: Custom command line to be used when launching the Docker container for
this Worker. By default, the command specified in the Dockerfile will be used.
- `shm_size`: Size of the available shared memory in `/dev/shm`. The default value is `64M`, but when training machine learning models an increase might be necessary. The given value must be either an integer, or an integer followed by a unit (`b` for bytes, `k` for kilobytes, `m` for megabytes and `g` for gigabytes). If no unit is specified, the default unit is `bytes`. See the [Docker documentation](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/#runtime-constraints-on-resources).
- `environment`
: Mapping of string keys and string values to define environment variables to be
set when the Docker image runs.
@@ -119,6 +120,7 @@ A parameter is defined using the following settings:
- `float`
- `string`
- `enum`
- `list`
- `dict`
@@ -130,6 +132,9 @@ A parameter is defined using the following settings:
: Optional. A list of options for `enum` type parameters.
: Optional. The type of the elements of `list` type parameters.
This definition allows for both validation of the input and the display of a form to make configuring workers easy for Arkindex users.

@@ -227,6 +232,29 @@ Which will result in the following display for the user:
List-type parameters must be defined using a `title`, the `list` `type` and a `subtype` for the elements inside the list. You can also set a `default` value for this parameter, which must be a list containing elements of the given `subtype`, as well as make it a `required` parameter, which prevents users from leaving it blank.
The allowed `subtype`s are `int`, `float` and `string`.
In the configuration form, list parameters are displayed as rows of input fields.
For example, a list-type parameter can be defined like this:
title: A List of Values
type: list
subtype: int
default: [4, 3, 12]
Which will result in the following display for the user:
Dictionary-type parameters must be defined using a `title`, the `dict` `type`. You can also set a `default` value for this parameter, which must be one a dictionary, as well as make it a `required` parameter, which prevents users from leaving it blank. You can use dictionary parameters for example to specify a correspondence between the classes that are predicted by a worker and the elements that are created on Arkindex from these predictions.