"].items()
return params, dataset_name
# .model.encoder.class = FCN_ENCODER
config["model"]["encoder"]["class"] = FCN_Encoder
# .model.decoder.class = GlobalHTADecoder
config["model"]["decoder"]["class"] = GlobalHTADecoder
# Update preprocessing type
for prepro in config["training"]["data"]["preprocessings"]:
prepro["type"] = Preprocessing(prepro["type"])
# .training.output_folder to Path
config["training"]["output_folder"] = Path(config["training"]["output_folder"])
if config["training"]["transfer_learning"]:
# .training.transfer_learning.encoder[1]
config["training"]["transfer_learning"]["encoder"][1] = Path(
# .training.transfer_learning.decoder[1]
config["training"]["transfer_learning"]["decoder"][1] = Path(
# Parse optimizers
for optimizer_setup in config["training"]["optimizers"].values():
# Only supported optimizer is Adam
optimizer_setup["class"] = Adam
# set nb_gpu if not present
if config["training"]["device"]["nb_gpu"] is None:
config["training"]["device"]["nb_gpu"] = torch.cuda.device_count()
def serialize_config(config):
......@@ -262,23 +157,27 @@ def start_training(config, mlflow_logging: bool) -> None:
train_and_test(0, config, mlflow_logging)
def run():
def run(config: dict):
Main program, training a new model, using a valid configuration
names = list(config["dataset"]["datasets"].keys())
# We should only have one dataset
assert len(names) == 1, f"Found {len(names)} datasets but only one is expected"
config, dataset_name = get_config()
dataset_name = names.pop()
if "mlflow" in config and not MLFLOW_AVAILABLE:
if config.get("mlflow") and not MLFLOW_AVAILABLE:
"Cannot log to MLflow. Please install the `mlflow` extra requirements."
raise MLflowNotInstalled()
if "mlflow" not in config:
if not config.get("mlflow"):
start_training(config, mlflow_logging=False)
labels_path = Path(config["dataset"]["datasets"][dataset_name]) / "labels.json"
labels_path = config["dataset"]["datasets"][dataset_name] / "labels.json"
with start_mlflow_run(config["mlflow"]) as (run, created):
if created:"Started MLflow run with ID ({})")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
from argparse import ArgumentTypeError
from itertools import islice
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, NamedTuple
......@@ -106,8 +108,32 @@ def list_to_batches(iterable, n):
yield batch
def parse_tokens(filename: Path) -> Dict[str, EntityType]:
def parse_tokens(filename: str) -> Dict[str, EntityType]:
return {
name: EntityType(**tokens)
for name, tokens in yaml.safe_load(filename.read_text()).items()
for name, tokens in yaml.safe_load(Path(filename).read_text()).items()
def read_yaml(yaml_path: str) -> Dict:
Read YAML tokens file
filename = Path(yaml_path)
assert filename.exists(), f"{yaml_path} does not resolve."
return yaml.safe_load(filename.read_text())
except yaml.YAMLError as e:
raise ArgumentTypeError(e)
def read_json(json_path: str) -> Dict:
Read labels JSON file
filename = Path(json_path)
assert filename.exists(), f"{json_path} does not resolve."
return json.loads(filename.read_text())
except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
raise ArgumentTypeError(e)
......@@ -24,16 +24,8 @@ output/
## 2. Train
The training command does not take any input parameters for now. To train a DAN model, you will therefore need to:
1. Update the parameters from those listed in the [dedicated page](../usage/train/ You will always need to update at least these variables:
- `dataset_name`, `dataset_level`, `dataset_variant` and `dataset_path`,
- `model_params.transfer_learning.*[checkpoint_path]` to finetune an existing model,
- `training_params.output_folder`.
1. Train a DAN model with the [train command](../usage/train/
To train a DAN model, please refer to the [documentation of the training command](../usage/train/
## 3. Predict
Once the training is complete, you can apply a trained DAN model on an image using the [predict command](../usage/ and the `inference_parameters.yml` file, located in `{training_params.output_folder}/results`.
Once the training is complete, you can apply a trained DAN model on an image using the [predict command](../usage/ and the `inference_parameters.yml` file, located in `{training.output_folder}/results`.
......@@ -2,22 +2,14 @@
Use the `teklia-dan train` command to train a new DAN model. It is able to train a DAN model at line or document-level and evaluate it.
## Examples
To train DAN on your dataset:
### Document
To train DAN on documents:
1. Set your training configuration in `dan/ocr/`. Refer to the [dedicated section]( for a description of parameters.
1. Run `teklia-dan train`.
1. Look into evaluation results in the `output` folder:
1. Create a training JSON configuration file. Refer to the [dedicated section]( for a description of parameters.
1. Run `teklia-dan train --config path/to/your/config.json`.
1. Look into evaluation results in the output folder indicated in your configuration:
- `checkpoints` contains model weights for the last trained epoch and for the epoch giving the best valid CER.
- `results` contains the tensorboard log file, the parameters file, and the evaluation results for the best epoch.
### Line
To train DAN on lines, run `teklia-dan train` with a line dataset.
## Additional pages
- [Jean Zay tutorial](
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -2,12 +2,9 @@
from pathlib import Path
import pytest
from torch.optim import Adam
from arkindex_export import open_database
from dan.ocr.decoder import GlobalHTADecoder
from dan.ocr.encoder import FCN_Encoder
from dan.ocr.transforms import Preprocessing
from dan.ocr.train import update_config
FIXTURES = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "data"
......@@ -27,10 +24,10 @@ def demo_db(database_path):
def training_config():
return {
config = {
"dataset": {
"datasets": {
"training": FIXTURES / "training" / "training_dataset",
"training": str(FIXTURES / "training" / "training_dataset"),
"train": {
"name": "training-train",
......@@ -55,14 +52,12 @@ def training_config():
"transfered_charset": True, # Transfer learning of the decision layer based on charset of the line HTR model
"additional_tokens": 1, # for decision layer = [<eot>, ], only for transferred charset
"encoder": {
"class": FCN_Encoder,
"dropout": 0.5, # dropout rate for encoder
"nb_layers": 5, # encoder
"h_max": 500, # maximum height for encoder output (for 2D positional embedding)
"w_max": 1000, # maximum width for encoder output (for 2D positional embedding)
"decoder": {
"class": GlobalHTADecoder,
"l_max": 15000, # max predicted sequence (for 1D positional embedding)
"dec_num_layers": 8, # number of transformer decoder layers
"dec_num_heads": 4, # number of heads in transformer decoder layers
......@@ -81,7 +76,7 @@ def training_config():
"worker_per_gpu": 4, # Num of parallel processes per gpu for data loading
"preprocessings": [
"type": Preprocessing.MaxResize,
"type": "max_resize",
"max_width": 2000,
"max_height": 2000,
......@@ -113,15 +108,12 @@ def training_config():
"eval_on_valid_interval": 2, # Interval (in epochs) to evaluate during training
"set_name_focus_metric": "training-val",
"output_folder": Path(
), # folder name for checkpoint and results
"output_folder": "dan_trained_model", # folder name for checkpoint and results
"gradient_clipping": {},
"max_nb_epochs": 4, # maximum number of epochs before to stop
"load_epoch": "last", # ["best", "last"]: last to continue training, best to evaluate
"optimizers": {
"all": {
"class": Adam,
"args": {
"lr": 0.0001,
"amsgrad": False,
......@@ -138,6 +130,8 @@ def training_config():
"transfer_learning": None,
return config