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Python Toolbox

Python toolbox that provides a timer and a configuration parser.


To install this module run:

pip install teklia-toolbox


Wrapper that calculates the execution time of instructions. This information is stored in the delta attribute which is of type datetime.timedelta.

from teklia_toolbox.time import Timer

with Timer() as t:
    # Some code
print(f'These instructions took {}')

Configuration parser


The ConfigParser class allows to instantiate a parser. It takes as argument:

  • a boolean allow_extra_keys to specify if the parser should ignore extra unspecified keys instead of causing errors (default to True)

Add option

The add_option function allows to add parameter to the parser. It takes as argument:

  • a parameter name
  • a parameter type (which must be callable) (default to str)
  • a many boolean to specify if the parameter can have a list of values (default to False)
  • a default value (default to object())

Add subparser

The add_subparser function adds a parser as a new option to the initial parser, to allow finer control over nested configuration options. It takes the same arguments as the ConfigParser class and the add_option function.

Parse data

The parse_data function parses configuration data from a dict. It will raise ConfigurationError if any error is detected. Otherwise it returns a dictionary. It takes as argument:


The parse function parses configuration data from a yaml file. It will raise ConfigurationError if any error is detected. Otherwise it returns a dictionary. It takes as argument:

  • a path to the yaml file
  • a boolean exist_ok to specify if the parser should ignore a non-existing file (default to False)
from teklia_toolbox.config import ConfigParser

parser = ConfigParser()
parser.add_option('names', type=str, many=True, default=[])
parser.add_option('pseudo', type=str) # Required
parser.add_option('age', type=int, default=21)

parents_parser = parser.add_subparser('parents', default={})

mother_parser = parents_parser.add_subparser('mother', default={})
mother_parser.add_option('name', type=str, default=None)
mother_parser.add_option('age', type=int, default=None)

father_parser = parents_parser.add_subparser('father', default={})
father_parser.add_option('name', type=str, default=None)
father_parser.add_option('age', type=int, default=None)

# This will return
# {
#     'names': ['Pierre', 'Dupont'],
#     'pseudo': 'BoumBoum',
#     'age': 21,
#     'parents': {
#         'mother': {
#             'name': 'Marie',
#             'age': None
#         },
#         'father': {
#             'name': None,
#             'age': None
#         }
#     }
# }
    'names': ['Pierre', 'Dupont'],
    'pseudo': 'BoumBoum',
    'parents': {
        'mother': {
            'name' : 'Marie'


The ConfigurationError class inherits from the ValueError class. This type of error is raised if the parser finds errors during parsing.

from teklia_toolbox.config import ConfigurationError

raise ConfigurationError("Oops..")

dir_path and file_path

The dir_path and file_path functions allow you to easily add path or file parameters to the parser.

from teklia_toolbox.config import ConfigParser
from teklia_toolbox.config import dir_path, file_path

parser = ConfigParser()
parser.add_option('root_path', type=dir_path, default=None)
parser.add_option('csv_file', type=file_path, default=None)

# This will return
# {
#   'root_path': PosixPath('/sweet/home'),
#   'csv_file': PosixPath('/coucou.csv')
# }
    'root_path': '/sweet/home/',
    'csv_file': './coucou.csv'