Select Git revision
- Branches 20
- 0.1.x protected
- 117-move-developer-setup-in-a-dedicated-method
- antora
- antora-build
- bump-Pillow
- bump-black
- bump-humanize
- bump-mkdocs-material
- bump-mkdocstrings
- bump-mkdocstrings-python
- bump-peewee
- bump-pymdown-extensions
- bump-pytest
- bump-python-gnupg
- bump-shapely
- cache-use-arkindex-export
- debug-models-publicatin
- default-context
- deprecate-worker-version-usage
- document-local-exec
- Tags 20
- 0.5.0a3
- 0.5.0a2
- 0.5.0a1
- 0.4.0
- 0.4.0rc6
- 0.4.0rc5
- 0.4.0rc4
- 0.4.0rc3
- 0.4.0rc2
- 0.4.0rc1
- 0.4.0b3
- 0.4.0b2
- 0.4.0b1
- 0.4.0a2
- 0.4.0a1
- 0.3.7post1
- 0.3.7
- 0.3.7rc10
- 0.3.7rc9
- 0.3.7rc8
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