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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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ElementsWorker methods for elements and element types.
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Union

from peewee import IntegrityError

from arkindex_worker import logger
from arkindex_worker.cache import CachedElement, CachedImage
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from arkindex_worker.models import Element

class ElementType(NamedTuple):
    Arkindex Type of an element

    name: str
    slug: str
    is_folder: bool
class MissingTypeError(Exception):
    A required element type was not found in a corpus.

class ElementMixin(object):
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    def create_required_types(self, element_types: List[ElementType]):
        """Creates given element types in the corpus.

        :param Corpus corpus: The corpus to create types on.
        :param element_types: The missing element types to create.
        for element_type in element_types:
                    "slug": element_type.slug,
                    "folder": element_type.is_folder,
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                    "corpus": self.corpus_id,
  "Created a new element type with slug {element_type.slug}")

    def check_required_types(
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        self, *type_slugs: str, create_missing: bool = False
        Check that a corpus has a list of required element types,
        and raise an exception if any of them are missing.
        :param *type_slugs: Type slugs to look for.
        :param create_missing: Whether missing types should be created.
        :returns: Whether all of the specified type slugs have been found.
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        :raises MissingTypeError: If any of the specified type slugs were not found.
        assert len(type_slugs), "At least one element type slug is required."
        assert all(
            isinstance(slug, str) for slug in type_slugs
        ), "Element type slugs must be strings."

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        corpus = self.request("RetrieveCorpus", id=self.corpus_id)
        available_slugs = {element_type["slug"] for element_type in corpus["types"]}
        missing_slugs = set(type_slugs) - available_slugs

        if missing_slugs:
            if create_missing:
                        ElementType(slug, slug, False) for slug in missing_slugs
                raise MissingTypeError(
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                    f'Element type(s) {", ".join(sorted(missing_slugs))} were not found in the {corpus["name"]} corpus ({corpus["id"]}).'
    def create_sub_element(
        element: Element,
        type: str,
        name: str,
        polygon: List[List[Union[int, float]]],
        confidence: Optional[float] = None,
        slim_output: Optional[bool] = True,
        Create a child element on the given element through the API.

        :param Element element: The parent element.
        :param type: Slug of the element type for this child element.
        :param name: Name of the child element.
        :param polygon: Polygon of the child element.
        :param confidence: Optional confidence score, between 0.0 and 1.0.
        :returns: UUID of the created element.
        assert element and isinstance(
            element, Element
        ), "element shouldn't be null and should be of type Element"
        assert type and isinstance(
            type, str
        ), "type shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
        assert name and isinstance(
            name, str
        ), "name shouldn't be null and should be of type str"
        assert polygon and isinstance(
            polygon, list
        ), "polygon shouldn't be null and should be of type list"
        assert len(polygon) >= 3, "polygon should have at least three points"
        assert all(
            isinstance(point, list) and len(point) == 2 for point in polygon
        ), "polygon points should be lists of two items"
        assert all(
            isinstance(coord, (int, float)) for point in polygon for coord in point
        ), "polygon points should be lists of two numbers"
        assert confidence is None or (
            isinstance(confidence, float) and 0 <= confidence <= 1
        ), "confidence should be None or a float in [0..1] range"
        assert isinstance(slim_output, bool), "slim_output should be of type bool"
        if self.is_read_only:
            logger.warning("Cannot create element as this worker is in read-only mode")

        sub_element = self.request(
                "type": type,
                "name": name,
                "polygon": polygon,
                "worker_run_id": self.worker_run_id,
        ), type)

        return sub_element["id"] if slim_output else sub_element
    def create_elements(
        parent: Union[Element, CachedElement],
        elements: List[
            Dict[str, Union[str, List[List[Union[int, float]]], float, None]]
    ) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
        Create child elements on the given element in a single API request.

        :param parent: Parent element for all the new child elements. The parent must have an image and a polygon.
        :param elements: List of dicts, one per element. Each dict can have the following keys:

            name (str)
               Required. Name of the element.

            type (str)
               Required. Slug of the element type for this element.

            polygon (list(list(int or float)))
               Required. Polygon for this child element. Must have at least three points, with each point
               having two non-negative coordinates and being inside of the parent element's image.

            confidence (float or None)
                Optional confidence score, between 0.0 and 1.0.

        :return: List of dicts, with each dict having a single key, ``id``, holding the UUID of each created element.
        if isinstance(parent, Element):
            assert parent.get(
            ), "create_elements cannot be used on parents without zones"
        elif isinstance(parent, CachedElement):
            assert (
            ), "create_elements cannot be used on parents without images"
            raise TypeError(
                "Parent element should be an Element or CachedElement instance"

        assert elements and isinstance(
            elements, list
        ), "elements shouldn't be null and should be of type list"

        for index, element in enumerate(elements):
            assert isinstance(
                element, dict
            ), f"Element at index {index} in elements: Should be of type dict"

            name = element.get("name")
            assert name and isinstance(
                name, str
            ), f"Element at index {index} in elements: name shouldn't be null and should be of type str"

            type = element.get("type")
            assert type and isinstance(
                type, str
            ), f"Element at index {index} in elements: type shouldn't be null and should be of type str"

            polygon = element.get("polygon")
            assert polygon and isinstance(
                polygon, list
            ), f"Element at index {index} in elements: polygon shouldn't be null and should be of type list"
            assert (
                len(polygon) >= 3
            ), f"Element at index {index} in elements: polygon should have at least three points"
            assert all(
                isinstance(point, list) and len(point) == 2 for point in polygon
            ), f"Element at index {index} in elements: polygon points should be lists of two items"
            assert all(
                isinstance(coord, (int, float)) for point in polygon for coord in point
            ), f"Element at index {index} in elements: polygon points should be lists of two numbers"

            confidence = element.get("confidence")
            assert confidence is None or (
                isinstance(confidence, float) and 0 <= confidence <= 1
            ), f"Element at index {index} in elements: confidence should be None or a float in [0..1] range"

        if self.is_read_only:
            logger.warning("Cannot create elements as this worker is in read-only mode")

        created_ids = self.request(
                "worker_run_id": self.worker_run_id,
                "elements": elements,

        for element in elements:
  , element["type"])

        if self.use_cache:
            # Create the image as needed and handle both an Element and a CachedElement
            if isinstance(parent, CachedElement):
                image_id = parent.image_id
                image_id =

            # Store elements in local cache
                to_insert = [
                        "id": created_ids[idx]["id"],
                        "type": element["type"],
                        "image_id": image_id,
                        "polygon": element["polygon"],
                        "worker_run_id": self.worker_run_id,
                        "confidence": element.get("confidence"),
                    for idx, element in enumerate(elements)
            except IntegrityError as e:
                logger.warning(f"Couldn't save created elements in local cache: {e}")

        return created_ids

    def list_element_children(
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        element: Union[Element, CachedElement],
        folder: Optional[bool] = None,
        name: Optional[str] = None,
        recursive: Optional[bool] = None,
        transcription_worker_version: Optional[Union[str, bool]] = None,
        transcription_worker_run: Optional[Union[str, bool]] = None,
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        type: Optional[str] = None,
        with_classes: Optional[bool] = None,
        with_corpus: Optional[bool] = None,
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        with_has_children: Optional[bool] = None,
        with_zone: Optional[bool] = None,
        worker_version: Optional[Union[str, bool]] = None,
        worker_run: Optional[Union[str, bool]] = None,
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    ) -> Union[Iterable[dict], Iterable[CachedElement]]:
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        List children of an element.

        :param element: Parent element to find children of.
        :param folder: Restrict to or exclude elements with folder types.
           This parameter is not supported when caching is enabled.
        :param name: Restrict to elements whose name contain a substring (case-insensitive).
           This parameter is not supported when caching is enabled.
        :param recursive: Look for elements recursively (grand-children, etc.)
           This parameter is not supported when caching is enabled.
        :param transcription_worker_version: Restrict to elements that have a transcription created by a worker version with this UUID.
           This parameter is not supported when caching is enabled.
        :param transcription_worker_run: Restrict to elements that have a transcription created by a worker run with this UUID.
           This parameter is not supported when caching is enabled.
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        :param type: Restrict to elements with a specific type slug
           This parameter is not supported when caching is enabled.
        :param with_classes: Include each element's classifications in the response.
           This parameter is not supported when caching is enabled.
        :param with_corpus: Include each element's corpus in the response.
           This parameter is not supported when caching is enabled.
        :param with_has_children: Include the ``has_children`` attribute in the response,
           indicating if this element has child elements of its own.
           This parameter is not supported when caching is enabled.
        :param with_metadata: Include each element's metadata in the response.
           This parameter is not supported when caching is enabled.
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        :param with_zone: Include the ``zone`` attribute in the response,
           holding the element's image and polygon.
           This parameter is not supported when caching is enabled.
        :param worker_version: Restrict to elements created by a worker version with this UUID.
        :param worker_run: Restrict to elements created by a worker run with this UUID.
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        :return: An iterable of dicts from the ``ListElementChildren`` API endpoint,
           or an iterable of [CachedElement][arkindex_worker.cache.CachedElement] when caching is enabled.
        assert element and isinstance(
            element, (Element, CachedElement)
        ), "element shouldn't be null and should be an Element or CachedElement"
        query_params = {}
        if folder is not None:
            assert isinstance(folder, bool), "folder should be of type bool"
            query_params["folder"] = folder
        if name:
            assert isinstance(name, str), "name should be of type str"
            query_params["name"] = name
        if recursive is not None:
            assert isinstance(recursive, bool), "recursive should be of type bool"
            query_params["recursive"] = recursive
        if transcription_worker_version is not None:
            assert isinstance(
                transcription_worker_version, (str, bool)
            ), "transcription_worker_version should be of type str or bool"
            if isinstance(transcription_worker_version, bool):
                assert (
                    transcription_worker_version is False
                ), "if of type bool, transcription_worker_version can only be set to False"
            query_params["transcription_worker_version"] = transcription_worker_version
        if transcription_worker_run is not None:
            assert isinstance(
                transcription_worker_run, (str, bool)
            ), "transcription_worker_run should be of type str or bool"
            if isinstance(transcription_worker_run, bool):
                assert (
                    transcription_worker_run is False
                ), "if of type bool, transcription_worker_run can only be set to False"
            query_params["transcription_worker_run"] = transcription_worker_run
        if type:
            assert isinstance(type, str), "type should be of type str"
            query_params["type"] = type
        if with_classes is not None:
            assert isinstance(with_classes, bool), "with_classes should be of type bool"
            query_params["with_classes"] = with_classes
        if with_corpus is not None:
            assert isinstance(with_corpus, bool), "with_corpus should be of type bool"
            query_params["with_corpus"] = with_corpus
        if with_has_children is not None:
            assert isinstance(
                with_has_children, bool
            ), "with_has_children should be of type bool"
            query_params["with_has_children"] = with_has_children
        if with_metadata is not None:
            assert isinstance(
                with_metadata, bool
            ), "with_metadata should be of type bool"
            query_params["with_metadata"] = with_metadata
        if with_zone is not None:
            assert isinstance(with_zone, bool), "with_zone should be of type bool"
            query_params["with_zone"] = with_zone
        if worker_version is not None:
            assert isinstance(
                worker_version, (str, bool)
            ), "worker_version should be of type str or bool"
            if isinstance(worker_version, bool):
                assert (
                    worker_version is False
                ), "if of type bool, worker_version can only be set to False"
            query_params["worker_version"] = worker_version
        if worker_run is not None:
            assert isinstance(
                worker_run, (str, bool)
            ), "worker_run should be of type str or bool"
            if isinstance(worker_run, bool):
                assert (
                    worker_run is False
                ), "if of type bool, worker_run can only be set to False"
            query_params["worker_run"] = worker_run

        if self.use_cache:
            # Checking that we only received query_params handled by the cache
            assert set(query_params.keys()) <= {
            }, "When using the local cache, you can only filter by 'type' and/or 'worker_version' and/or 'worker_run'"

            query = ==
            if type:
                query = query.where(CachedElement.type == type)
            if worker_version is not None:
                # If worker_version=False, filter by manual worker_version e.g. None
                worker_version_id = worker_version or None
                if worker_version_id:
                    query = query.where(
                        CachedElement.worker_version_id == worker_version_id
                    query = query.where(CachedElement.worker_version_id.is_null())

            if worker_run is not None:
                # If worker_run=False, filter by manual worker_run e.g. None
                worker_run_id = worker_run or None
                if worker_run_id:
                    query = query.where(CachedElement.worker_run_id == worker_run_id)
                    query = query.where(CachedElement.worker_run_id.is_null())

            return query
            children = self.api_client.paginate(
                "ListElementChildren",, **query_params

        return children