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Commit c28b2536 authored by Chaza Abdelwahab's avatar Chaza Abdelwahab
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Merge branch 'feature_multiple_input' into 'master'

Multiple input

See merge request teklia/nerval!10
parents 5940c8d9 083a9d89
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1 merge request!10Multiple input
Pipeline #103825 passed
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
Nerval is an evaluation library written in python implementing a metric for named-entity recognition evaluation on noisy text, typically to measure NER performances on OCR or Handwritten text recognition predictions.
Expected inputs are a ground truth and a prediction BIOES/BILOU files without any ''§'' occurrences, this character having a special meaning during evaluation.
It also works by designating a csv file with file matches (one pair per row with the annotation file in the first column and the prediction file in the second column)
## Usage
......@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ You can now use Nerval in command line :
$ nerval -a/--annot <> -p/--predict <> \
[-t/--threshold <threshold_value>]
[-t/--threshold <threshold_value>] [-c/--csv <correspondence_file.csv>]
The threshold value should be between 0 and 1. It designates the acceptable number of characters differing between an annotated and a predicted entity - over the number of characters in the annotated entity - to consider it as a match. Default value is 0.30. 0 would impose perfect matches, 1 would allow completely different strings to be considered as a match.
......@@ -58,6 +59,12 @@ We also provide two annotation and prediction toy files, which are identical for
$ nerval -a demo/ -p demo/
You can also indicate a folder and a csv file to have multiple evaluation at once.
$ nerval -c demo/mapping_file.csv -f demo/bio_folder
## Metric
This metric uses string alignment at character level.
Césaire B-PER
Alphonse I-PER
Garon I-PER
marraine O
Adeline B-PER
Dionne I-PER
, O
soussignés O
Lecture O
faite O
Adéline O
Dionne O
Arsène O
Côté O
Arpin O
Le O
onze B-DAT
aout I-DAT
mil I-DAT
neuf I-DAT
cent I-DAT
un I-DAT
nous O
prêtre O
soussigné O
avons O
baptisé O
Marie B-PER
Luce I-PER
Louise I-PER
, O
née O
la B-DAT
veille I-DAT
, O
fille O
légitime O
de O
Carmel B-PER
Côté I-PER
, O
cordonnier B-OCC
, O
pré O
- O
sent O
, O
déclarant O
ne O
savoir O
signer O
, O
et O
de O
Eugé B-PER
nie I-PER
Fréchette I-PER
, O
de O
cette B-LOC
paroisse I-LOC
. O
Parrain O
Napoléon B-PER
Fréchette I-PER
, O
marraine O
Adeline B-PER
Tremblay I-PER
, O
soussignés O
, O
de O
Luce I-LOC
, O
Lec O
- O
ture O
faite O
. O
Césaire B-PER
Alphonse O
Garon B-PER
marraine O
Adeline B-PER
Dionne I-PER
, O
soussignés O
Lecture O
faite O
Adéline O
Dionne O
Arsène O
Côté O
Arpin O
Le O
onze B-DAT
aout I-DAT
mil I-DAT
neuf I-DAT
cent I-DAT
un O
nous O
pretre O
soussigné O
avons O
baptisé O
Marie B-PER
Luce I-PER
Louise I-PER
, O
née O
la B-DAT
veille I-DAT
, O
fille O
légitime O
de O
Carmel B-PER
Côté I-PER
, O
cordonnier B-OCC
, O
pré O
- O
sent O
, O
déclarant O
ne O
savoir O
signer O
, O
et O
de O
Eugé B-PER
nie I-PER
Fréchette I-PER
, O
de O
cette B-LOC
paroisse I-LOC
. O
Parrain O
Napoléon B-PER
Fréchette I-PER
, O
marraine O
Adéline B-PER
Tremblay I-PER
, O
sousignés O
, O
de O
Luce O
, O
Lec O
ture O
faite O
John B-PER
Ronald I-PER
Reuel I-PER
Tolkien I-PER
was O
born O
on O
three B-DAT
January I-DAT
eighteen I-DAT
ninety I-DAT
two I-DAT
in O
Bloemfontein B-LOC
in O
the O
Orange B-LOC
Free I-LOC
State I-LOC
, O
to O
Arthur B-PER
Reuel I-PER
Tolkien I-PER
, O
an O
English O
bank B-OCC
manager I-OCC
, O
and O
his O
wife O
Mabel B-PER
, O
née O
Suffield B-PER
. O
John B-PER
Ronald I-PER
Reuel I-PER
Tolkien I-PER
was O
born O
on O
three B-DAT
January I-DAT
eighteen I-DAT
ninety I-DAT
two I-DAT
in O
Bloemfontein B-LOC
in O
the O
Orange B-LOC
Free I-LOC
State I-LOC
, O
to O
Arthur B-PER
Reuel I-PER
Tolkien I-PER
, O
an O
English O
bank B-OCC
manager I-OCC
, O
and O
his O
wife O
Mabel B-PER
, O
née O
Suffield B-PER
. O,,
\ No newline at end of file
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import argparse
import glob
import logging
import os
import re
from csv import reader
from pathlib import Path
import editdistance
import edlib
......@@ -81,7 +84,11 @@ def parse_bio(path: str) -> dict:
word, label = line.split()
except ValueError:
raise (Exception(f"The file {path} given in input is not in BIO format."))
raise (
f"The file {path} given in input is not in BIO format: check line {index} ({line})"
# Preserve hyphens to avoid confusion with the hyphens added later during alignment
word = word.replace("-", "§")
......@@ -533,6 +540,37 @@ def run(annotation: str, prediction: str, threshold: int) -> dict:
return scores
def run_multiple(file_csv, folder, threshold):
"""Run the program for multiple files (correlation indicated in the csv file)"""
# Read the csv in a list
with open(file_csv, "r") as read_obj:
csv_reader = reader(read_obj)
list_cor = list(csv_reader)
if os.path.isdir(folder):
list_bio_file = glob.glob(str(folder) + "/**/*.bio", recursive=True)
for row in list_cor:
annot = None
predict = None
for file in list_bio_file:
if row[0] == os.path.basename(file):
annot = file
for file in list_bio_file:
if row[1] == os.path.basename(file):
predict = file
if annot and predict:
run(annot, predict, threshold)
raise f"No file found for files {annot}, {predict}"
raise Exception("the path indicated does not lead to a folder.")
def threshold_float_type(arg):
"""Type function for argparse."""
......@@ -551,22 +589,60 @@ def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Compute score of NER on predict.")
"-a", "--annot", help="Annotation in BIO format.", required=True
help="Single if 1, multiple 2",
help="Annotation in BIO format.",
"-p", "--predict", help="Prediction in BIO format.", required=True
help="Prediction in BIO format.",
help="Set a distance threshold for the match between gold and predicted entity.",
help="Csv with the correlation between the annotation bio files and the predict bio files",
help="Folder containing the bio files referred to in the csv file",
args = parser.parse_args()
run(args.annot, args.predict, args.threshold)
if args.multiple == 1 or args.multiple == 2:
if args.multiple == 2:
if not args.folder:
raise argparse.ArgumentError(args.folder, "-f must be given if -m is 2")
if not args.csv:
raise argparse.ArgumentError(args.folder, "-c must be given if -m is 2")
if args.folder and args.csv:
run_multiple(args.csv, args.folder, args.threshold)
if args.multiple == 1:
if not args.annot:
raise argparse.ArgumentError(args.folder, "-a must be given if -m is 1")
if not args.predict:
raise argparse.ArgumentError(args.folder, "-p must be given if -m is 1")
if args.annot and args.predict:
run(args.annot, args.predict, args.threshold)
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Value has to be 1 or 2")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Césaire B-PER
Alphonse I-PER
Garon I-PER
marraine O
Adeline B-PER
Dionne I-PER
, O
soussignés O
Lecture O
faite O
Adéline O
Dionne O
Arsène O
Côté O
Arpin O
Le O
onze B-DAT
aout I-DAT
mil I-DAT
neuf I-DAT
cent I-DAT
un I-DAT
nous O
prêtre O
soussigné O
avons O
baptisé O
Marie B-PER
Luce I-PER
Louise I-PER
, O
née O
la B-DAT
veille I-DAT
, O
fille O
légitime O
de O
Carmel B-PER
Côté I-PER
, O
cordonnier B-OCC
, O
pré O
- O
sent O
, O
déclarant O
ne O
savoir O
signer O
, O
et O
de O
Eugé B-PER
nie I-PER
Fréchette I-PER
, O
de O
cette B-LOC
paroisse I-LOC
. O
Parrain O
Napoléon B-PER
Fréchette I-PER
, O
marraine O
Adeline B-PER
Tremblay I-PER
, O
soussignés O
, O
de O
Luce I-LOC
, O
Lec O
- O
ture O
faite O
. O
Césaire B-PER
Alphonse O
Garon B-PER
marraine O
Adeline B-PER
Dionne I-PER
, O
soussignés O
Lecture O
faite O
Adéline O
Dionne O
Arsène O
Côté O
Arpin O
Le O
onze B-DAT
aout I-DAT
mil I-DAT
neuf I-DAT
cent I-DAT
un O
nous O
pretre O
soussigné O
avons O
baptisé O
Marie B-PER
Luce I-PER
Louise I-PER
, O
née O
la B-DAT
veille I-DAT
, O
fille O
légitime O
de O
Carmel B-PER
Côté I-PER
, O
cordonnier B-OCC
, O
pré O
- O
sent O
, O
déclarant O
ne O
savoir O
signer O
, O
et O
de O
Eugé B-PER
nie I-PER
Fréchette I-PER
, O
de O
cette B-LOC
paroisse I-LOC
. O
Parrain O
Napoléon B-PER
Fréchette I-PER
, O
marraine O
Adéline B-PER
Tremblay I-PER
, O
sousignés O
, O
de O
Luce O
, O
Lec O
ture O
faite O
John B-PER
Ronald I-PER
Reuel I-PER
Tolkien I-PER
was O
born O
on O
three B-DAT
January I-DAT
eighteen I-DAT
ninety I-DAT
two I-DAT
in O
Bloemfontein B-LOC
in O
the O
Orange B-LOC
Free I-LOC
State I-LOC
, O
to O
Arthur B-PER
Reuel I-PER
Tolkien I-PER
, O
an O
English O
bank B-OCC
manager I-OCC
, O
and O
his O
wife O
Mabel B-PER
, O
née O
Suffield B-PER
. O
John B-PER
Ronald I-PER
Reuel I-PER
Tolkien I-PER
was O
born O
on O
three B-DAT
January I-DAT
eighteen I-DAT
ninety I-DAT
two I-DAT
in O
Bloemfontein B-LOC
in O
the O
Orange B-LOC
Free I-LOC
State I-LOC
, O
to O
Arthur B-PER
Reuel I-PER
Tolkien I-PER
, O
an O
English O
bank B-OCC
manager I-OCC
, O
and O
his O
wife O
Mabel B-PER
, O
née O
Suffield B-PER
. O,,
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ FAKE_ANNOT_BIO = "tests/"
EMPTY_BIO = "tests/"
FAKE_BIO_NESTED = "tests/"
BIO_FOLDER = "test_folder"
CSV_FILE = "test_mapping_file.csv"
expected_scores_nested = {
"All": {
......@@ -81,3 +83,8 @@ def test_run_empty_bio():
def test_run_empty_entry():
with pytest.raises(TypeError):, None, THRESHOLD)
def test_run_multiple():
with pytest.raises(Exception):
evaluate.run_multiple(CSV_FILE, BIO_FOLDER, THRESHOLD)
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